'Installation - FreshRSS', 'freshrss' => 'FreshRSS', 'installation_step' => 'Installation - step %d', 'steps' => 'Steps', 'checks' => 'Checks', 'bdd_configuration' => 'Database configuration', 'bdd_type' => 'Type of database', 'version_update' => 'Update', 'this_is_the_end' => 'This is the end', 'ok' => 'Ok!', 'congratulations' => 'Congratulations!', 'attention' => 'Attention!', 'damn' => 'Damn!', 'oops' => 'Oops!', 'next_step' => 'Go to the next step', 'language_defined' => 'Language has been defined.', 'choose_language' => 'Choose a language for FreshRSS', 'javascript_is_better' => 'FreshRSS is more pleasant with JavaScript enabled', 'php_is_ok' => 'Your PHP version is %s, which is compatible with FreshRSS', 'php_is_nok' => 'Your PHP version is %s but FreshRSS requires at least version %s', 'minz_is_ok' => 'You have the Minz framework', 'minz_is_nok' => 'You lack the Minz framework. You should execute build.sh script or download it on Github and install in %s directory the content of its /lib directory.', 'curl_is_ok' => 'You have version %s of cURL', 'curl_is_nok' => 'You lack cURL (php5-curl package)', 'pdomysql_is_ok' => 'You have PDO and its driver for MySQL', 'pdomysql_is_nok' => 'You lack PDO or its driver for MySQL (php5-mysql package)', 'dom_is_ok' => 'You have the required library to browse the DOM', 'dom_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library to browse the DOM (php-xml package)', 'cache_is_ok' => 'Permissions on cache directory are good', 'log_is_ok' => 'Permissions on logs directory are good', 'favicons_is_ok' => 'Permissions on favicons directory are good', 'data_is_ok' => 'Permissions on data directory are good', 'file_is_nok' => 'Check permissions on %s directory. HTTP server must have rights to write into', 'fix_errors_before' => 'Fix errors before skip to the next step.', 'general_conf_is_ok' => 'General configuration has been saved.', 'random_string' => 'Random string', 'change_value' => 'You should change this value by any other', 'base_url' => 'Base URL', 'do_not_change_if_doubt' => 'Don’t change if you doubt about it', 'bdd_conf_is_ok' => 'Database configuration has been saved.', 'bdd_conf_is_ko' => 'Verify your database information.', 'host' => 'Host', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'bdd' => 'Database', 'prefix' => 'Table prefix', 'update_start' => 'Start update process', 'update_long' => 'This can take a long time, depending on the size of your database. You may have to wait for this page to time out (~5 minutes) and then refresh this page.', 'installation_is_ok' => 'The installation process was successful.
The final step will now attempt to delete the ./p/i/install.php file and any database backup created during the update process.
You may choose to skip this step and delete ./p/i/install.php manually.', 'finish_installation' => 'Complete installation', 'install_not_deleted' => 'Something went wrong; you must delete the file %s manually.', );