'Installation · FreshRSS', 'freshrss' => 'FreshRSS', 'installation_step' => 'Installation — step %d · FreshRSS', 'steps' => 'Steps', 'checks' => 'Checks', 'general_configuration' => 'General configuration', 'bdd_configuration' => 'Database configuration', 'bdd_type' => 'Type of database', 'version_update' => 'Update', 'this_is_the_end' => 'This is the end', 'ok' => 'Ok!', 'congratulations' => 'Congratulations!', 'attention' => 'Attention!', 'damn' => 'Damn!', 'oops' => 'Oops!', 'next_step' => 'Go to the next step', 'language_defined' => 'Language has been defined.', 'choose_language' => 'Choose a language for FreshRSS', 'javascript_is_better' => 'FreshRSS is more pleasant with JavaScript enabled', 'php_is_ok' => 'Your PHP version is %s, which is compatible with FreshRSS', 'php_is_nok' => 'Your PHP version is %s but FreshRSS requires at least version %s', 'minz_is_ok' => 'You have the Minz framework', 'minz_is_nok' => 'You lack the Minz framework. You should execute build.sh script or download it on Github and install in %s directory the content of its /lib directory.', 'curl_is_ok' => 'You have version %s of cURL', 'curl_is_nok' => 'You lack cURL (php5-curl package)', 'pdomysql_is_ok' => 'You have PDO and its driver for MySQL', 'pdomysql_is_nok' => 'You lack PDO or its driver for MySQL (php5-mysql package)', 'dom_is_ok' => 'You have the required library to browse the DOM', 'dom_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library to browse the DOM (php-xml package)', 'pcre_is_ok' => 'You have the required library for regular expressions (PCRE)', 'pcre_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library for regular expressions (php-pcre)', 'ctype_is_ok' => 'You have the required library for character type checking (ctype)', 'ctype_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library for character type checking (php-ctype)', 'cache_is_ok' => 'Permissions on cache directory are good', 'log_is_ok' => 'Permissions on logs directory are good', 'favicons_is_ok' => 'Permissions on favicons directory are good', 'data_is_ok' => 'Permissions on data directory are good', 'persona_is_ok' => 'Permissions on Mozilla Persona directory are good', 'file_is_nok' => 'Check permissions on %s directory. HTTP server must have rights to write into', 'fix_errors_before' => 'Fix errors before skip to the next step.', 'general_conf_is_ok' => 'General configuration has been saved.', 'random_string' => 'Random string', 'change_value' => 'You should change this value by any other', 'base_url' => 'Base URL', 'do_not_change_if_doubt' => 'Don’t change if you doubt about it', 'bdd_conf_is_ok' => 'Database configuration has been saved.', 'bdd_conf_is_ko' => 'Verify your database information.', 'host' => 'Host', 'bdd' => 'Database', 'prefix' => 'Table prefix', 'update_start' => 'Start update process', 'update_long' => 'This can take a long time, depending on the size of your database. You may have to wait for this page to time out (~5 minutes) and then refresh this page.', 'update_end' => 'Update process is completed, now you can go to the final step.', 'installation_is_ok' => 'The installation process was successful.
The final step will now attempt to delete any file and database backup created during the update process.
You may choose to skip this step by deleting ./data/do-install.txt manually.', 'finish_installation' => 'Complete installation', 'install_not_deleted' => 'Something went wrong; you must delete the file %s manually.', );