A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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class FreshRSS_EntryDAOSQLite extends FreshRSS_EntryDAO {
protected function autoUpdateDb($errorInfo) {
if (empty($errorInfo[0]) || $errorInfo[0] == '42S22') { //ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR
if ($tableInfo = $this->bd->query("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master where name='entry'")) {
$showCreate = $tableInfo->fetchColumn();
Minz_Log::debug('FreshRSS_EntryDAOSQLite::autoUpdateDb: ' . $showCreate);
foreach (array('lastSeen', 'hash') as $column) {
if (stripos($showCreate, $column) === false) {
return $this->addColumn($column);
return false;
protected function sqlConcat($s1, $s2) {
return $s1 . '||' . $s2;
protected function updateCacheUnreads($catId = false, $feedId = false) {
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->prefix . 'feed` '
. 'SET cache_nbUnreads=('
. 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbUnreads FROM `' . $this->prefix . 'entry` e '
. 'WHERE e.id_feed=`' . $this->prefix . 'feed`.id AND e.is_read=0) '
. 'WHERE 1';
$values = array();
if ($feedId !== false) {
$sql .= ' AND id=?';
$values[] = $feedId;
if ($catId !== false) {
$sql .= ' AND category=?';
$values[] = $catId;
$stm = $this->bd->prepare($sql);
if ($stm && $stm->execute($values)) {
return true;
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? array(2 => 'syntax error') : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error updateCacheUnreads: ' . $info[2]);
return false;
* Toggle the read marker on one or more article.
* Then the cache is updated.
* @todo change the way the query is build because it seems there is
* unnecessary code in here. For instance, the part with the str_repeat.
* @todo remove code duplication. It seems the code is basically the
* same if it is an array or not.
* @param integer|array $ids
* @param boolean $is_read
* @return integer affected rows
public function markRead($ids, $is_read = true) {
if (is_array($ids)) { //Many IDs at once (used by API)
if (true) { //Speed heuristics //TODO: Not implemented yet for SQLite (so always call IDs one by one)
$affected = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$affected += $this->markRead($id, $is_read);
return $affected;
} else {
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->prefix . 'entry` SET is_read=? WHERE id=? AND is_read=?';
$values = array($is_read ? 1 : 0, $ids, $is_read ? 0 : 1);
$stm = $this->bd->prepare($sql);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute($values))) {
$info = $stm == null ? array(2 => 'syntax error') : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error markRead 1: ' . $info[2]);
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if ($affected > 0) {
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->prefix . 'feed` SET cache_nbUnreads=cache_nbUnreads' . ($is_read ? '-' : '+') . '1 '
. 'WHERE id=(SELECT e.id_feed FROM `' . $this->prefix . 'entry` e WHERE e.id=?)';
$values = array($ids);
$stm = $this->bd->prepare($sql);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute($values))) {
$info = $stm == null ? array(2 => 'syntax error') : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error markRead 2: ' . $info[2]);
return false;
return $affected;
* Mark all entries as read depending on parameters.
* If $onlyFavorites is true, it is used when the user mark as read in
* the favorite pseudo-category.
* If $priorityMin is greater than 0, it is used when the user mark as
* read in the main feed pseudo-category.
* Then the cache is updated.
* If $idMax equals 0, a deprecated debug message is logged
* @todo refactor this method along with markReadCat and markReadFeed
* since they are all doing the same thing. I think we need to build a
* tool to generate the query instead of having queries all over the
* place. It will be reused also for the filtering making every thing
* separated.
* @param integer $idMax fail safe article ID
* @param boolean $onlyFavorites
* @param integer $priorityMin
* @return integer affected rows
public function markReadEntries($idMax = 0, $onlyFavorites = false, $priorityMin = 0) {
if ($idMax == 0) {
$idMax = time() . '000000';
Minz_Log::debug('Calling markReadEntries(0) is deprecated!');
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->prefix . 'entry` SET is_read=1 WHERE is_read=0 AND id <= ?';
if ($onlyFavorites) {
$sql .= ' AND is_favorite=1';
} elseif ($priorityMin >= 0) {
$sql .= ' AND id_feed IN (SELECT f.id FROM `' . $this->prefix . 'feed` f WHERE f.priority > ' . intval($priorityMin) . ')';
$values = array($idMax);
$stm = $this->bd->prepare($sql);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute($values))) {
$info = $stm == null ? array(2 => 'syntax error') : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error markReadEntries: ' . $info[2]);
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if (($affected > 0) && (!$this->updateCacheUnreads(false, false))) {
return false;
return $affected;
* Mark all the articles in a category as read.
* There is a fail safe to prevent to mark as read articles that are
* loaded during the mark as read action. Then the cache is updated.
* If $idMax equals 0, a deprecated debug message is logged
* @param integer $id category ID
* @param integer $idMax fail safe article ID
* @return integer affected rows
public function markReadCat($id, $idMax = 0) {
if ($idMax == 0) {
$idMax = time() . '000000';
Minz_Log::debug('Calling markReadCat(0) is deprecated!');
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->prefix . 'entry` '
. 'SET is_read=1 '
. 'WHERE is_read=0 AND id <= ? AND '
. 'id_feed IN (SELECT f.id FROM `' . $this->prefix . 'feed` f WHERE f.category=?)';
$values = array($idMax, $id);
$stm = $this->bd->prepare($sql);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute($values))) {
$info = $stm == null ? array(2 => 'syntax error') : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error markReadCat: ' . $info[2]);
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if (($affected > 0) && (!$this->updateCacheUnreads($id, false))) {
return false;
return $affected;
public function optimizeTable() {
//TODO: Search for an equivalent in SQLite
public function size($all = false) {
return @filesize(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'users', $this->current_user, 'db.sqlite'));