.DEFAULT_GOAL := help ifndef TAG TAG=alpine endif PORT ?= 8080 PHP := $(shell sh -c 'which php') ifdef NO_DOCKER PHP = php else PHP = docker run \ --rm \ --volume $(shell pwd):/var/www/FreshRSS:z \ --env FRESHRSS_ENV=development \ --name freshrss-php-cli \ freshrss/freshrss:$(TAG) \ php endif ifeq ($(findstring alpine,$(TAG)),alpine) DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile-Alpine else ifeq ($(findstring arm,$(TAG)),arm) DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile-QEMU-ARM else DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile endif ############ ## Docker ## ############ .PHONY: build build: ## Build a Docker image docker build \ --pull \ --tag freshrss/freshrss:$(TAG) \ --file Docker/$(DOCKERFILE) . .PHONY: start start: ## Start the development environment (use Docker) docker run \ --rm \ --volume $(shell pwd):/var/www/FreshRSS:z \ --publish $(PORT):80 \ --env FRESHRSS_ENV=development \ --name freshrss-dev \ freshrss/freshrss:$(TAG) .PHONY: stop stop: ## Stop FreshRSS container if any docker stop freshrss-dev ########### ## Tests ## ########### bin/phpunit: ## Install PHPUnit for test purposes mkdir -p bin/ wget -O bin/phpunit https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit-7.5.9.phar echo '5404288061420c3921e53dd3a756bf044be546c825c5e3556dea4c51aa330f69 bin/phpunit' | sha256sum -c - || rm bin/phpunit .PHONY: test test: bin/phpunit ## Run the test suite $(PHP) ./bin/phpunit --bootstrap ./tests/bootstrap.php ./tests ########## ## I18N ## ########## .PHONY: i18n-format i18n-format: ## Format I18N files @$(PHP) ./cli/manipulate.translation.php -a format @echo Files formatted. .PHONY: i18n-add-language i18n-add-language: ## Add a new supported language ifndef lang @echo To add a new language, you need to provide one in the "lang" variable. @exit 10 endif @$(PHP) ./cli/manipulate.translation.php -a add -l $(lang) @echo Language added. .PHONY: i18n-add-key i18n-add-key: ## Add a translation key to all supported languages ifndef key @echo To add a key, you need to provide one in the "key" variable. @exit 10 endif ifndef value @echo To add a key, you need to provide its value in the "value" variable. @exit 10 endif @$(PHP) ./cli/manipulate.translation.php -a add -k $(key) -v "$(value)" @echo Key added. .PHONY: i18n-remove-key i18n-remove-key: ## Remove a translation key from all supported languages ifndef key @echo To remove a key, you need to provide one in the "key" variable. @exit 10 endif @$(PHP) ./cli/manipulate.translation.php -a delete -k $(key) @echo Key removed. .PHONY: i18n-ignore-key i18n-ignore-key: ## Ignore a translation key for the selected language ifndef lang @echo To ignore a key, you need to provide a language in the "lang" variable. @exit 10 endif ifndef key @echo To ignore a key, you need to provide one in the "key" variable. @exit 10 endif @$(PHP) ./cli/manipulate.translation.php -a ignore -k $(key) -l $(lang) @echo Key ignored. .PHONY: rtl rtl: ## Generate RTL CSS files rtlcss -d p/themes && find . -type f -name '*.rtl.rtl.css' -delete ########## ## HELP ## ########## .PHONY: help help: @grep --extended-regexp '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'