// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPL-3.0 "use strict"; /* jshint esversion:6, strict:global */ // if (!document.scrollingElement) document.scrollingElement = document.documentElement; if (!NodeList.prototype.forEach) NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; if (!Element.prototype.matches) Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector; if (!Element.prototype.closest) Element.prototype.closest = function (s) { let el = this; do { if (el.matches(s)) return el; el = el.parentElement; } while (el); return null; }; if (!Element.prototype.remove) Element.prototype.remove = function () { if (this.parentNode) this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }; // // function xmlHttpRequestJson(req) { let json = req.response; if (req.responseType !== 'json') { //IE11 try { json = JSON.parse(req.responseText); } catch (ex) { json = null; } } return json; } // // var context; (function parseJsonVars() { const jsonVars = document.getElementById('jsonVars'), json = JSON.parse(jsonVars.innerHTML); jsonVars.outerHTML = ''; context = json.context; context.ajax_loading = false; context.i18n = json.i18n; context.shortcuts = json.shortcuts; context.urls = json.urls; context.icons = json.icons; context.icons.read = decodeURIComponent(context.icons.read); context.icons.unread = decodeURIComponent(context.icons.unread); context.extensions = json.extensions; }()); // function badAjax(reload) { openNotification(context.i18n.notif_request_failed, 'bad'); if (reload) { setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 2000); } return true; } function needsScroll(elem) { const winBottom = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop + document.scrollingElement.clientHeight, elemTop = elem.offsetParent.offsetTop + elem.offsetTop, elemBottom = elemTop + elem.offsetHeight; return (elemTop < document.scrollingElement.scrollTop || elemBottom > winBottom) ? elemTop - (document.scrollingElement.clientHeight / 2) : 0; } function str2int(str) { if (!str) { return 0; } return parseInt(str.replace(/\D/g, ''), 10) || 0; } function numberFormat(nStr) { if (nStr < 0) { return 0; } // http://www.mredkj.com/javascript/numberFormat.html nStr += ''; const x = nStr.split('.'), x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '', rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; let x1 = x[0]; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1 $2'); } return x1 + x2; } function incLabel(p, inc, spaceAfter) { const i = str2int(p) + inc; return i > 0 ? ((spaceAfter ? '' : ' ') + '(' + numberFormat(i) + ')' + (spaceAfter ? ' ' : '')) : ''; } function incUnreadsFeed(article, feed_id, nb) { //Update unread: feed let elem = document.getElementById(feed_id), feed_unreads = elem ? str2int(elem.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0, feed_priority = elem ? str2int(elem.getAttribute('data-priority')) : 0; if (elem) { elem.setAttribute('data-unread', feed_unreads + nb); elem = elem.querySelector('.item-title'); if (elem) { elem.setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(feed_unreads + nb)); } } //Update unread: category elem = document.getElementById(feed_id).closest('.category'); feed_unreads = elem ? str2int(elem.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0; if (elem) { elem.setAttribute('data-unread', feed_unreads + nb); elem = elem.querySelector('.title'); if (elem) { elem.setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(feed_unreads + nb)); } } //Update unread: all if (feed_priority > 0) { elem = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .all .title'); if (elem) { feed_unreads = elem ? str2int(elem.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0; elem.setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(feed_unreads + nb)); } } //Update unread: favourites if (article && article.closest('div').classList.contains('favorite')) { elem = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .favorites .title'); if (elem) { feed_unreads = elem ? str2int(elem.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0; elem.setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(feed_unreads + nb)); } } let isCurrentView = false; // Update unread: title document.title = document.title.replace(/^((?:\([ 0-9]+\) )?)/, function (m, p1) { const feed = document.getElementById(feed_id); if (article || feed.closest('.active')) { isCurrentView = true; return incLabel(p1, nb, true); } else if (document.querySelector('.all.active')) { isCurrentView = feed_priority > 0; return incLabel(p1, feed_priority > 0 ? nb : 0, true); } else { return p1; } }); return isCurrentView; } function incUnreadsTag(tag_id, nb) { let t = document.getElementById(tag_id); if (t) { let unreads = str2int(t.getAttribute('data-unread')); t.setAttribute('data-unread', unreads + nb); t.querySelector('.item-title').setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(unreads + nb)); } t = document.querySelector('.category.tags .title'); if (t) { let unreads = str2int(t.getAttribute('data-unread')); t.setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(unreads + nb)); } } function removeArticle(div) { if (!div || div.classList.contains('not_read') || (context.auto_mark_article && div.classList.contains('active'))) { return; } let scrollTop = box_to_follow.scrollTop; let dirty = false; const p = div.previousElementSibling, n = div.nextElementSibling; if (p && p.classList.contains('day') && n && n.classList.contains('day')) { scrollTop -= p.offsetHeight; dirty = true; p.remove(); } if (div.offsetHeight > 0 && div.offsetParent.offsetTop + div.offsetTop + div.offsetHeight < scrollTop) { scrollTop -= div.offsetHeight; dirty = true; } div.remove(); if (dirty) { box_to_follow.scrollTop = scrollTop; } } var pending_entries = {}, mark_read_queue = []; function send_mark_read_queue(queue, asRead, callback) { const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('POST', '.?c=entry&a=read' + (asRead ? '' : '&is_read=0'), true); req.responseType = 'json'; req.onerror = function (e) { for (let i = queue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { delete pending_entries['flux_' + queue[i]]; } badAjax(this.status == 403); }; req.onload = function (e) { if (this.status != 200) { return req.onerror(e); } const json = xmlHttpRequestJson(this); if (!json) { return req.onerror(e); } for (let i = queue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const div = document.getElementById('flux_' + queue[i]), myIcons = context.icons; let inc = 0; if (div.classList.contains('not_read')) { div.classList.remove('not_read'); div.querySelectorAll('a.read').forEach(function (a) { a.href = a.href.replace('&is_read=0', '') + '&is_read=1'; }); div.querySelectorAll('a.read > .icon').forEach(function (img) { img.outerHTML = myIcons.read; }); inc--; if (context.auto_remove_article) { removeArticle(div); } } else { div.classList.add('not_read'); div.classList.add('keep_unread'); //Split for IE11 div.querySelectorAll('a.read').forEach(function (a) { a.href = a.href.replace('&is_read=1', ''); }); div.querySelectorAll('a.read > .icon').forEach(function (img) { img.outerHTML = myIcons.unread; }); inc++; } let feed_link = div.querySelector('.website > a, a.website'); if (feed_link) { const feed_url = feed_link.href, feed_id = feed_url.substr(feed_url.lastIndexOf('f_')); incUnreadsFeed(div, feed_id, inc); } delete pending_entries['flux_' + queue[i]]; } faviconNbUnread(); if (json.tags) { const tagIds = Object.keys(json.tags); for (let i = tagIds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let tagId = tagIds[i]; incUnreadsTag(tagId, (asRead ? -1 : 1) * json.tags[tagId].length); } } onScroll(); if (callback) { callback(); } }; req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.send(JSON.stringify({ ajax: true, _csrf: context.csrf, id: queue, })); } var send_mark_read_queue_timeout = 0; function send_mark_queue_tick(callback) { send_mark_read_queue_timeout = 0; const queue = mark_read_queue.slice(0); mark_read_queue = []; send_mark_read_queue(queue, true, callback); } var delayedFunction = send_mark_queue_tick; function delayedClick(a) { if (a) { delayedFunction(function () { a.click(); }); } } function mark_read(div, only_not_read, asBatch) { if (!div || !div.id || context.anonymous || (only_not_read && !div.classList.contains('not_read'))) { return false; } if (pending_entries[div.id]) { return false; } pending_entries[div.id] = true; const asRead = div.classList.contains('not_read'), entryId = div.id.replace(/^flux_/, ''); if (asRead && asBatch) { mark_read_queue.push(entryId); if (send_mark_read_queue_timeout == 0) { send_mark_read_queue_timeout = setTimeout(function () { send_mark_queue_tick(null); }, 1000); } } else { const queue = [ entryId ]; send_mark_read_queue(queue, asRead); } } function mark_previous_read(div) { while (div) { mark_read(div, true, true); div = div.previousElementSibling; } } function mark_favorite(div) { if (!div) { return false; } let a = div.querySelector('a.bookmark'), url = a ? a.href : ''; if (!url) { return false; } if (pending_entries[div.id]) { return false; } pending_entries[div.id] = true; const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('POST', url, true); req.responseType = 'json'; req.onerror = function (e) { delete pending_entries[div.id]; badAjax(this.status == 403); }; req.onload = function (e) { if (this.status != 200) { return req.onerror(e); } const json = xmlHttpRequestJson(this); if (!json) { return req.onerror(e); } let inc = 0; if (div.classList.contains('favorite')) { div.classList.remove('favorite'); inc--; } else { div.classList.add('favorite'); inc++; } div.querySelectorAll('a.bookmark').forEach(function (a) { a.href = json.url; }); div.querySelectorAll('a.bookmark > .icon').forEach(function (img) { img.outerHTML = json.icon; }); const favourites = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .favorites .title'); if (favourites) { favourites.textContent = favourites.textContent.replace(/((?: \([ 0-9]+\))?\s*)$/, function (m, p1) { return incLabel(p1, inc, false); }); } if (div.classList.contains('not_read')) { const elem = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .favorites .title'), feed_unreads = elem ? str2int(elem.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0; if (elem) { elem.setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(feed_unreads + inc)); } } delete pending_entries[div.id]; }; req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.send(JSON.stringify({ ajax: true, _csrf: context.csrf, })); } var freshrssOpenArticleEvent = document.createEvent('Event'); freshrssOpenArticleEvent.initEvent('freshrss:openArticle', true, true); function toggleContent(new_active, old_active, skipping) { // If skipping, move current without activating or marking as read if (!new_active) { return; } if (context.does_lazyload && !skipping) { new_active.querySelectorAll('img[data-original], iframe[data-original]').forEach(function (el) { el.src = el.getAttribute('data-original'); el.removeAttribute('data-original'); }); } if (old_active !