define('SQL_SHOW_TABLES', 'SHOW tables;'); define('SQL_BACKUP006', 'RENAME TABLE `%1$scategory` TO `%1$scategory006`, `%1$sfeed` TO `%1$sfeed006`, `%1$sentry` TO `%1$sentry006`;'); define('SQL_SHOW_COLUMNS_UPDATEv006', 'SHOW columns FROM `%1$sentry006` LIKE "id2";'); define('SQL_UPDATEv006', ' ALTER TABLE `%1$scategory006` ADD id2 SMALLINT; SET @i = 0; UPDATE `%1$scategory006` SET id2=(@i:=@i+1) ORDER BY id; ALTER TABLE `%1$sfeed006` ADD id2 SMALLINT, ADD category2 SMALLINT; SET @i = 0; UPDATE `%1$sfeed006` SET id2=(@i:=@i+1) ORDER BY name; UPDATE `%1$sfeed006` f INNER JOIN `%1$scategory006` c ON f.category = SET f.category2 = c.id2; INSERT IGNORE INTO `%2$scategory` (name, color) SELECT name, color FROM `%1$scategory006` ORDER BY id2; INSERT IGNORE INTO `%2$sfeed` (url, category, name, website, description, priority, pathEntries, httpAuth, keep_history) SELECT url, category2, name, website, description, priority, pathEntries, httpAuth, IF(keep_history = 1, -1, -2) FROM `%1$sfeed006` ORDER BY id2; ALTER TABLE `%1$sentry006` ADD id2 bigint; UPDATE `%1$sentry006` SET id2 = ((date * 1000000) + (rand() * 100000000)); INSERT IGNORE INTO `%2$sentry` (id, guid, title, author, link, date, is_read, is_favorite, id_feed, tags) SELECT e0.id2, e0.guid, e0.title,,,, e0.is_read, e0.is_favorite, f0.id2, e0.tags FROM `%1$sentry006` e0 INNER JOIN `%1$sfeed006` f0 ON e0.id_feed =; '); define('SQL_CONVERT_SELECTv006', ' SELECT e0.id2, e0.content FROM `%1$sentry006` e0 INNER JOIN `%2$sentry` e1 ON e0.id2 = WHERE e1.content_bin IS NULL'); define('SQL_CONVERT_UPDATEv006', 'UPDATE `%1$sentry` SET content_bin=COMPRESS(?) WHERE id=?;'); define('SQL_DROP_BACKUPv006', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%1$sentry006`, `%1$sfeed006`, `%1$scategory006`;'); define('SQL_UPDATE_CACHED_VALUES', ' UPDATE `%1$sfeed` f INNER JOIN ( SELECT e.id_feed, COUNT(CASE WHEN e.is_read = 0 THEN 1 END) AS nbUnreads, COUNT( AS nbEntries FROM `%1$sentry` e GROUP BY e.id_feed ) x ON SET f.cache_nbEntries=x.nbEntries, f.cache_nbUnreads=x.nbUnreads '); define('SQL_UPDATE_HISTORYv007b', 'UPDATE `%1$sfeed` SET keep_history = CASE WHEN keep_history = 0 THEN -2 WHEN keep_history = 1 THEN -1 ELSE keep_history END;'); // // gestion internationalisation $translates = array (); $actual = 'en'; function initTranslate () { global $translates; global $actual; $actual = isset($_SESSION['language']) ? $_SESSION['language'] : getBetterLanguage('en'); $file = APP_PATH . '/i18n/' . $actual . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $translates = array_merge($translates, include($file)); } $file = APP_PATH . '/i18n/install.' . $actual . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $translates = array_merge($translates, include($file)); } } function getBetterLanguage ($fallback) { $available = availableLanguages (); $accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; $language = strtolower (substr ($accept, 0, 2)); if (isset ($available[$language])) { return $language; } else { return $fallback; } } function availableLanguages () { return array ( 'en' => 'English', 'fr' => 'Français' ); } function _t ($key) { global $translates; $translate = $key; if (isset ($translates[$key])) { $translate = $translates[$key]; } $args = func_get_args (); unset($args[0]); return vsprintf ($translate, $args); } /*** SAUVEGARDES ***/ function saveLanguage () { if (!empty ($_POST)) { if (!isset ($_POST['language'])) { return false; } $_SESSION['language'] = $_POST['language']; header ('Location: index.php?step=1'); } } function saveStep2 () { if (!empty ($_POST)) { if (empty ($_POST['title']) || empty ($_POST['old_entries']) || empty ($_POST['auth_type']) || empty ($_POST['default_user'])) { return false; } $_SESSION['salt'] = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true).implode('', stat(__FILE__))); $_SESSION['title'] = substr(trim($_POST['title']), 0, 25); $_SESSION['old_entries'] = $_POST['old_entries']; if ((!ctype_digit($_SESSION['old_entries'])) || ($_SESSION['old_entries'] < 1)) { $_SESSION['old_entries'] = 3; } $_SESSION['mail_login'] = filter_var($_POST['mail_login'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $_SESSION['default_user'] = substr(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $_POST['default_user']), 0, 16); $_SESSION['auth_type'] = $_POST['auth_type']; if (!empty($_POST['passwordPlain'])) { $passwordHash = password_hash($_POST['passwordPlain'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array('cost' => BCRYPT_COST)); $passwordHash = preg_replace('/^\$2[xy]\$/', '\$2a\$', $passwordHash); //Compatibility with bcrypt.js $_SESSION['passwordHash'] = $passwordHash; } $token = ''; if ($_SESSION['mail_login']) { $token = sha1($_SESSION['salt'] . $_SESSION['mail_login']); } $config_array = array ( 'language' => $_SESSION['language'], 'theme' => $_SESSION['theme'], 'old_entries' => $_SESSION['old_entries'], 'mail_login' => $_SESSION['mail_login'], 'passwordHash' => $_SESSION['passwordHash'], 'token' => $token, ); $configPath = DATA_PATH . '/' . $_SESSION['default_user'] . '_user.php'; @unlink($configPath); //To avoid access-rights problems file_put_contents($configPath, " array( 'environment' => empty($_SESSION['environment']) ? 'production' : $_SESSION['environment'], 'use_url_rewriting' => false, 'salt' => $_SESSION['salt'], 'base_url' => '', 'title' => $_SESSION['title'], 'default_user' => $_SESSION['default_user'], 'auth_type' => $_SESSION['auth_type'], 'allow_anonymous' => isset($_SESSION['allow_anonymous']) ? $_SESSION['allow_anonymous'] : false, ), 'db' => array( 'type' => $_SESSION['bd_type'], 'host' => $_SESSION['bd_host'], 'user' => $_SESSION['bd_user'], 'password' => $_SESSION['bd_password'], 'base' => $_SESSION['bd_base'], 'prefix' => $_SESSION['bd_prefix'], ), ); @unlink(DATA_PATH . '/config.php'); //To avoid access-rights problems file_put_contents(DATA_PATH . '/config.php', " 'SET NAMES utf8', ); break; case 'sqlite': $str = 'sqlite:' . DATA_PATH . $_SESSION['bd_base'] . '.sqlite'; $driver_options = null; break; default: return false; } $c = new PDO($str, $_SESSION['bd_user'], $_SESSION['bd_password'], $driver_options); $stm = $c->prepare(SQL_SHOW_TABLES); $stm->execute(); $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!in_array($_SESSION['bd_prefix'] . 'entry006', $res)) { return false; } $sql = sprintf(SQL_SHOW_COLUMNS_UPDATEv006, $_SESSION['bd_prefix']); $stm = $c->prepare($sql); $stm->execute(); $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!in_array('id2', $res)) { if (!$perform) { return true; } $sql = sprintf(SQL_UPDATEv006, $_SESSION['bd_prefix'], $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user']); $stm = $c->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true)); $stm->execute(); } $sql = sprintf(SQL_UPDATE_HISTORYv007b, $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user']); $stm = $c->prepare($sql); $stm->execute(); $sql = sprintf(SQL_UPDATE_CACHED_VALUES, $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user']); $stm = $c->prepare($sql); $stm->execute(); $sql = sprintf(SQL_CONVERT_SELECTv006, $_SESSION['bd_prefix'], $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user']); if (!$perform) { $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; } $stm = $c->prepare($sql); $stm->execute(); if (!$perform) { $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); return count($res) > 0; } else { @set_time_limit(300); } $c2 = new PDO($str, $_SESSION['bd_user'], $_SESSION['bd_password'], $driver_options); $sql = sprintf(SQL_CONVERT_UPDATEv006, $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user']); $stm2 = $c2->prepare($sql); while ($row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $id = $row['id2']; $content = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode($row['content']))); $stm2->execute(array($content, $id)); } return true; } catch (PDOException $e) { return false; } return false; } function deleteInstall () { $res = unlink (INDEX_PATH . '/install.php'); if ($res) { header ('Location: index.php'); } $needs = array('bd_type', 'bd_host', 'bd_base', 'bd_user', 'bd_password', 'bd_prefix'); foreach ($needs as $need) { if (!isset($_SESSION[$need])) { return false; } } try { switch ($_SESSION['bd_type']) { case 'mysql': $str = 'mysql:host=' . $_SESSION['bd_host'] . ';dbname=' . $_SESSION['bd_base']; $driver_options = array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8', ); break; case 'sqlite': $str = 'sqlite:' . DATA_PATH . $_SESSION['bd_base'] . '.sqlite'; $driver_options = null; break; default: return false; } $c = new PDO($str, $_SESSION['bd_user'], $_SESSION['bd_password'], $driver_options); $sql = sprintf(SQL_DROP_BACKUPv006, $_SESSION['bd_prefix']); $stm = $c->prepare($sql); $stm->execute(); return true; } catch (PDOException $e) { return false; } return false; } function moveOldFiles() { $mvs = array( '/app/configuration/application.ini' => '/data/application.ini', //v0.6 '/public/data/Configuration.array.php' => '/data/Configuration.array.php', //v0.6 ); $ok = true; foreach ($mvs as $fFrom => $fTo) { if (file_exists(FRESHRSS_PATH . $fFrom)) { if (copy(FRESHRSS_PATH . $fFrom, FRESHRSS_PATH . $fTo)) { @unlink(FRESHRSS_PATH . $fFrom); } else { $ok = false; } } } return $ok; } function delTree($dir) { // if (!is_dir($dir)) { return true; } $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..')); foreach ($files as $file) { $f = $dir . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($f)) { @chmod($f, 0777); delTree($f); } else unlink($f); } return rmdir($dir); } /*** VÉRIFICATIONS ***/ function checkStep () { $s0 = checkStep0 (); $s1 = checkStep1 (); $s2 = checkStep2 (); $s3 = checkStep3 (); if (STEP > 0 && $s0['all'] != 'ok') { header ('Location: index.php?step=0'); } elseif (STEP > 1 && $s1['all'] != 'ok') { header ('Location: index.php?step=1'); } elseif (STEP > 2 && $s2['all'] != 'ok') { header ('Location: index.php?step=2'); } elseif (STEP > 3 && $s3['all'] != 'ok') { header ('Location: index.php?step=3'); } $_SESSION['actualize_feeds'] = true; } function checkStep0 () { moveOldFiles(); if (file_exists(DATA_PATH . '/config.php')) { $ini_array = include(DATA_PATH . '/config.php'); } elseif (file_exists(DATA_PATH . '/application.ini')) { //v0.6 $ini_array = parse_ini_file(DATA_PATH . '/application.ini', true); $ini_array['general']['title'] = empty($ini_array['general']['title']) ? '' : stripslashes($ini_array['general']['title']); } else { $ini_array = null; } if ($ini_array) { $ini_general = isset($ini_array['general']) ? $ini_array['general'] : null; if ($ini_general) { $keys = array('environment', 'salt', 'title', 'default_user', 'allow_anonymous', 'auth_type'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ((empty($_SESSION[$key])) && isset($ini_general[$key])) { $_SESSION[$key] = $ini_general[$key]; } } } $ini_db = isset($ini_array['db']) ? $ini_array['db'] : null; if ($ini_db) { $keys = array('type', 'host', 'user', 'password', 'base', 'prefix'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ((!isset($_SESSION['bd_' . $key])) && isset($ini_db[$key])) { $_SESSION['bd_' . $key] = $ini_db[$key]; } } } } if (isset($_SESSION['default_user']) && file_exists(DATA_PATH . '/' . $_SESSION['default_user'] . '_user.php')) { $userConfig = include(DATA_PATH . '/' . $_SESSION['default_user'] . '_user.php'); } elseif (file_exists(DATA_PATH . '/Configuration.array.php')) { $userConfig = include(DATA_PATH . '/Configuration.array.php'); //v0.6 if (empty($_SESSION['auth_type'])) { $_SESSION['auth_type'] = empty($userConfig['mail_login']) ? 'none' : 'persona'; } if (!isset($_SESSION['allow_anonymous'])) { $_SESSION['allow_anonymous'] = empty($userConfig['anon_access']) ? false : ($userConfig['anon_access'] === 'yes'); } } else { $userConfig = array(); } if (empty($_SESSION['auth_type'])) { //v0.7b $_SESSION['auth_type'] = ''; } $keys = array('language', 'theme', 'old_entries', 'mail_login', 'passwordHash'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ((!isset($_SESSION[$key])) && isset($userConfig[$key])) { $_SESSION[$key] = $userConfig[$key]; } } $languages = availableLanguages (); $language = isset ($_SESSION['language']) && isset ($languages[$_SESSION['language']]); if (empty($_SESSION['passwordHash'])) { //v0.7b $_SESSION['passwordHash'] = ''; } if (empty($_SESSION['theme'])) { $_SESSION['theme'] = 'Origine'; } else { switch (strtolower($_SESSION['theme'])) { case 'default': //v0.7b $_SESSION['theme'] = 'Origine'; break; case 'flat-design': //v0.7b $_SESSION['theme'] = 'Flat'; break; case 'default_dark': //v0.7b $_SESSION['theme'] = 'Dark'; break; } } return array ( 'language' => $language ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'all' => $language ? 