"use strict"; var $stream = null; function is_normal_mode() { return $stream.hasClass('normal'); } function is_global_mode() { return $stream.hasClass('global'); } function redirect(url, new_tab) { if (url) { if (new_tab) { window.open(url); } else { location.href = url; } } } function incLabel(p, inc) { var i = (parseInt(p.replace(/\D/g, ''), 10) || 0) + inc; return i > 0 ? ' (' + i + ')' : ''; } function mark_read(active, only_not_read) { if (active[0] === undefined || (only_not_read === true && !active.hasClass("not_read"))) { return false; } var url = active.find("a.read").attr("href"); if (url === undefined) { return false; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data : { ajax: true } }).done(function (data) { var res = $.parseJSON(data); active.find("a.read").attr("href", res.url); var inc = 0; if (active.hasClass("not_read")) { active.removeClass("not_read"); inc--; } else if (only_not_read !== true || active.hasClass("not_read")) { active.addClass("not_read"); inc++; } //Update unread: feed var feed_url = active.find(".website>a").attr("href"), feed_id = feed_url.substr(feed_url.lastIndexOf('f_')), elem = $('#' + feed_id + ' .feed').get(0), feed_unread = elem ? (parseInt(elem.getAttribute('data-unread'), 10) || 0) : 0, feed_priority = elem ? (parseInt(elem.getAttribute('data-priority'), 10) || 0) : 0; elem.setAttribute('data-unread', Math.max(0, feed_unread + inc)); //Update unread: category elem = $('#' + feed_id).parent().prevAll('.category').children(':first').get(0); feed_unread = elem ? (parseInt(elem.getAttribute('data-unread'), 10) || 0) : 0; elem.setAttribute('data-unread', Math.max(0, feed_unread + inc)); //Update unread: all if (feed_priority > 0) { elem = $('#aside_flux .all').children(':first').get(0); feed_unread = elem ? 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} } function prev_entry() { var old_active = $(".flux.active"), last_active = $(".flux:last"), new_active = old_active.prevAll(".flux:first"); if (new_active.hasClass("flux")) { toggleContent(new_active, old_active); } else if (old_active[0] === undefined && new_active[0] === undefined) { toggleContent(last_active, old_active); } } function next_entry() { var old_active = $(".flux.active"), first_active = $(".flux:first"), last_active = $(".flux:last"), new_active = old_active.nextAll(".flux:first"); if (new_active.hasClass("flux")) { toggleContent(new_active, old_active); } else if (old_active[0] === undefined && new_active[0] === undefined) { toggleContent(first_active, old_active); } if ((!auto_load_more) && (last_active.attr("id") === new_active.attr("id"))) { load_more_posts(); } } /*function init_img() { var maxWidth = $(".flux_content .content").width() / 2; $(".flux_content .content img").each(function () { if ($(this).width() > maxWidth) { $(this).addClass("big"); } }); }*/ function inMarkViewport(flux, box_to_follow, relative_follow) { var top = flux.position().top; 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if (!load_more.is(':visible')) { return; } var boxBot = box_to_follow.scrollTop() + box_to_follow.height(), load_more_top = load_more.position().top; if (relative_follow) { load_more_top += box_to_follow.scrollTop(); } if (boxBot >= load_more_top) { load_more_posts(); } }); } } function init_column_categories() { if (!is_normal_mode()) { return; } $('#aside_flux').on('click', '.category>a.dropdown-toggle', function () { $(this).children().toggleClass("i_down").toggleClass("i_up"); $(this).parent().next(".feeds").slideToggle(); return false; }); } function init_shortcuts() { if (!(window.shortcut && window.shortcuts)) { if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS waiting for sortcut.js…'); } window.setTimeout(init_persona, 50); return; } // Touches de manipulation shortcut.add(shortcuts.mark_read, function () { // on marque comme lu ou non lu var active = $(".flux.active"); mark_read(active, false); }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); shortcut.add("shift+" + shortcuts.mark_read, function () { // on marque tout comme lu var url = $(".nav_menu a.read_all").attr("href"); redirect(url, false); }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); shortcut.add(shortcuts.mark_favorite, function () { // on marque comme favori ou non favori var active = $(".flux.active"); mark_favorite(active); }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); // Touches de navigation shortcut.add(shortcuts.prev_entry, prev_entry, { 'disable_in_input': true }); shortcut.add("shift+" + shortcuts.prev_entry, function () { var old_active = $(".flux.active"), first = $(".flux:first"); if (first.hasClass("flux")) { toggleContent(first, old_active); } }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); shortcut.add(shortcuts.next_entry, next_entry, { 'disable_in_input': true }); shortcut.add("shift+" + shortcuts.next_entry, function () { var old_active = $(".flux.active"), last = $(".flux:last"); if (last.hasClass("flux")) { toggleContent(last, old_active); } }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); shortcut.add(shortcuts.go_website, function () { var url_website = $(".flux.active .link a").attr("href"); if (auto_mark_site) { $(".flux.active").each(function () { mark_read($(this), true); }); } redirect(url_website, true); }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); } function init_stream_delegates(divStream) { divStream.on('click', '.flux_header>.item.title, .flux_header>.item.date', function (e) { //flux_header_toggle var old_active = $(".flux.active"), new_active = $(this).parent().parent(); if (e.target.