$meta_info contains information about the extension. */ final public function __construct($meta_info) { $this->name = $meta_info['name']; $this->entrypoint = $meta_info['entrypoint']; $this->path = $meta_info['path']; $this->author = isset($meta_info['author']) ? $meta_info['author'] : ''; $this->description = isset($meta_info['description']) ? $meta_info['description'] : ''; $this->version = isset($meta_info['version']) ? $meta_info['version'] : '0.1'; $this->setType(isset($meta_info['type']) ? $meta_info['type'] : 'user'); $this->is_enabled = false; } /** * Used when installing an extension (e.g. update the database scheme). * * @return string|true true if the extension has been installed or a string explaining the problem. */ public function install() { return true; } /** * Used when uninstalling an extension (e.g. revert the database scheme to * cancel changes from install). * * @return string|true true if the extension has been uninstalled or a string explaining the problem. */ public function uninstall() { return true; } /** * Call at the initialization of the extension (i.e. when the extension is * enabled by the extension manager). */ abstract public function init(); /** * Set the current extension to enable. */ public function enable() { $this->is_enabled = true; } /** * Return if the extension is currently enabled. * * @return string|true true if extension is enabled, false otherwise. */ public function isEnabled() { return $this->is_enabled; } /** * Return the content of the configure view for the current extension. * * @return string|false html content from ext_dir/configure.phtml, false if it does not exist. */ public function getConfigureView() { $filename = $this->path . '/configure.phtml'; if (!file_exists($filename)) { return false; } ob_start(); include($filename); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Handle the configure action. */ public function handleConfigureAction() {} /** * Getters and setters. */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getEntrypoint() { return $this->entrypoint; } public function getPath() { return $this->path; } public function getAuthor() { return $this->author; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function getType() { return $this->type; } private function setType($type) { if (!in_array($type, self::$authorized_types)) { throw new Minz_ExtensionException('invalid `type` info', $this->name); } $this->type = $type; } /** * Return the url for a given file. * * @param string $filename name of the file to serve. * @param string $type the type (js or css) of the file to serve. * @param bool $isStatic indicates if the file is a static file or a user file. Default is static. * @return string url corresponding to the file. */ public function getFileUrl($filename, $type, $isStatic = true) { if ($isStatic) { $dir = basename($this->path); $file_name_url = urlencode("{$dir}/static/{$filename}"); $mtime = @filemtime("{$this->path}/static/{$filename}"); } else { $username = Minz_Session::param('currentUser'); $path = USERS_PATH . "/{$username}/{$this->config_key}/{$this->getName()}/{$filename}"; $file_name_url = urlencode("{$username}/{$this->config_key}/{$this->getName()}/{$filename}"); $mtime = @filemtime($path); } return Minz_Url::display("/ext.php?f={$file_name_url}&t={$type}&{$mtime}", 'php'); } /** * Register a controller in the Dispatcher. * * @param string $base_name the base name of the controller. Final name will be FreshExtension__Controller. */ public function registerController($base_name) { Minz_Dispatcher::registerController($base_name, $this->path); } /** * Register the views in order to be accessible by the application. */ public function registerViews() { Minz_View::addBasePathname($this->path); } /** * Register i18n files from ext_dir/i18n/ */ public function registerTranslates() { $i18n_dir = $this->path . '/i18n'; Minz_Translate::registerPath($i18n_dir); } /** * Register a new hook. * * @param string $hook_name the hook name (must exist). * @param callable-string|array $hook_function the function name to call (must be callable). */ public function registerHook($hook_name, $hook_function) { Minz_ExtensionManager::addHook($hook_name, $hook_function, $this); } /** * @return bool */ private function isConfigurationEnabled(string $type) { if (!class_exists('FreshRSS_Context', false)) { return false; } $conf = "{$type}_conf"; if (null === FreshRSS_Context::$$conf) { return false; } return true; } /** * @return bool */ private function isExtensionConfigured(string $type) { $conf = "{$type}_conf"; if (!FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->hasParam($this->config_key)) { return false; } $extensions = FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->{$this->config_key}; return array_key_exists($this->getName(), $extensions); } /** * @return array */ private function getConfiguration(string $type) { if (!$this->isConfigurationEnabled($type)) { return []; } if (!$this->isExtensionConfigured($type)) { return []; } $conf = "{$type}_conf"; return FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->{$this->config_key}[$this->getName()]; } /** * @return array */ public function getSystemConfiguration() { return $this->getConfiguration('system'); } /** * @return array */ public function getUserConfiguration() { return $this->getConfiguration('user'); } /** * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function getSystemConfigurationValue(string $key, $default = null) { if (!is_array($this->system_configuration)) { $this->system_configuration = $this->getSystemConfiguration(); } if (array_key_exists($key, $this->system_configuration)) { return $this->system_configuration[$key]; } return $default; } /** * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function getUserConfigurationValue(string $key, $default = null) { if (!is_array($this->user_configuration)) { $this->user_configuration = $this->getUserConfiguration(); } if (array_key_exists($key, $this->user_configuration)) { return $this->user_configuration[$key]; } return $default; } private function setConfiguration(string $type, array $configuration) { $conf = "{$type}_conf"; if (FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->hasParam($this->config_key)) { $extensions = FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->{$this->config_key}; } else { $extensions = []; } $extensions[$this->getName()] = $configuration; FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->{$this->config_key} = $extensions; FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->save(); } public function setSystemConfiguration(array $configuration) { $this->setConfiguration('system', $configuration); $this->system_configuration = $configuration; } public function setUserConfiguration(array $configuration) { $this->setConfiguration('user', $configuration); $this->user_configuration = $configuration; } private function removeConfiguration(string $type) { if (!$this->isConfigurationEnabled($type)) { return; } if (!$this->isExtensionConfigured($type)) { return; } $conf = "{$type}_conf"; $extensions = FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->{$this->config_key}; unset($extensions[$this->getName()]); if (empty($extensions)) { $extensions = null; } FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->{$this->config_key} = $extensions; FreshRSS_Context::$$conf->save(); } public function removeSystemConfiguration() { $this->removeConfiguration('system'); $this->system_configuration = null; } public function removeUserConfiguration() { $this->removeConfiguration('user'); $this->user_configuration = null; } public function saveFile(string $filename, string $content) { $username = Minz_Session::param('currentUser'); $path = USERS_PATH . "/{$username}/{$this->config_key}/{$this->getName()}"; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777, true); } file_put_contents("{$path}/{$filename}", $content); } public function removeFile(string $filename) { $username = Minz_Session::param('currentUser'); $path = USERS_PATH . "/{$username}/{$this->config_key}/{$this->getName()}/{$filename}"; if (file_exists($path)) { unlink($path); } } }