# Environment configuration (Docker) FreshRSS is built with PHP and uses a homemade framework, Minz. The dependencies are directly included in the source code, so you don't need Composer. There are various ways to configure your development environment. The easiest and most supported method is based on Docker, which is the solution documented below. If you already have a working PHP environment, you probably don't need it. We assume here that you use a GNU/Linux distribution, capable of running Docker. Otherwise, you'll have to adapt the commands accordingly. The commands that follow have to be executed in a console. They start by `$` when commands need to be executed as normal user, and by `#` when they need to be executed as root user. You don't have to type these characters. A path may be indicated before these characters to help you identify where they need to be executed. For instance, `app$ echo 'Hello World'` indicates that you have to execute `echo` command in the `app/` directory. First, you need to install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/). Once you're done, clone the repository with: ```console $ git clone https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS.git $ cd FreshRSS ``` Note that, if you want to contribute, you have to fork the repository first and clone your fork instead of the "root" one. Adapt the commands in consequence. Then, the only command you need to know is the following: ```console $ make start ``` This might take some time while Docker downloads the image. If your user isn't in the `docker` group, you'll need to prepend the command with `sudo`. **You can now access FreshRSS at [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080).** Just follow the install process and select the SQLite database. You can stop the containers by typing Control + c or with the following command, in another terminal: ```console $ make stop ``` If you're interested in the configuration, the `make` commands are defined in the [`Makefile`](/Makefile). If you need to use a different tag image (default is `dev-alpine`), you can set the `TAG` environment variable: ```console $ TAG=dev-arm make start ``` You can find the full list of available tags [on the Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/freshrss/freshrss/tags). You might want to rebuild the Docker image locally. You can do it with: ```console $ make build $ # or $ TAG=dev-arm make build ``` The `TAG` variable can be anything (e.g. `dev-local`). You can target a specific architecture by adding `-alpine` or `-arm` at the end of the tag (e.g. `dev-local-arm`). # Project architecture **TODO** # Extensions If you want to create your own FreshRSS extension, take a look at the [extension documentation](03_Backend/05_Extensions.md). # Coding style If you want to contribute to the source code, it is important to follow the project coding style. The actual code does not follow it throughout the project, but every time we have an opportunity, we should fix it. Contributions which do not follow the coding style will be rejected as long as the coding style is not fixed. ## Spaces, tabs and white spaces ### Indent Code indent must use tabs. ### Alignment Once the code is indented, it might be useful to align it to ease the reading. In that case, use spaces. ```php $result = a_function_with_a_really_long_name($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4); ``` ### End of line The end of line character must be a line feed (LF) which is a default end of line on *NIX systems. This character must not follow other white spaces. It is possible to verify if there is white spaces before the end of line, with the following Git command: ```bash # command to check files before adding them in the Git index git diff --check # command to check files after adding them in the Git index git diff --check --cached ``` ### End of file Every file must end by an empty line. ### With commas, dots and semi-columns There is no space before those characters but there is one after. ### With operators There is a space before and after every operator. ```php if ($a == 10) { // do something } echo $a ? 1 : 0; ``` ### With brackets There is no spaces in the brackets. There is no space before the opening bracket except if it is after a keyword. There is no space after the closing bracket except if it is followed by a curly bracket. ```php if ($a == 10) { // do something } if ((int)$a == 10) { // do something } ``` ### With chained functions It happens most of the time in Javascript files. When there is chained functions, closures and callback functions, it is hard to understand the code if not properly formatted. In those cases, we add a new indent level for the complete instruction and reset the indent for a new instruction on the same level. ```javascript // First instruction shortcut.add(shortcuts.mark_read, function () { //... }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); // Second instruction shortcut.add("shift+" + shortcuts.mark_read, function () { //... }, { 'disable_in_input': true }); ``` ## Line length Lines should be shorter than 80 characters. However, in some case, it is possible to extend that limit to 100 characters. With functions, parameters can be declared on different lines. ```php function my_function($param_1, $param_2, $param_3, $param_4) { // do something } ``` ## Naming All the code elements (functions, classes, methods and variables) must describe their usage in concise way. ### Functions and variables They must follow the "snake case" convention. ```php // a function function function_name() { // do something } // a variable $variable_name; ``` ### Methods They must follow the "lower camel case" convention. ```php private function methodName() { // do something } ``` ### Classes They must follow the "upper camel case" convention. ```php abstract class ClassName {} ``` ## Encoding Files must be encoded with UTF-8 character set. ## PHP compatibility Ensure that your code is working with a PHP version as old as what FreshRSS officially supports. ## Miscellaneous ### Operators They must be at the end of the line if a condition runs on more than one line. ```php if ($a == 10 || $a == 20) { // do something } ``` ### End of file If the file contains only PHP code, the PHP closing tag must be omitted. ### Arrays If an array declaration runs on more than one line, each element must be followed by a comma even the last one. ```php $variable = array( "value 1", "value 2", "value 3", ); ```