A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Controller to handle every configuration options.
class FreshRSS_configure_Controller extends Minz_ActionController {
* This action is called before every other action in that class. It is
* the common boiler plate for every action. It is triggered by the
* underlying framework.
* @todo see if the category default configuration is needed here or if
* we can move it to the categorize action
public function firstAction() {
if (!$this->view->loginOk) {
array('error' => array(_t('access_denied')))
$catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
* This action handles the category configuration page
* It displays the category configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it loops through
* every category to check for modification then add a new category if
* needed then sends a notification to the user.
* If a category name is emptied, the category is deleted and all
* related feeds are moved to the default category. Related user queries
* are deleted too.
* If a category name is changed, it is updated.
public function categorizeAction() {
$feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
$catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
$defaultCategory = $catDAO->getDefault();
$defaultId = $defaultCategory->id();
if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
$cats = Minz_Request::param('categories', array());
$ids = Minz_Request::param('ids', array());
$newCat = trim(Minz_Request::param('new_category', ''));
foreach ($cats as $key => $name) {
if (strlen($name) > 0) {
$cat = new FreshRSS_Category($name);
$values = array(
'name' => $cat->name(),
$catDAO->updateCategory($ids[$key], $values);
} elseif ($ids[$key] != $defaultId) {
$feedDAO->changeCategory($ids[$key], $defaultId);
// Remove related queries.
$this->view->conf->remove_query_by_get('c_' . $ids[$key]);
if ($newCat != '') {
$cat = new FreshRSS_Category($newCat);
$values = array(
'id' => $cat->id(),
'name' => $cat->name(),
if ($catDAO->searchByName($newCat) == null) {
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'categorize'));
$this->view->categories = $catDAO->listCategories(false);
$this->view->defaultCategory = $catDAO->getDefault();
$this->view->feeds = $feedDAO->listFeeds();
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('categories_management') . ' · ');
* This action handles the feed configuration page.
* It displays the feed configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
* configuraiton values then sends a notification to the user.
* The options available on the page are:
* - name
* - description
* - website URL
* - feed URL
* - category id (default: default category id)
* - CSS path to article on website
* - display in main stream (default: 0)
* - HTTP authentication
* - number of article to retain (default: -2)
* - refresh frequency (default: -2)
* Default values are empty strings unless specified.
public function feedAction() {
$catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
$this->view->categories = $catDAO->listCategories(false);
$feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
$this->view->feeds = $feedDAO->listFeeds();
$id = Minz_Request::param('id');
if ($id == false && !empty($this->view->feeds)) {
$id = current($this->view->feeds)->id();
$this->view->flux = false;
if ($id != false) {
$this->view->flux = $this->view->feeds[$id];
if (!$this->view->flux) {
array('error' => array(_t('page_not_found')))
} else {
if (Minz_Request::isPost() && $this->view->flux) {
$user = Minz_Request::param('http_user', '');
$pass = Minz_Request::param('http_pass', '');
$httpAuth = '';
if ($user != '' || $pass != '') {
$httpAuth = $user . ':' . $pass;
$cat = intval(Minz_Request::param('category', 0));
$values = array(
'name' => Minz_Request::param('name', ''),
'description' => sanitizeHTML(Minz_Request::param('description', '', true)),
'website' => Minz_Request::param('website', ''),
'url' => Minz_Request::param('url', ''),
'category' => $cat,
'pathEntries' => Minz_Request::param('path_entries', ''),
'priority' => intval(Minz_Request::param('priority', 0)),
'httpAuth' => $httpAuth,
'keep_history' => intval(Minz_Request::param('keep_history', -2)),
'ttl' => intval(Minz_Request::param('ttl', -2)),
if ($feedDAO->updateFeed($id, $values)) {
$notif = array(
'type' => 'good',
'content' => _t('feed_updated')
} else {
$notif = array(
'type' => 'bad',
'content' => _t('error_occurred_update')
Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'feed', 'params' => array('id' => $id)), true);
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('rss_feed_management') . ' — ' . $this->view->flux->name() . ' · ');
} else {
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('rss_feed_management') . ' · ');
* This action handles the display configuration page.
* It displays the display configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
* configuration values then sends a notification to the user.
