bd->prepare(str_replace('%_', $this->prefix, $sql)); } } function logMe($text) { file_put_contents(join_path(USERS_PATH, '_', 'log_api.txt'), $text, FILE_APPEND); } function debugInfo() { if (function_exists('getallheaders')) { $ALL_HEADERS = getallheaders(); } else { //nginx $ALL_HEADERS = ''; foreach ($_SERVER as $name => $value) { if (substr($name, 0, 5) === 'HTTP_') { $ALL_HEADERS[str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($name, 5)))))] = $value; } } } global $ORIGINAL_INPUT; return print_r(array('date' => date('c'), 'headers' => $ALL_HEADERS, '_SERVER' => $_SERVER, '_GET' => $_GET, '_POST' => $_POST, '_COOKIE' => $_COOKIE, 'INPUT' => $ORIGINAL_INPUT), true); } function badRequest() { logMe("badRequest()\n"); logMe(debugInfo()); header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); die('Bad Request!'); } function unauthorized() { logMe("unauthorized()\n"); logMe(debugInfo()); header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); header('Google-Bad-Token: true'); die('Unauthorized!'); } function notImplemented() { logMe("notImplemented()\n"); logMe(debugInfo()); header('HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented'); header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); die('Not Implemented!'); } function serviceUnavailable() { logMe("serviceUnavailable()\n"); header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable'); header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); die('Service Unavailable!'); } function checkCompatibility() { logMe("checkCompatibility()\n"); header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); if (PHP_INT_SIZE < 8 && !function_exists('gmp_init')) { die('FAIL 64-bit or GMP extension!'); } if ((!array_key_exists('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', $_SERVER)) && //Apache mod_rewrite trick should be fine (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) || (stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') === false)) && //nginx should be fine (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) || (stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'lighttpd') === false)) && //lighttpd should be fine ((!function_exists('getallheaders')) || (stripos(php_sapi_name(), 'cgi') !== false))) { //Main problem is Apache/CGI mode die('FAIL getallheaders! (probably)'); } echo 'PASS'; exit(); } function authorizationToUser() { $headerAuth = headerVariable('Authorization', 'GoogleLogin_auth'); //Input is 'GoogleLogin auth', but PHP replaces spaces by '_' if ($headerAuth != '') { $headerAuthX = explode('/', $headerAuth, 2); if (count($headerAuthX) === 2) { $user = $headerAuthX[0]; if (ctype_alnum($user)) { $conf = get_user_configuration($user); if (is_null($conf)) { Minz_Log::warning('Invalid API user ' . $user . ': configuration cannot be found.'); unauthorized(); } $system_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system'); if ($headerAuthX[1] === sha1($system_conf->salt . $user . $conf->apiPasswordHash)) { return $user; } else { logMe('Invalid API authorisation for user ' . $user . ': ' . $headerAuthX[1] . "\n"); Minz_Log::warning('Invalid API authorisation for user ' . $user . ': ' . $headerAuthX[1]); unauthorized(); } } else { badRequest(); } } } return ''; } function clientLogin($email, $pass) { // logMe('clientLogin(' . $email . ")\n"); if (ctype_alnum($email)) { if (!function_exists('password_verify')) { include_once(LIB_PATH . '/password_compat.php'); } $conf = get_user_configuration($email); if (is_null($conf)) { Minz_Log::warning('Invalid API user ' . $email . ': configuration cannot be found.'); unauthorized(); } if ($conf->apiPasswordHash != '' && password_verify($pass, $conf->apiPasswordHash)) { header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); $system_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system'); $auth = $email . '/' . sha1($system_conf->salt . $email . $conf->apiPasswordHash); echo 'SID=', $auth, "\n", 'Auth=', $auth, "\n"; exit(); } else { Minz_Log::warning('Password API mismatch for user ' . $email); unauthorized(); } } else { badRequest(); } die(); } function token($conf) { // // $user = Minz_Session::param('currentUser', '_'); logMe('token('. $user . ")\n"); //TODO: Implement real token that expires $system_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system'); $token = str_pad(sha1($system_conf->salt . $user . $conf->apiPasswordHash), 57, 'Z'); //Must have 57 