== new_active) { if (!skipping) { new_active.classList.add('active'); } new_active.classList.add('current'); if (old_active) { old_active.classList.remove('active'); old_active.classList.remove('current'); //Split for IE11 if (context.auto_remove_article) { removeArticle(old_active); } } } else { new_active.classList.toggle('active'); } const relative_move = context.current_view === 'global', box_to_move = relative_move ? document.getElementById('panel') : document.scrollingElement; if (context.sticky_post) { //Stick the article to the top when opened let prev_article = new_active.previousElementSibling, new_pos = new_active.offsetParent.offsetTop + new_active.offsetTop; if (prev_article && new_active.offsetTop - prev_article.offsetTop <= 150) { new_pos = prev_article.offsetParent.offsetTop + prev_article.offsetTop; if (relative_move) { new_pos -= box_to_move.offsetTop; } } if (skipping) { // when skipping, this feels more natural if it's not so near the top new_pos -= document.body.clientHeight / 4; } if (relative_move) { new_pos += box_to_move.scrollTop; } box_to_move.scrollTop = new_pos; } if (new_active.classList.contains('active') && !skipping) { if (context.auto_mark_article) { mark_read(new_active, true, true); } new_active.dispatchEvent(freshrssOpenArticleEvent); } onScroll(); } function prev_entry(skipping) { const old_active = document.querySelector('.flux.current'); let new_active = old_active; if (new_active) { do new_active = new_active.previousElementSibling; while (new_active && !new_active.classList.contains('flux')); if (!new_active) { prev_feed(); } } else { new_active = document.querySelector('.flux'); } toggleContent(new_active, old_active, skipping); } function next_entry(skipping) { const old_active = document.querySelector('.flux.current'); let new_active = old_active; if (new_active) { do new_active = new_active.nextElementSibling; while (new_active && !new_active.classList.contains('flux')); if (!new_active) { next_feed(); } } else { new_active = document.querySelector('.flux'); } toggleContent(new_active, old_active, skipping); } function prev_feed() { let found = false; let adjacent = null; const feeds = document.querySelectorAll('#aside_feed .feed'); for (let i = feeds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const feed = feeds[i]; if (feed.classList.contains('active')) { found = true; continue; } if (!found) { continue; } if (getComputedStyle(feed).display === 'none') { continue; } if (feed.dataset.unread != 0) { return delayedClick(feed.querySelector('a.item-title')); } else if (adjacent === null) { adjacent = feed; } } if (found) { delayedClick(adjacent.querySelector('a.item-title')); } else { last_feed(); } } function next_feed() { let found = false; let adjacent = null; const feeds = document.querySelectorAll('#aside_feed .feed'); for (let i = 0; i < feeds.length; i++) { const feed = feeds[i]; if (feed.classList.contains('active')) { found = true; continue; } if (!found) { continue; } if (getComputedStyle(feed).display === 'none') { continue; } if (feed.dataset.unread != 0) { return delayedClick(feed.querySelector('a.item-title')); } else if (adjacent === null) { adjacent = feed; } } if (found) { delayedClick(adjacent.querySelector('a.item-title')); } else { first_feed(); } } function first_feed() { const a = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .category.active .feed:not([data-unread="0"]) a.item-title'); delayedClick(a); } function last_feed() { const links = document.querySelectorAll('#aside_feed .category.active .feed:not([data-unread="0"]) a.item-title'); if (links && links.length > 0) { delayedClick(links[links.length - 1]); } } function prev_category() { const active_cat = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .category.active'); if (active_cat) { let cat = active_cat; do cat = cat.previousElementSibling; while (cat && getComputedStyle(cat).display === 'none'); if (cat) { delayedClick(cat.querySelector('a.title')); } } else { last_category(); } } function next_category() { const active_cat = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .category.active'); if (active_cat) { let cat = active_cat; do cat = cat.nextElementSibling; while (cat && getComputedStyle(cat).display === 'none'); if (cat) { delayedClick(cat.querySelector('a.title')); } } else { first_category(); } } function first_category() { const a = document.querySelector('#aside_feed .category:not([data-unread="0"]) a.title'); delayedClick(a); } function last_category() { const links = document.querySelectorAll('#aside_feed .category:not([data-unread="0"]) a.title'); if (links && links.length > 0) { delayedClick(links[links.length - 1]); } } function collapse_entry() { const flux_current = document.querySelector('.flux.current'); toggleContent(flux_current, flux_current, false); } function toggle_media() { const media = document.querySelector('.flux.current video,.flux.current audio'); if (media === null) { return; } if (media.paused) { media.play(); } else { media.pause(); } } function user_filter(key) { const filter = document.getElementById('dropdown-query'), filters = filter.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-menu > .query > a'); if (typeof key === 'undefined') { if (!filters.length) { return; } // Display the filter div location.hash = filter.id; // Force scrolling to the filter div const scroll = needsScroll(document.querySelector('.header')); if (scroll !