* The options available on the page are:
* - language (default: en)
* - theme (default: Origin)
* - content width (default: thin)
* - display of read action in header
* - display of favorite action in header
* - display of date in header
* - display of open action in header
* - display of read action in footer
* - display of favorite action in footer
* - display of sharing action in footer
* - display of tags in footer
* - display of date in footer
* - display of open action in footer
* - html5 notification timeout (default: 0)
* Default values are false unless specified.
public function displayAction() {
if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
$this->view->conf->_language(Minz_Request::param('language', 'en'));
$this->view->conf->_theme(Minz_Request::param('theme', FreshRSS_Themes::$defaultTheme));
$this->view->conf->_content_width(Minz_Request::param('content_width', 'thin'));
$this->view->conf->_topline_read(Minz_Request::param('topline_read', false));
$this->view->conf->_topline_favorite(Minz_Request::param('topline_favorite', false));
$this->view->conf->_topline_date(Minz_Request::param('topline_date', false));
$this->view->conf->_topline_link(Minz_Request::param('topline_link', false));
$this->view->conf->_bottomline_read(Minz_Request::param('bottomline_read', false));
$this->view->conf->_bottomline_favorite(Minz_Request::param('bottomline_favorite', false));
$this->view->conf->_bottomline_sharing(Minz_Request::param('bottomline_sharing', false));
$this->view->conf->_bottomline_tags(Minz_Request::param('bottomline_tags', false));
$this->view->conf->_bottomline_date(Minz_Request::param('bottomline_date', false));
$this->view->conf->_bottomline_link(Minz_Request::param('bottomline_link', false));
$this->view->conf->_html5_notif_timeout(Minz_Request::param('html5_notif_timeout', 0));
Minz_Session::_param('language', $this->view->conf->language);
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'display'));
$this->view->themes = FreshRSS_Themes::get();
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('display_configuration') . ' · ');
* This action handles the reading configuration page.
* It displays the reading configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
* configuration values then sends a notification to the user.
* The options available on the page are:
* - number of posts per page (default: 10)
* - view mode (default: normal)
* - default article view (default: all)
* - load automatically articles
* - display expanded articles
* - display expanded categories
* - hide categories and feeds without unread articles
* - jump on next category or feed when marked as read
* - image lazy loading
* - stick open articles to the top
* - display a confirmation when reading all articles
* - article order (default: DESC)
* - mark articles as read when:
* - displayed
* - opened on site
* - scrolled
* - received
* Default values are false unless specified.
public function readingAction() {
if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
$this->view->conf->_posts_per_page(Minz_Request::param('posts_per_page', 10));
$this->view->conf->_view_mode(Minz_Request::param('view_mode', 'normal'));
$this->view->conf->_default_view((int)Minz_Request::param('default_view', FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL));
$this->view->conf->_auto_load_more(Minz_Request::param('auto_load_more', false));
$this->view->conf->_display_posts(Minz_Request::param('display_posts', false));
$this->view->conf->_display_categories(Minz_Request::param('display_categories', false));
$this->view->conf->_hide_read_feeds(Minz_Request::param('hide_read_feeds', false));
$this->view->conf->_onread_jump_next(Minz_Request::param('onread_jump_next', false));
$this->view->conf->_lazyload(Minz_Request::param('lazyload', false));
$this->view->conf->_sticky_post(Minz_Request::param('sticky_post', false));
$this->view->conf->_reading_confirm(Minz_Request::param('reading_confirm', false));
$this->view->conf->_sort_order(Minz_Request::param('sort_order', 'DESC'));
'article' => Minz_Request::param('mark_open_article', false),
'site' => Minz_Request::param('mark_open_site', false),
'scroll' => Minz_Request::param('mark_scroll', false),
'reception' => Minz_Request::param('mark_upon_reception', false),
Minz_Session::_param('language', $this->view->conf->language);
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'reading'));
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('reading_configuration') . ' · ');
* This action handles the sharing configuration page.
* It displays the sharing configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all
* configuration values then sends a notification to the user.
public function sharingAction() {
if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
$params = Minz_Request::params();
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'sharing'));
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('sharing') . ' · ');
* This action handles the shortcut configuration page.
* It displays the shortcut configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
* configuration values then sends a notification to the user.