characters echo $token, "\n"; exit(); } function checkToken($conf, $token) { // $user = Minz_Session::param('currentUser', '_'); logMe('checkToken(' . $token . ")\n"); $system_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system'); if ($token === str_pad(sha1($system_conf->salt . $user . $conf->apiPasswordHash), 57, 'Z')) { return true; } unauthorized(); } function tagList() { logMe("tagList()\n"); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $pdo = new MyPDO(); $stm = $pdo->prepare('SELECT FROM `%_category` c'); $stm->execute(); $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); $tags = array( array('id' => 'user/-/state/'), //array('id' => 'user/-/state/', 'sortid' => '2'), ); foreach ($res as $cName) { $tags[] = array( 'id' => 'user/-/label/' . $cName, //'sortid' => $cName, ); } echo json_encode(array('tags' => $tags)), "\n"; exit(); } function subscriptionList() { logMe("subscriptionList()\n"); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $pdo = new MyPDO(); $stm = $pdo->prepare('SELECT,, f.url,, as c_id, as c_name FROM `%_feed` f INNER JOIN `%_category` c ON = f.category'); $stm->execute(); $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $subscriptions = array(); foreach ($res as $line) { $subscriptions[] = array( 'id' => 'feed/' . $line['id'], 'title' => $line['name'], 'categories' => array( array( 'id' => 'user/-/label/' . $line['c_name'], 'label' => $line['c_name'], ), ), //'sortid' => $line['name'], //'firstitemmsec' => 0, 'url' => $line['url'], 'htmlUrl' => $line['website'], //'iconUrl' => '', ); } echo json_encode(array('subscriptions' => $subscriptions)), "\n"; exit(); } function unreadCount() { // logMe("unreadCount()\n"); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $totalUnreads = 0; $totalLastUpdate = 0; $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); foreach ($categoryDAO->listCategories(true, true) as $cat) { $catLastUpdate = 0; foreach ($cat->feeds() as $feed) { $lastUpdate = $feed->lastUpdate(); $unreadcounts[] = array( 'id' => 'feed/' . $feed->id(), 'count' => $feed->nbNotRead(), 'newestItemTimestampUsec' => $lastUpdate . '000000', ); if ($catLastUpdate < $lastUpdate) { $catLastUpdate = $lastUpdate; } } $unreadcounts[] = array( 'id' => 'user/-/label/' . $cat->name(), 'count' => $cat->nbNotRead(), 'newestItemTimestampUsec' => $catLastUpdate . '000000', ); $totalUnreads += $cat->nbNotRead(); if ($totalLastUpdate < $catLastUpdate) { $totalLastUpdate = $catLastUpdate; } } $unreadcounts[] = array( 'id' => 'user/-/state/', 'count' => $totalUnreads, 'newestItemTimestampUsec' => $totalLastUpdate . '000000', ); echo json_encode(array( 'max' => $totalUnreads, 'unreadcounts' => $unreadcounts, )), "\n"; exit(); } function streamContents($path, $include_target, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target, $continuation) { // // logMe("streamContents($path, $include_target, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target, $continuation)\n"); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); $arrayFeedCategoryNames = $feedDAO->arrayFeedCategoryNames(); switch ($path) { case 'reading-list': $type = 'A'; break; case 'starred': $type = 's'; break; case 'feed': $type = 'f'; break; case 'label': $type = 'c'; $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); $cat = $categoryDAO->searchByName($include_target); $include_target = $cat == null ? -1 : $cat->id(); break; default: $type = 'A'; break; } switch ($exclude_target) { case 'user/-/state/': $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_NOT_READ; break; default: $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL; break; } if (!empty($continuation)) { $count++; //Shift by one element } $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); $entries = $entryDAO->listWhere($type, $include_target, $state, $order === 'o' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC', $count, $continuation, new FreshRSS_Search(''), $start_time); $items = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $f_id = $entry->feed(); if (isset($arrayFeedCategoryNames[$f_id])) { $c_name = $arrayFeedCategoryNames[$f_id]['c_name']; $f_name = $arrayFeedCategoryNames[$f_id]['name']; } else { $c_name = '_'; $f_name = '_'; } $item = array( 'id' => /*',2005:reader/item/' .