'ok' : 'ko' ); } function checkStep1 () { $php = version_compare (PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0') >= 0; $minz = file_exists (LIB_PATH . '/Minz'); $curl = extension_loaded ('curl'); $pdo = extension_loaded ('pdo_mysql'); $pcre = extension_loaded ('pcre'); $ctype = extension_loaded ('ctype'); $dom = class_exists('DOMDocument'); $data = DATA_PATH && is_writable (DATA_PATH); $cache = CACHE_PATH && is_writable (CACHE_PATH); $log = LOG_PATH && is_writable (LOG_PATH); $favicons = is_writable (DATA_PATH . '/favicons'); $persona = is_writable (DATA_PATH . '/persona'); return array ( 'php' => $php ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'minz' => $minz ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'curl' => $curl ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'pdo-mysql' => $pdo ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'pcre' => $pcre ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'ctype' => $ctype ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'dom' => $dom ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'data' => $data ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'cache' => $cache ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'log' => $log ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'favicons' => $favicons ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'persona' => $persona ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'all' => $php && $minz && $curl && $pdo && $pcre && $ctype && $dom && $data && $cache && $log && $favicons && $persona ? 'ok' : 'ko' ); } function checkStep2 () { $conf = !empty($_SESSION['salt']) && !empty($_SESSION['title']) && !empty($_SESSION['old_entries']) && isset($_SESSION['mail_login']) && !empty($_SESSION['default_user']); $defaultUser = empty($_POST['default_user']) ? null : $_POST['default_user']; if ($defaultUser === null) { $defaultUser = empty($_SESSION['default_user']) ? '' : $_SESSION['default_user']; } $data = is_writable(DATA_PATH . '/' . $defaultUser . '_user.php'); if ($data) { @unlink(DATA_PATH . '/Configuration.array.php'); //v0.6 } return array ( 'conf' => $conf ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'data' => $data ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'all' => $conf && $data ? 'ok' : 'ko' ); } function checkStep3 () { $conf = is_writable(DATA_PATH . '/config.php'); $bd = isset ($_SESSION['bd_type']) && isset ($_SESSION['bd_host']) && isset ($_SESSION['bd_user']) && isset ($_SESSION['bd_password']) && isset ($_SESSION['bd_base']) && isset ($_SESSION['bd_prefix']) && isset ($_SESSION['bd_error']); $conn = empty($_SESSION['bd_error']); return array ( 'bd' => $bd ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'conn' => $conn ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'conf' => $conf ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'all' => $bd && $conn && $conf ? 'ok' : 'ko' ); } function checkBD () { $ok = false; try { $str = ''; $driver_options = null; switch ($_SESSION['bd_type']) { case 'mysql': $driver_options = array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8' ); try { // on ouvre une connexion juste pour créer la base si elle n'existe pas $str = 'mysql:host=' . $_SESSION['bd_host'] . ';'; $c = new PDO ($str, $_SESSION['bd_user'], $_SESSION['bd_password'], $driver_options); $sql = sprintf (SQL_CREATE_DB, $_SESSION['bd_base']); $res = $c->query ($sql); } catch (PDOException $e) { } // on écrase la précédente connexion en sélectionnant la nouvelle BDD $str = 'mysql:host=' . $_SESSION['bd_host'] . ';dbname=' . $_SESSION['bd_base']; break; case 'sqlite': $str = 'sqlite:' . DATA_PATH . $_SESSION['bd_base'] . '.sqlite'; break; default: return false; } $c = new PDO ($str, $_SESSION['bd_user'], $_SESSION['bd_password'], $driver_options); $stm = $c->prepare(SQL_SHOW_TABLES); $stm->execute(); $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (in_array($_SESSION['bd_prefix'] . 'entry', $res) && !in_array($_SESSION['bd_prefix'] . 'entry006', $res)) { $sql = sprintf(SQL_BACKUP006, $_SESSION['bd_prefix']); //v0.6 $res = $c->query($sql); //Backup tables } $sql = sprintf(SQL_CREATE_TABLES, $_SESSION['bd_prefix_user']); $stm = $c->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true)); $values = array( 'catName' => _t('default_category'), ); $ok = $stm->execute($values); } catch (PDOException $e) { $ok = false; $_SESSION['bd_error'] = $e->getMessage(); } if (!$ok) { @unlink(DATA_PATH . '/config.php'); } return $ok; } /*** AFFICHAGE ***/ function printStep0 () { global $actual; ?>

<?php echo _t ('freshrss_installation'); ?>