== 0) { document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = scroll; } // Force the key value if there is only one action, so we can trigger it automatically if (filters.length === 1) { key = 1; } else { return; } } // Trigger selected share action key = parseInt(key); if (key <= filters.length) { filters[key - 1].click(); } } function auto_share(key) { const share = document.querySelector('.flux.current.active .dropdown-target[id^="dropdown-share"]'); if (!share) { return; } const shares = share.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-menu .item a'); if (typeof key === 'undefined') { // Display the share div location.hash = share.id; // Force scrolling to the share div const scrollTop = needsScroll(share.closest('.bottom')); if (scrollTop !== 0) { document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = scrollTop; } // Force the key value if there is only one action, so we can trigger it automatically if (shares.length === 1) { key = 1; } else { return; } } // Trigger selected share action and hide the share div key = parseInt(key); if (key <= shares.length) { shares[key - 1].click(); share.parentElement.querySelector('.dropdown-menu .dropdown-close a').click(); } } var box_to_follow; function onScroll() { if (!box_to_follow) { return; } if (context.auto_mark_scroll) { const minTop = 40 + box_to_follow.scrollTop; document.querySelectorAll('.not_read:not(.keep_unread)').forEach(function (div) { if (div.offsetHeight > 0 && div.offsetParent.offsetTop + div.offsetTop + div.offsetHeight < minTop) { mark_read(div, true, true); } }); } if (context.auto_load_more) { const pagination = document.getElementById('mark-read-pagination'); if (pagination && box_to_follow.offsetHeight > 0 && box_to_follow.scrollTop + box_to_follow.offsetHeight + (window.innerHeight / 2) >= pagination.offsetTop) { load_more_posts(); } } } function init_posts() { if (context.auto_load_more || context.auto_mark_scroll || context.auto_remove_article) { box_to_follow = context.current_view === 'global' ? document.getElementById('panel') : document.scrollingElement; let lastScroll = 0, //Throttle timerId = 0; (box_to_follow === document.scrollingElement ? window : box_to_follow).onscroll = function () { clearTimeout(timerId); if (lastScroll + 500 < Date.now()) { lastScroll = Date.now(); onScroll(); } else { timerId = setTimeout(onScroll, 500); } }; onScroll(); } } function rememberOpenCategory(category_id, isOpen) { if (context.display_categories === 'remember') { const open_categories = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('FreshRSS_open_categories') || '{}'); if (isOpen) { open_categories[category_id] = true; } else { delete open_categories[category_id]; } localStorage.setItem('FreshRSS_open_categories', JSON.stringify(open_categories)); } } function openCategory(category_id) { const category_element = document.getElementById(category_id); category_element.querySelector('.tree-folder-items').classList.add('active'); const img = category_element.querySelector('a.dropdown-toggle img'); img.src = img.src.replace('/icons/down.', '/icons/up.'); img.alt = '△'; } function init_column_categories() { if (context.current_view !== 'normal' && context.current_view !== 'reader') { return; } //Restore sidebar scroll position document.getElementById('sidebar').scrollTop = +sessionStorage.getItem('FreshRSS_sidebar_scrollTop'); //Restore open categories if (context.display_categories === 'remember') { const open_categories = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('FreshRSS_open_categories') || '{}'); Object.keys(open_categories).forEach(function (category_id) { openCategory(category_id); }); } document.getElementById('aside_feed').onclick = function (ev) { let a = ev.target.closest('.tree-folder > .tree-folder-title > a.dropdown-toggle'); if (a) { const img = a.querySelector('img'); const category_id = a.closest('.category').id; if (img.alt === '▽') { img.src = img.src.replace('/icons/down.', '/icons/up.'); img.alt = '△'; rememberOpenCategory(category_id, true); } else { img.src = img.src.replace('/icons/up.', '/icons/down.'); img.alt = '▽'; rememberOpenCategory(category_id, false); } const ul = a.closest('li').querySelector('.tree-folder-items'); let nbVisibleItems = 0; for (let i = ul.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ul.children[i].offsetHeight) { nbVisibleItems++; } } ul.classList.toggle('active'); //CSS transition does not work on max-height:auto ul.style.maxHeight = ul.classList.contains('active') ? (nbVisibleItems * 4) + 'em' : 0; return false; } a = ev.target.closest('.tree-folder-items > .feed .dropdown-toggle'); if (a) { const itemId = a.closest('.item').id, templateId = itemId.substring(0, 2) === 't_' ? 'tag_config_template' : 'feed_config_template', id = itemId.substr(2), feed_web = a.getAttribute('data-fweb'), div = a.parentElement, dropdownMenu = div.querySelector('.dropdown-menu'), template = document.getElementById(templateId) .innerHTML.replace(/------/g, id).replace('http://example.net/', feed_web); if (!dropdownMenu) { a.href = '#dropdown-' + id; div.querySelector('.dropdown-target').id = 'dropdown-' + id; div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', template); const b = div.querySelector('button.confirm'); if (b) { b.disabled = false; } } else if (getComputedStyle(dropdownMenu).display === 'none') { const id2 = div.closest('.item').id.substr(2); a.href = '#dropdown-' + id2; } else { a.href = '#close'; } return true; } return true; }; } function init_shortcuts() { Object.keys(context.shortcuts).forEach(function (k) { context.shortcuts[k] = (context.shortcuts[k] || '').toUpperCase(); }); document.body.onkeydown = function (ev) { if (ev.target.closest('input, textarea') || ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey || (ev.altKey && ev.shiftKey)) { return true; } const s = context.shortcuts; let k = (ev.key.trim() || ev.code || 'Space').toUpperCase(); //IE11 if (k === 'SPACEBAR') k = 'SPACE'; else if (k === 'DEL') k = 'DELETE'; else if (k === 'ESC') k = 'ESCAPE'; if (location.hash.match(/^#dropdown-/)) { const n = parseInt(k); if (n) { if (location.hash === '#dropdown-query') { user_filter(n); } else { auto_share(n); } return false; } } if (k === s.next_entry) { if (ev.altKey) { next_category(); } else if (ev.shiftKey) { next_feed(); } else { next_entry(false); } return false; } if (k === s.prev_entry) { if (ev.altKey) { prev_category(); } else if (ev.shiftKey) { prev_feed(); } else { prev_entry(false); } return false; } if (k === s.mark_read) { if (ev.altKey) { mark_previous_read(document.querySelector('.flux.current')); } else if (ev.shiftKey) { document.querySelector('.nav_menu .read_all').click(); } else { // Toggle the read state mark_read(document.querySelector('.flux.current'), false, false); } return false; } if (k === s.first_entry) { if (ev.altKey) { first_category(); } else if (ev.shiftKey) { first_feed(); } else { const old_active = document.querySelector('.flux.current'), first = document.querySelector('.flux'); if (first.classList.contains('flux')) { toggleContent(first, old_active, false); } } return false; } if (k === s.last_entry) { if (ev.altKey) { last_category(); } else if (ev.shiftKey) { last_feed(); } else { const old_active = document.querySelector('.flux.current'), last = document.querySelector('.flux:last-of-type'); if (last.classList.contains('flux')) { toggleContent(last, old_active, false); } } return false; } if (ev.altKey || ev.shiftKey) { return true; } if (k === s.mark_favorite) { // Toggle the favorite state mark_favorite(document.querySelector('.flux.current')); return false; } if (k === s.go_website) { if (context.auto_mark_site) { mark_read(document.querySelector('.flux.current'), true, false); } const newWindow = window.open(); if (newWindow) { newWindow.opener = null; newWindow.location = document.querySelector('.flux.current a.go_website').href; } return false; } if (k === s.skip_next_entry) { next_entry(true); return false; } if (k === s.skip_prev_entry) { prev_entry(true); return false; } if (k === s.collapse_entry) { collapse_entry(); return false; } if (k === s.auto_share) { auto_share(); return false; } if (k === s.user_filter) { user_filter(); return false; } if (k === s.load_more) { load_more_posts(); return false; } if (k === s.close_dropdown) { location.hash = null; return false; } if (k === s.help) { window.open(context.urls.help); return false; } if (k === s.focus_search) { document.getElementById('search').focus(); return false; } if (k === s.normal_view) { delayedClick(document.querySelector('#nav_menu_views .view-normal')); return false; } if (k === s.reading_view) { delayedClick(document.querySelector('#nav_menu_views .view-reader')); return false; } if (k === s.global_view) { delayedClick(document.querySelector('#nav_menu_views .view-global')); return false; } if (k === s.rss_view) { delayedClick(document.querySelector('#nav_menu_views .view-rss')); return false; } if (k === s.toggle_media) { toggle_media(); return false; } return true; }; } function init_stream(stream) { stream.onclick = function (ev) { let el = ev.target.closest('.flux a.read'); if (el) { mark_read(el.closest('.flux'), false, false); return false; } el = ev.target.closest('.flux a.bookmark'); if (el) { mark_favorite(el.closest('.flux')); return false; } el = ev.target.closest('.dynamictags'); if (el) { loadDynamicTags(el); return true; } el = ev.target.closest('.item.title > a'); if (el) { // Allow default control-click behaviour such as open in backround-tab return ev.ctrlKey; } el = ev.target.closest('.flux .content a'); if (el) { if (!el.closest('div').classList.contains('author')) { el.target = '_blank'; el.rel = 'noreferrer'; } return true; } el = ev.target.closest('.item.share > a[data-type="print"]'); if (el) { //Print const tmp_window = window.open(); for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { tmp_window.document.writeln(''); } tmp_window.document.writeln(el.closest('.flux_content').querySelector('.content').innerHTML); tmp_window.document.close(); tmp_window.focus(); tmp_window.print(); tmp_window.close(); return false; } el = ev.target.closest('.item.share > a[data-type="clipboard"]'); if (el && navigator.clipboard) { //Clipboard navigator.clipboard.writeText(el.href); return false; } el = ev.target.closest('.item.share > a[href="POST"]'); if (el) { //Share by POST const f = el.parentElement.querySelector('form'); f.disabled = false; f.submit(); return false; } el = ev.target.closest('.flux_header, .flux_content'); if (el) { //flux_toggle if (ev.target.closest('.content, .item.website, .item.link, .dropdown-menu')) { return true; } if (!context.sides_close_article && ev.target.matches('div.flux_content')) { // setting for not-closing after clicking outside article area return false; } const old_active = document.querySelector('.flux.current'), new_active = el.parentNode; if (ev.target.