#!/usr/bin/env php generateSalt(), 'db' => FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->db, ); foreach ($params as $param) { $param = rtrim($param, ':'); if (isset($options[$param])) { $config[$param] = $options[$param] === false ? true : $options[$param]; } } if ((!empty($config['base_url'])) && Minz_Request::serverIsPublic($config['base_url'])) { $config['pubsubhubbub_enabled'] = true; } foreach ($dBparams as $dBparam) { $dBparam = rtrim($dBparam, ':'); if (isset($options[$dBparam])) { $param = substr($dBparam, strlen('db-')); $config['db'][$param] = $options[$dBparam]; } } performRequirementCheck($config['db']['type']); if (!FreshRSS_user_Controller::checkUsername($options['default_user'])) { fail('FreshRSS error: invalid default username “' . $options['default_user'] . '”! Must be matching ' . FreshRSS_user_Controller::USERNAME_PATTERN); } if (isset($options['auth_type']) && !in_array($options['auth_type'], array('form', 'http_auth', 'none'))) { fail('FreshRSS invalid authentication method (auth_type must be one of { form, http_auth, none }): ' . $options['auth_type']); } if (file_put_contents(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'config.php'), "getMessage(); } if (!$ok) { @unlink(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'config.php')); fail('FreshRSS database error: ' . (empty($_SESSION['bd_error']) ? 'Unknown error' : $_SESSION['bd_error'])); } echo 'ℹ️ Remember to create the default user: ', $config['default_user'], "\t", './cli/create-user.php --user ', $config['default_user'], " --password 'password' --more-options\n"; accessRights(); if (!setupMigrations()) { fail('FreshRSS access right problem while creating migrations version file!'); } done();