* The authorized values for shortcuts are letters (a to z), numbers (0
* to 9), function keys (f1 to f12), backspace, delete, down, end, enter,
* escape, home, insert, left, page down, page up, return, right, space,
* tab and up.
public function shortcutAction() {
$list_keys = array('a', 'b', 'backspace', 'c', 'd', 'delete', 'down', 'e', 'end', 'enter',
'escape', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'home', 'i', 'insert', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'left',
'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'page_down', 'page_up', 'q', 'r', 'return', 'right',
's', 'space', 't', 'tab', 'u', 'up', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y',
'z', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9',
'f10', 'f11', 'f12');
$this->view->list_keys = $list_keys;
if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
$shortcuts = Minz_Request::param('shortcuts');
$shortcuts_ok = array();
foreach ($shortcuts as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value, $list_keys)) {
$shortcuts_ok[$key] = $value;
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'shortcut'));
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('shortcuts') . ' · ');
* This action display the user configuration page
* @todo move that action in the user controller
public function usersAction() {
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('users') . ' · ');
* This action handles the archive configuration page.
* It displays the archive configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
* configuration values then sends a notification to the user.
* The options available on that page are:
* - duration to retain old article (default: 3)
* - number of article to retain per feed (default: 0)
* - refresh frequency (default: -2)
* @todo explain why the default value is -2 but this value does not
* exist in the drop-down list
public function archivingAction() {
if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
$this->view->conf->_old_entries(Minz_Request::param('old_entries', 3));
$this->view->conf->_keep_history_default(Minz_Request::param('keep_history_default', 0));
$this->view->conf->_ttl_default(Minz_Request::param('ttl_default', -2));
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'archiving'));
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('archiving_configuration') . ' · ');
$entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao();
$this->view->nb_total = $entryDAO->count();
$this->view->size_user = $entryDAO->size();
if (Minz_Configuration::isAdmin(Minz_Session::param('currentUser', '_'))) {
$this->view->size_total = $entryDAO->size(true);
* This action handles the user queries configuration page.
* If this action is reached through a POST request, it stores all new
* configuration values then sends a notification to the user then
* redirect to the same page.
* If this action is not reached through a POST request, it displays the
* configuration page and verifies that every user query is runable by
* checking if categories and feeds are still in use.
public function queriesAction() {
if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
$queries = Minz_Request::param('queries', array());
foreach ($queries as $key => $query) {
if (!$query['name']) {
$query['name'] = _t('query_number', $key + 1);
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'queries'));
} else {
$this->view->query_get = array();
$cat_dao = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
$feed_dao = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
foreach ($this->view->conf->queries as $key => $query) {
if (!isset($query['get'])) {
switch ($query['get'][0]) {
case 'c':
$category = $cat_dao->searchById(substr($query['get'], 2));
$deprecated = true;
$cat_name = '';
if ($category) {
$cat_name = $category->name();
$deprecated = false;
$this->view->query_get[$key] = array(
'type' => 'category',
'name' => $cat_name,
'deprecated' => $deprecated,
case 'f':
$feed = $feed_dao->searchById(substr($query['get'], 2));
$deprecated = true;
$feed_name = '';
if ($feed) {
$feed_name = $feed->name();
$deprecated = false;
$this->view->query_get[$key] = array(
'type' => 'feed',
'name' => $feed_name,
'deprecated' => $deprecated,
case 's':
$this->view->query_get[$key] = array(
'type' => 'favorite',
'name' => 'favorite',
'deprecated' => false,
case 'a':
$this->view->query_get[$key] = array(
'type' => 'all',
'name' => 'all',
'deprecated' => false,
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('queries') . ' · ');
* This action handles the creation of a user query.
* It gets the GET parameters and stores them in the configuration query
* storage. Before it is saved, the unwanted parameters are unset to keep
* lean data.
public function addQueryAction() {
$whitelist = array('get', 'order', 'name', 'search', 'state');
$queries = $this->view->conf->queries;
$query = Minz_Request::params();
$query['name'] = _t('query_number', count($queries) + 1);
foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, $whitelist)) {
if (!empty($query['state']) && $query['state'] & FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_STRICT) {
$query['state'] -= FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_STRICT;
$queries[] = $query;
Minz_Request::good(_t('query_created', $query['name']),
array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'queries'));