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'A') { //Leave real links alone if (context.auto_mark_article) { mark_read(new_active, true, false); } return true; } toggleContent(new_active, old_active, false); return false; } }; stream.onmouseup = function (ev) { // Mouseup enables us to catch middle click, and control+click in IE/Edge if (ev.altKey || ev.metaKey || ev.shiftKey) { return; } let el = ev.target.closest('.item.title > a'); if (el) { if (ev.which == 1) { if (ev.ctrlKey) { //Control+click if (context.auto_mark_site) { mark_read(el.closest('.flux'), true, false); } } else { el.parentElement.click(); //Normal click, just toggle article. } } else if (ev.which == 2 && !ev.ctrlKey) { //Simple middle click: same behaviour as CTRL+click if (context.auto_mark_article) { const new_active = el.closest('.flux'); mark_read(new_active, true, false); } } return; } if (context.auto_mark_site) { // catch mouseup instead of click so we can have the correct behaviour // with middle button click (scroll button). el = ev.target.closest('.flux .link > a'); if (el) { if (ev.which == 3) { return; } mark_read(el.closest('.flux'), true, false); } } }; stream.onchange = function (ev) { const checkboxTag = ev.target.closest('.checkboxTag'); if (checkboxTag) { //Dynamic tags ev.stopPropagation(); const isChecked = checkboxTag.checked, tagId = checkboxTag.name.replace(/^t_/, ''), tagName = checkboxTag.nextElementSibling ? checkboxTag.nextElementSibling.value : '', entry = checkboxTag.closest('div.flux'), entryId = entry.id.replace(/^flux_/, ''); checkboxTag.disabled = true; const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('POST', './?c=tag&a=tagEntry', true); req.responseType = 'json'; req.onerror = function (e) { checkboxTag.checked = !isChecked; badAjax(this.status == 403); }; req.onload = function (e) { if (this.status != 200) { return req.onerror(e); } if (entry.classList.contains('not_read')) { incUnreadsTag('t_' + tagId, isChecked ? 1 : -1); } }; req.onloadend = function (e) { checkboxTag.disabled = false; if (tagId == 0) { loadDynamicTags(checkboxTag.closest('div.dropdown')); } }; req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.send(JSON.stringify({ _csrf: context.csrf, id_tag: tagId, name_tag: tagId == 0 ? tagName : '', id_entry: entryId, checked: isChecked, })); } }; } function init_nav_entries() { const nav_entries = document.getElementById('nav_entries'); if (nav_entries) { nav_entries.querySelector('.previous_entry').onclick = function (e) { prev_entry(false); return false; }; nav_entries.querySelector('.next_entry').onclick = function (e) { next_entry(false); return false; }; nav_entries.querySelector('.up').onclick = function (e) { const active_item = (document.querySelector('.flux.current') || document.querySelector('.flux')), windowTop = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop, item_top = active_item.offsetParent.offsetTop + active_item.offsetTop; document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = windowTop > item_top ? item_top : 0; return false; }; } } function loadDynamicTags(div) { div.classList.remove('dynamictags'); div.querySelectorAll('li.item').forEach(function (li) { li.remove(); }); const entryId = div.closest('div.flux').id.replace(/^flux_/, ''); const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', './?c=tag&a=getTagsForEntry&id_entry=' + entryId, true); req.responseType = 'json'; req.onerror = function (e) { div.querySelectorAll('li.item').forEach(function (li) { li.remove(); }); div.classList.add('dynamictags'); }; req.onload = function (e) { if (this.status != 200) { return req.onerror(e); } const json = xmlHttpRequestJson(this); if (!json) { return req.onerror(e); } let html = '
  • '; if (json && json.length) { for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { const tag = json[i]; html += '
  • '; } } div.querySelector('.dropdown-menu').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); }; req.send(); } // var feed_processed = 0; function updateFeed(feeds, feeds_count) { const feed = feeds.pop(); if (!feed) { return; } const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('POST', feed.url, true); req.onloadend = function (e) { if (this.status != 200) { return badAjax(false); } feed_processed++; const div = document.getElementById('actualizeProgress'); div.querySelector('.progress').innerHTML = feed_processed + ' / ' + feeds_count; div.querySelector('.title').innerHTML = feed.title; if (feed_processed === feeds_count) { //Empty request to commit new articles const req2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); req2.open('POST', './?c=feed&a=actualize&id=-1&ajax=1', true); req2.onloadend = function (e) { delayedFunction(function () { location.reload(); }); }; req2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req2.send(JSON.stringify({ _csrf: context.csrf, noCommit: 0, })); } else { updateFeed(feeds, feeds_count); } }; req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.send(JSON.stringify({ _csrf: context.csrf, noCommit: 1, })); } function init_actualize() { let auto = false; const actualize = document.getElementById('actualize'); if (!actualize) { return; } actualize.onclick = function () { if (context.ajax_loading) { return false; } context.ajax_loading = true; const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('POST', './?c=javascript&a=actualize', true); req.responseType = 'json'; req.onload = function (e) { if (this.status != 200) { return badAjax(false); } const json = xmlHttpRequestJson(this); if (!json) { return badAjax(false); } if (auto && json.feeds.length < 1) { auto = false; context.ajax_loading = false; return false; } if (json.feeds.length === 0) { openNotification(json.feedback_no_refresh, 'good'); //Empty request to commit new articles const req2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); req2.open('POST', './?c=feed&a=actualize&id=-1&ajax=1', true); req2.onloadend = function (e) { context.ajax_loading = false; }; req2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req2.send(JSON.stringify({ _csrf: context.csrf, noCommit: 0, })); return; } //Progress bar const feeds_count = json.feeds.length; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '
    ' + json.feedback_actualize + '
    0 / ' + feeds_count + '
    '); for (let i = 10; i > 0; i--) { updateFeed(json.feeds, feeds_count); } }; req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.send(JSON.stringify({ _csrf: context.csrf, })); return false; }; if (context.auto_actualize_feeds) { auto = true; actualize.click(); } } //
    // var notification = null, notification_interval = null, notification_working = false; function openNotification(msg, status) { if (notification_working === true) { return false; } notification_working = true; notification.querySelector('.msg').innerHTML = msg; notification.className = 'notification'; notification.classList.add(status); notification_interval = setTimeout(closeNotification, 4000); } function closeNotification() { notification.classList.add('closed'); clearInterval(notification_interval); notification_working = false; } function init_notifications() { notification = document.getElementById('notification'); notification.querySelector('a.close').onclick = function () { closeNotification(); return false; }; if (notification.querySelector('.msg').innerHTML.length > 0) { notification_working = true; notification_interval = setTimeout(closeNotification, 4000); } } // // let popup = null, popup_iframe_container = null, popup_iframe = null, popup_txt = null, popup_working = false; function openPopupWithMessage(msg) { if (popup_working === true) { return false; } popup_working = true; popup_txt.innerHTML = msg; popup_txt.style.display = 'table-row'; popup.style.display = 'block'; } function openPopupWithSource(source) { if (popup_working === true) { return false; } popup_working = true; popup_iframe.src = source; popup_iframe_container.style.display = 'table-row'; popup.style.display = 'block'; } function closePopup() { popup.style.display = 'none'; popup_iframe_container.style.display = 'none'; popup_txt.style.display = 'none'; popup_iframe.src = 'about:blank'; popup_working = false; } function init_popup() { //Fetch elements. popup = document.getElementById('popup'); popup_iframe_container = document.getElementById('popup-iframe-container'); popup_iframe = document.getElementById('popup-iframe'); popup_txt = document.getElementById('popup-txt'); //Configure close button. document.getElementById('popup-close').addEventListener('click', function (ev) { closePopup(); }); //Configure close-on-click. window.addEventListener('click', function (ev) { if (ev.target == popup) { closePopup(); } }); } // // var notifs_html5_permission = 'denied'; function notifs_html5_is_supported() { return window.Notification !== undefined; } function notifs_html5_ask_permission() { window.Notification.requestPermission(function () { notifs_html5_permission = window.Notification.permission; }); } function notifs_html5_show(nb) { if (notifs_html5_permission !== 'granted') { return; } const notification = new window.Notification(context.i18n.notif_title_articles, { icon: '../themes/icons/favicon-256-padding.png', body: context.i18n.notif_body_articles.replace('%d', nb), tag: 'freshRssNewArticles', }); notification.onclick = function () { delayedFunction(function() { location.reload(); window.focus(); notification.close(); }); }; if (context.html5_notif_timeout !== 0) { setTimeout(function () { notification.close(); }, context.html5_notif_timeout * 1000); } } function init_notifs_html5() { if (!notifs_html5_is_supported()) { return; } notifs_html5_permission = notifs_html5_ask_permission(); } // function refreshUnreads() { const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', './?c=javascript&a=nbUnreadsPerFeed', true); req.responseType = 'json'; req.onload = function (e) { const json = xmlHttpRequestJson(this); if (!json) { return badAjax(false); } const isAll = document.querySelector('.category.all.active'); let new_articles = false; Object.keys(json.feeds).forEach(function (feed_id) { const nbUnreads = json.feeds[feed_id]; feed_id = 'f_' + feed_id; const elem = document.getElementById(feed_id), feed_unreads = elem ? str2int(elem.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0; if ((incUnreadsFeed(null, feed_id, nbUnreads - feed_unreads) || isAll) && //Update of current view? (nbUnreads - feed_unreads > 0)) { const newArticle = document.getElementById('new-article'); newArticle.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); newArticle.style.display = 'block'; new_articles = true; } }); let nbUnreadTags = 0; Object.keys(json.tags).forEach(function (tag_id) { const nbUnreads = json.tags[tag_id]; nbUnreadTags += nbUnreads; const tag = document.getElementById('t_' + tag_id); if (tag) { tag.setAttribute('data-unread', nbUnreads); tag.querySelector('.item-title').setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(nbUnreads)); } }); const tags = document.querySelector('.category.tags'); if (tags) { tags.setAttribute('data-unread', nbUnreadTags); tags.querySelector('.title').setAttribute('data-unread', numberFormat(nbUnreadTags)); } const title = document.querySelector('.category.all .title'), nb_unreads = title ? str2int(title.