This page assumes you have completed the [server setup](../admins/ # Mobile Access You can access FreshRSS on mobile devices via browser and via mobile apps. ## Access via Browser The FreshRSS user interface is optimized for both small and large screens. The content will fit nicely on small mobile device screens as well. ## Access via Mobile App FreshRSS supports access from mobile / native apps for Linux, Android, iOS, Windows and macOS, via two distinct APIs: Google Reader API (best), and Fever API (limited features and less efficient). A list of known apps is available on the [FreshRSS GitHub page]( ### Enable the API in FreshRSS 1. Under the section “Authentication”, enable the option “Allow API access (required for mobile apps)”. 2. Under the section “Profile”, fill-in the field “API password (e.g., for mobile apps)”. * Every user must define an API password. * The reason for an API-specific password is that it may be used in less safe situations than the main password, and does not grant access to as many things. See the [page about the Google Reader compatible API](../developers/ for more details. See the [page about the Fever compatible API](../developers/ for more details. ### Testing 1. Under the section “Profile”, click on the link like `` next to the field “API password”. 2. Click on first link “Check full server configuration”: * If you get *PASS* then you are done; all is well. * If you get *Bad Request!* or *Not Found*, then your server probably does not accept slashes `/` that are escaped `%2F`, see the next section "Fix server configuration". * If you receive any other error message, see the next section “Fix server configuration”. ### Fix server configuration * Click on the second link “Check partial server configuration (without `%2F` support)”: * If you get `PASS`, then the problem is indeed that your server does not accept slashes `/` that are escaped `%2F`. * With Apache, remember the directive [`AllowEncodedSlashes On`]( * Or use a client that does not escape slashes (such as EasyRSS) ([`check client list`]( * If you get *Service Unavailable!*, then check the preceding section “Enable the API in FreshRSS” again. * With __Apache__: * If you get *FAIL getallheaders!*, the combination of your PHP version and your Web server does not provide access to [`getallheaders`]( * Turn on Apache `mod_setenvif` (often enabled by default), or `mod_rewrite` with the following procedure: * Allow [`FileInfo` in `.htaccess`]( see the [server setup](../admins/ again. * Enable [`mod_rewrite`]( * With Debian / Ubuntu: `sudo a2enmod rewrite` * With __nginx__: * If you get *Bad Request!*, check your server `PATH_INFO` configuration. * If you get *File not found!*, check your server `fastcgi_split_path_info`. * If you get *FAIL 64-bit or GMP extension!*, then your PHP version does not pass the requirement of being 64-bit and/or have PHP [GMP]( extension. * The easiest is to add the GMP extension. On Debian / Ubuntu: `sudo apt install php-gmp` * Update and try again from the preceding section “Testing”.