*/ dec2hex($entry->id()), //64-bit hexa 'crawlTimeMsec' => substr($entry->id(), 0, -3), 'timestampUsec' => $entry->id(), //EasyRSS 'published' => $entry->date(true), 'title' => $entry->title(), 'summary' => array('content' => $entry->content()), 'alternate' => array( array('href' => $entry->link()), ), 'categories' => array( 'user/-/state/', 'user/-/label/' . $c_name, ), 'origin' => array( 'streamId' => 'feed/' . $f_id, 'title' => $f_name, //EasyRSS //'htmlUrl' => $line['f_website'], ), ); if ($entry->author() != '') { $item['author'] = $entry->author(); } if ($entry->isRead()) { $item['categories'][] = 'user/-/state/'; } if ($entry->isFavorite()) { $item['categories'][] = 'user/-/state/'; } $items[] = $item; } if (!empty($continuation)) { array_shift($items); //Discard first element that was already sent in the previous response } $response = array( 'id' => 'user/-/state/', 'updated' => time(), 'items' => $items, ); if ((count($entries) >= $count) && (!empty($entry))) { $response['continuation'] = $entry->id(); } echo json_encode($response), "\n"; exit(); } function streamContentsItemsIds($streamId, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target) { // // // logMe("streamContentsItemsIds($streamId, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target)\n"); $type = 'A'; $id = ''; if ($streamId === 'user/-/state/') { $type = 'A'; } elseif ('user/-/state/') { $type = 's'; } elseif (strpos($streamId, 'feed/') === 0) { $type = 'f'; $id = basename($streamId); } elseif (strpos($streamId, 'user/-/label/') === 0) { $type = 'c'; $c_name = basename($streamId); $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); $cat = $categoryDAO->searchByName($c_name); $id = $cat == null ? -1 : $cat->id(); } switch ($exclude_target) { case 'user/-/state/': $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_NOT_READ; break; default: $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL; break; } $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); $ids = $entryDAO->listIdsWhere($type, $id, $state, $order === 'o' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC', $count, '', new FreshRSS_Search(''), $start_time); if (empty($ids)) { //For News+ bug $ids[] = 0; } $itemRefs = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $itemRefs[] = array( 'id' => $id, //64-bit decimal ); } echo json_encode(array( 'itemRefs' => $itemRefs, )), "\n"; exit(); } function editTag($e_ids, $a, $r) { logMe("editTag()\n"); foreach ($e_ids as $i => $e_id) { $e_ids[$i] = hex2dec(basename($e_id)); //Strip prefix ',2005:reader/item/' } $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); switch ($a) { case 'user/-/state/': $entryDAO->markRead($e_ids, true); break; case 'user/-/state/': $entryDAO->markFavorite($e_ids, true); break; /*case 'user/-/state/': break; case 'user/-/state/': break; case 'user/-/state/': break;*/ } switch ($r) { case 'user/-/state/': $entryDAO->markRead($e_ids, false); break; case 'user/-/state/': $entryDAO->markFavorite($e_ids, false); break; } echo 'OK'; exit(); } function markAllAsRead($streamId, $olderThanId) { logMe("markAllAsRead($streamId, $olderThanId)\n"); $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); if (strpos($streamId, 'feed/') === 0) { $f_id = basename($streamId); $entryDAO->markReadFeed($f_id, $olderThanId); } elseif (strpos($streamId, 'user/-/label/') === 0) { $c_name = basename($streamId); $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); $cat = $categoryDAO->searchByName($c_name); $entryDAO->markReadCat($cat === null ? -1 : $cat->id(), $olderThanId); } elseif ($streamId === 'user/-/state/') { $entryDAO->markReadEntries($olderThanId, false, -1); } echo 'OK'; exit(); } logMe('----------------------------------------------------------------'."\n"); //logMe(debugInfo()); $pathInfo = empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? '/Error' : urldecode($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $pathInfos = explode('/', $pathInfo); Minz_Configuration::register('system', DATA_PATH . '/config.php', DATA_PATH . '/config.default.php'); $system_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system'); if (!$system_conf->api_enabled) { serviceUnavailable(); } Minz_Session::init('FreshRSS'); $user = authorizationToUser(); $conf = null; if ($user !