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'A') { //Leave real links alone if (auto_mark_article) { mark_read(new_active, true); } return true; } toggleContent(new_active, old_active); }); divStream.on('click', '.flux a.read', function () { var active = $(this).parents(".flux"); mark_read(active, false); return false; }); divStream.on('click', '.flux a.bookmark', function () { var active = $(this).parents(".flux"); mark_favorite(active); return false; }); divStream.on('click', '.flux .content a', function () { $(this).attr('target', '_blank'); }); divStream.on('click', '.item.title>a', function (e) { if (e.ctrlKey) { return true; //Allow default control-click behaviour such as open in backround-tab } $(this).parent().click(); //Will perform toggle flux_content return false; }); divStream.on('click', '.bigMarkAsRead', function () { var url = $(".nav_menu .read_all").attr("href"); redirect(url, false); return false; }); if (auto_mark_site) { divStream.on('click', '.flux .link a', function () { mark_read($(this).parent().parent().parent(), true); }); } } function init_nav_entries() { var $nav_entries = $('#nav_entries'); $nav_entries.find('.previous_entry').click(function () { prev_entry(); return false; }); $nav_entries.find('.next_entry').click(function () { next_entry(); return false; }); $nav_entries.find('.up').click(function () { var active_item = $(".flux.active"), windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(), item_top = active_item.position().top; if (windowTop > item_top) { $("html,body").scrollTop(item_top); } else { $("html,body").scrollTop(0); } return false; }); } function init_templates() { $('#aside_flux').on('click', '.feeds .dropdown-toggle', function () { if ($(this).nextAll('.dropdown-menu').length === 0) { var feed_id = $(this).closest('li').attr('id').substr(2), feed_web = $(this).data('fweb'), template = $('#feed_config_template').html().replace(/!!!!!!/g, feed_id).replace('http://example.net/', feed_web); $(this).attr('href', '#dropdown-' + feed_id).prev('.dropdown-target').attr('id', 'dropdown-' + feed_id).parent().append(template); } }); } function init_actualize() { $("#actualize").click(function () { $.getScript('./?c=javascript&a=actualize').done(function () { updateFeeds(); }); return false; }); } function closeNotification() { $(".notification").slideUp(200, function () { $(".notification").remove(); }); } function init_notifications() { var notif = $(".notification"); if (notif[0] !== undefined) { window.setInterval(closeNotification, 4000); notif.find("a.close").click(function () { closeNotification(); return false; }); } } // var url_load_more = "", load_more = false; function load_more_posts() { if (load_more || url_load_more === '') { return; } load_more = true; $('#load_more').addClass('loading'); $.get(url_load_more, function (data) { $stream.children('.flux:last').after($('#stream', data).children('.flux')); $('.pagination').replaceWith($('.pagination', data)); init_load_more(); init_lazyload(); $('#load_more').removeClass('loading'); load_more = false; }); } function init_load_more() { var $next_link = $("#load_more"); if (!$next_link.length) { // no more article to load url_load_more = ""; return; } url_load_more = $next_link.attr("href"); var $prefetch = $('#prefetch'); if ($prefetch.attr('href') !== url_load_more) { $prefetch.attr('rel', 'next'); //Remove prefetch $.ajax({url: url_load_more, ifModified: true }); //TODO: Try to find a less agressive solution $prefetch.attr('href', url_load_more); } $next_link.click(function () { load_more_posts(); return false; }); } // // function init_persona() { if (!(navigator.id)) { if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS waiting for Persona…'); } window.setTimeout(init_persona, 100); return; } $('a.signin').click(function() { navigator.id.request(); return false; }); $('a.signout').click(function() { navigator.id.logout(); return false; }); navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: current_user_mail, onlogin: function(assertion) { // A user has logged in! Here you need to: // 1. Send the assertion to your backend for verification and to create a session. // 2. Update your UI. $.ajax ({ type: 'POST', url: url_login, data: {assertion: assertion}, success: function(res, status, xhr) { var res_obj = jQuery.parseJSON(res); if (res_obj.status == 'failure') { //alert (res_obj.reason); } else if (res_obj.status == 'okay') { location.href = url_freshrss; } }, error: function(res, status, xhr) { alert("login failure : " + res); } }); }, onlogout: function() { // A user has logged out! Here you need to: // Tear down the user's session by redirecting the user or making a call to your backend. // Also, make sure loggedInUser will get set to null on the next page load. // (That's a literal JavaScript null. Not false, 0, or undefined. null.) $.ajax ({ type: 'POST', url: url_logout, success: function(res, status, xhr) { location.href = url_freshrss; }, error: function(res, status, xhr) { //alert("logout failure" + res); } }); } }); } // function init_all() { if (!(window.$ && window.url_freshrss && ((!full_lazyload) || $.fn.lazyload))) { if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS waiting for JS…'); } window.setTimeout(init_all, 50); return; } $stream = $('#stream'); init_posts(); init_column_categories(); init_shortcuts(); init_stream_delegates($stream); init_nav_entries(); init_templates(); init_notifications(); init_actualize(); init_load_more(); init_persona(); if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS init done.'); } } if (document.readyState && document.readyState !== 'loading') { if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS immediate init…'); } init_all(); } else if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS waiting for DOMContentLoaded…'); } init_all(); }, false); }