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0; if (nb_unreads > 0 && new_articles) { faviconNbUnread(nb_unreads); notifs_html5_show(nb_unreads); } }; req.send(); } // var url_load_more = '', load_more = false, box_load_more = null; function load_more_posts() { if (load_more || !url_load_more || !box_load_more) { return; } load_more = true; document.getElementById('load_more').classList.add('loading'); const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', url_load_more, true); req.responseType = 'document'; req.onload = function (e) { const html = this.response, formPagination = document.getElementById('mark-read-pagination'); const streamAdopted = document.adoptNode(html.getElementById('stream')); streamAdopted.querySelectorAll('.flux, .day').forEach(function (div) { box_load_more.insertBefore(div, formPagination); }); const paginationOld = formPagination.querySelector('.pagination'), paginationNew = streamAdopted.querySelector('.pagination'); formPagination.replaceChild(paginationNew, paginationOld); const bigMarkAsRead = document.getElementById('bigMarkAsRead'); if (bigMarkAsRead) { if (context.display_order === 'ASC') { document.querySelector('#nav_menu_read_all .read_all').formAction = bigMarkAsRead.formAction; } else { bigMarkAsRead.formAction = document.querySelector('#nav_menu_read_all .read_all').formAction; } } document.querySelectorAll('[id^=day_]').forEach(function (div) { const ids = document.querySelectorAll('[id="' + div.id + '"]'); for (let i = ids.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { //Keep only the first ids[i].remove(); } }); init_load_more(box_load_more); const div_load_more = document.getElementById('load_more'); if (bigMarkAsRead) { bigMarkAsRead.removeAttribute('disabled'); } if (div_load_more) { div_load_more.classList.remove('loading'); } load_more = false; }; req.send(); } var freshrssLoadMoreEvent = document.createEvent('Event'); freshrssLoadMoreEvent.initEvent('freshrss:load-more', true, true); function init_load_more(box) { box_load_more = box; document.body.dispatchEvent(freshrssLoadMoreEvent); const next_link = document.getElementById('load_more'); if (!next_link) { // no more article to load url_load_more = ''; return; } url_load_more = next_link.href; next_link.onclick = function (e) { load_more_posts(); return false; }; } // function init_confirm_action() { document.body.onclick = function (ev) { const b = ev.target.closest('.confirm'); if (b) { let str_confirmation = this.getAttribute('data-str-confirm'); if (!str_confirmation) { str_confirmation = context.i18n.confirmation_default; } return confirm(str_confirmation); } }; document.querySelectorAll('button.confirm').forEach(function (b) { b.disabled = false; }); } function faviconNbUnread(n) { if (typeof n === 'undefined') { const t = document.querySelector('.category.all .title'); n = t ? str2int(t.getAttribute('data-unread')) : 0; } //http://remysharp.com/2010/08/24/dynamic-favicons/ const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), link = document.getElementById('favicon').cloneNode(true), ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; if (canvas.getContext && link) { canvas.height = canvas.width = 16 * ratio; const img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = function () { const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if (n > 0) { let text = ''; if (n < 1000) { text = n; } else if (n < 100000) { text = Math.floor(n / 1000) + 'k'; } else { text = 'E' + Math.floor(Math.log10(n)); } ctx.font = 'bold ' + 9 * ratio + 'px "Arial", sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 7 * ratio, ctx.measureText(text).width, 9 * ratio); ctx.fillStyle = '#F00'; ctx.fillText(text, 0, canvas.height - 1); } link.href = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); document.querySelector('link[rel~=icon]').remove(); document.head.appendChild(link); }; img.src = '../favicon.ico'; } } function removeFirstLoadSpinner() { const first_load = document.getElementById('first_load'); if (first_load) { first_load.remove(); } } function init_normal() { const stream = document.getElementById('stream'); if (!stream) { if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS waiting for content…'); } setTimeout(init_normal, 100); return; } init_column_categories(); init_stream(stream); init_shortcuts(); init_actualize(); faviconNbUnread(); window.onbeforeunload = function (e) { const sidebar = document.getElementById('sidebar'); if (sidebar) { //Save sidebar scroll position sessionStorage.setItem('FreshRSS_sidebar_scrollTop', sidebar.scrollTop); } if (mark_read_queue && mark_read_queue.length > 0) { return false; } }; } function init_beforeDOM() { document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = 0; if (['normal', 'reader', 'global'].indexOf(context.current_view) >= 0) { init_normal(); } } function init_afterDOM() { removeFirstLoadSpinner(); init_notifications(); init_popup(); init_confirm_action(); const stream = document.getElementById('stream'); if (stream) { init_load_more(stream); init_posts(); init_nav_entries(); init_notifs_html5(); setTimeout(faviconNbUnread, 1000); setInterval(refreshUnreads, 120000); } if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS main init done.'); } } init_beforeDOM(); //Can be called before DOM is fully loaded if (document.readyState && document.readyState !== 'loading') { init_afterDOM(); } else { if (window.console) { console.log('FreshRSS waiting for DOMContentLoaded…'); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init_afterDOM, false); } // @license-end