== '') { $conf = get_user_configuration($user); } logMe('User => ' . $user . "\n"); Minz_Session::_param('currentUser', $user); if (count($pathInfos) < 3) { badRequest(); } elseif ($pathInfos[1] === 'accounts') { if (($pathInfos[2] === 'ClientLogin') && isset($_REQUEST['Email']) && isset($_REQUEST['Passwd'])) { clientLogin($_REQUEST['Email'], $_REQUEST['Passwd']); } } elseif ($pathInfos[1] === 'reader' && $pathInfos[2] === 'api' && isset($pathInfos[3]) && $pathInfos[3] === '0' && isset($pathInfos[4])) { if ($user == '') { unauthorized(); } $timestamp = isset($_GET['ck']) ? intval($_GET['ck']) : 0; //ck=[unix timestamp] : Use the current Unix time here, helps Google with caching. switch ($pathInfos[4]) { case 'stream': $exclude_target = isset($_GET['xt']) ? $_GET['xt'] : ''; //xt=[exclude target] : Used to exclude certain items from the feed. For example, using xt=user/-/state/ will exclude items that the current user has marked as read, or xt=feed/[feedurl] will exclude items from a particular feed (obviously not useful in this request, but xt appears in other listing requests). $count = isset($_GET['n']) ? intval($_GET['n']) : 20; //n=[integer] : The maximum number of results to return. $order = isset($_GET['r']) ? $_GET['r'] : 'd'; //r=[d|n|o] : Sort order of item results. d or n gives items in descending date order, o in ascending order. $start_time = isset($_GET['ot']) ? intval($_GET['ot']) : 0; //ot=[unix timestamp] : The time from which you want to retrieve items. Only items that have been crawled by Google Reader after this time will be returned. $continuation = isset($_GET['c']) ? $_GET['c'] : ''; //Continuation token. If a StreamContents response does not represent all items in a timestamp range, it will have a continuation attribute. The same request can be re-issued with the value of that attribute put in this parameter to get more items if (isset($pathInfos[5]) && $pathInfos[5] === 'contents' && isset($pathInfos[6])) { if (isset($pathInfos[7])) { if ($pathInfos[6] === 'feed') { $include_target = $pathInfos[7]; StreamContents($pathInfos[6], $include_target, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target, $continuation); } elseif ($pathInfos[6] === 'user' && isset($pathInfos[8]) && isset($pathInfos[9])) { if ($pathInfos[8] === 'state') { if ($pathInfos[9] === '' && isset($pathInfos[10])) { if ($pathInfos[10] === 'reading-list' || $pathInfos[10] === 'starred') { $include_target = ''; streamContents($pathInfos[10], $include_target, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target, $continuation); } } } elseif ($pathInfos[8] === 'label') { $include_target = $pathInfos[9]; streamContents($pathInfos[8], $include_target, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target, $continuation); } } } else { //EasyRSS $include_target = ''; streamContents('reading-list', $include_target, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target, $continuation); } } elseif ($pathInfos[5] === 'items') { if ($pathInfos[6] === 'ids' && isset($_GET['s'])) { $streamId = $_GET['s']; //StreamId for which to fetch the item IDs. The parameter may be repeated to fetch the item IDs from multiple streams at once (more efficient from a backend perspective than multiple requests). streamContentsItemsIds($streamId, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target); } } break; case 'tag': if (isset($pathInfos[5]) && $pathInfos[5] === 'list') { $output = isset($_GET['output']) ? $_GET['output'] : ''; if ($output !== 'json') notImplemented(); tagList($_GET['output']); } break; case 'subscription': if (isset($pathInfos[5]) && $pathInfos[5] === 'list') { $output = isset($_GET['output']) ? $_GET['output'] : ''; if ($output !== 'json') notImplemented(); subscriptionList($_GET['output']); } break; case 'unread-count': $output = isset($_GET['output']) ? $_GET['output'] : ''; if ($output !== 'json') notImplemented(); $all = isset($_GET['all']) ? $_GET['all'] : ''; unreadCount($all); break; case 'edit-tag': // $token = isset($_POST['T']) ? trim($_POST['T']) : ''; checkToken($conf, $token); $a = isset($_POST['a']) ? $_POST['a'] : ''; //Add: user/-/state/ user/-/state/ $r = isset($_POST['r']) ? $_POST['r'] : ''; //Remove: user/-/state/ user/-/state/ $e_ids = multiplePosts('i'); //item IDs editTag($e_ids, $a, $r); break; case 'mark-all-as-read': $token = isset($_POST['T']) ? trim($_POST['T']) : ''; checkToken($conf, $token); $streamId = $_POST['s']; //StreamId $ts = isset($_POST['ts']) ? $_POST['ts'] : '0'; //Older than timestamp in nanoseconds if (!ctype_digit($ts)) { $ts = '0'; } markAllAsRead($streamId, $ts); break; case 'token': token($conf); break; } } elseif ($pathInfos[1] === 'check' && $pathInfos[2] === 'compatibility') { checkCompatibility(); } badRequest();