A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

115 lines
4.1 KiB

return array(
'api' => array(
'documentation' => '复制以下地址,以供外部工具使用',
'title' => 'API',
'bookmarklet' => array(
'documentation' => '拖动此书签到你的书签栏或者右键选择「收藏此链接」,然后在你想要订阅的页面上点击「订阅」按钮',
'label' => '订阅',
'title' => '书签应用',
'category' => array(
'add' => '添加分类',
'archiving' => '归档',
'empty' => '空分类',
'information' => '信息',
'new' => '新分类',
'position' => '显示位置',
'position_help' => '控制分类排列顺序',
'title' => '标题',
'_' => '分类',
'feed' => array(
'add' => '添加订阅源',
'advanced' => '高级',
'archiving' => '归档',
'auth' => array(
'configuration' => '认证',
'help' => '用于连接启用 HTTP 认证的订阅源',
'http' => 'HTTP 认证',
'password' => 'HTTP 密码',
'username' => 'HTTP 用户名',
'clear_cache' => '总是清除缓存',
'css_help' => '用于获取全文(注意,这将耗费更多时间!)',
'css_path' => '原文的 CSS 选择器',
'description' => '描述',
'empty' => '此源为空。请确认它是否正常更新。',
'error' => '此源遇到一些问题。请在确认是否能正常访问后重试。',
'filteractions' => array(
'help' => '每行写一条过滤搜索',
'_' => '过滤动作',
'information' => '信息',
'keep_min' => '至少保存的文章数',
'maintenance' => array(
'clear_cache' => 'Clear cache', // TODO - Translation
'clear_cache_help' => 'Clear the cache of this feed on disk', // TODO - Translation
'reload_articles' => 'Reload articles', // TODO - Translation
'reload_articles_help' => 'Reload articles and fetch complete content', // TODO - Translation
'title' => 'Maintenance', // TODO - Translation
'moved_category_deleted' => '删除分类时,其中的订阅源会自动归类到 <em>%s</em>',
'mute' => '暂停',
'no_selected' => '未选择订阅源',
'number_entries' => '%d 篇文章',
'priority' => array(
'archived' => '不显示(归档)',
'main_stream' => '在首页中显示',
'normal' => '在分类中显示',
'_' => '可见性',
'selector_preview' => array(
'show_raw' => 'Show source', // TODO - Translation
'show_rendered' => 'Show content', // TODO - Translation
'show' => array(
'all' => '显示所有订阅源',
'error' => '仅显示有错误的订阅源',
'showing' => array(
'error' => '正在显示有错误的订阅源',
'ssl_verify' => '验证 SSL 证书安全',
'stats' => '统计',
'think_to_add' => '你可以添加一些订阅源。',
'timeout' => '超时时间(秒)',
'title' => '标题',
'title_add' => '添加订阅源',
'ttl' => '最小自动更新间隔',
'url' => '源地址',
'validator' => '检查订阅源有效性',
'website' => '网站地址',
'websub' => 'WebSub 即时通知',
'firefox' => array(
'documentation' => '按照 <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Releases/2/Adding_feed_readers_to_Firefox#Adding_a_new_feed_reader_manually">这里</a> 描述的步骤可将 FreshRSS 添加到火狐阅读器列表',
'obsolete_63' => '从火狐63版本开始取消了添加自己非独立程序的订阅服务功能',
'title' => '火狐 RSS 阅读器',
'import_export' => array(
'export' => '导出',
'export_labelled' => '导出有标签的文章',
'export_opml' => '导出订阅源列表(OPML)',
'export_starred' => '导出你的收藏',
'feed_list' => '%s 文章列表',
'file_to_import' => '需要导入的文件<br />(OPML、JSON 或 ZIP)',
'file_to_import_no_zip' => '需要导入的文件<br />(OPML 或 JSON)',
'import' => '导入',
'starred_list' => '收藏文章列表',
'title' => '导入/导出',
'menu' => array(
'bookmark' => '订阅(FreshRSS 书签)',
'import_export' => '导入/导出',
'subscription_management' => '订阅管理',
'subscription_tools' => '订阅工具',
'title' => array(
'feed_management' => '订阅源管理',
'subscription_tools' => '订阅工具',
'_' => '订阅管理',