view->loginOk) { Minz_Error::error( 403, array('error' => array(Minz_Translate::t('access_denied'))) ); } require_once(LIB_PATH . '/lib_opml.php'); $this->catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); $this->entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); $this->feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); } public function indexAction() { $this->view->categories = $this->catDAO->listCategories(); $this->view->feeds = $this->feedDAO->listFeeds(); Minz_View::prependTitle(Minz_Translate::t('import_export') . ' ยท '); } public function importAction() { if (Minz_Request::isPost() && $_FILES['file']['error'] == 0) { @set_time_limit(300); $file = $_FILES['file']; $type_file = $this->guessFileType($file['name']); $list_files = array( 'opml' => array(), 'json_starred' => array(), 'json_feed' => array() ); // We try to list all files according to their type // A zip file is first opened and then its files are listed $list = array(); if ($type_file === 'zip') { $zip = zip_open($file['tmp_name']); while (($zipfile = zip_read($zip)) !== false) { $type_zipfile = $this->guessFileType( zip_entry_name($zipfile) ); if ($type_file !== 'unknown') { $list_files[$type_zipfile][] = zip_entry_read( $zipfile, zip_entry_filesize($zipfile) ); } } zip_close($zip); } elseif ($type_file !== 'unknown') { $list_files[$type_file][] = file_get_contents( $file['tmp_name'] ); } // Import different files. // OPML first(so categories and feeds are imported) // Starred articles then so the "favourite" status is already set // And finally all other files. $error = false; foreach ($list_files['opml'] as $opml_file) { $error = $this->importOpml($opml_file); } foreach ($list_files['json_starred'] as $article_file) { $error = $this->importArticles($article_file, true); } foreach ($list_files['json_feed'] as $article_file) { $error = $this->importArticles($article_file); } // And finally, we get import status and redirect to the home page $notif = null; if ($error === true) { $content_notif = Minz_Translate::t( 'feeds_imported_with_errors' ); } else { $content_notif = Minz_Translate::t( 'feeds_imported' ); } Minz_Session::_param('notification', array( 'type' => 'good', 'content' => $content_notif )); Minz_Session::_param('actualize_feeds', true); Minz_Request::forward(array( 'c' => 'index', 'a' => 'index' ), true); } // What are you doing? you have to call this controller // with a POST request! Minz_Request::forward(array( 'c' => 'importExport', 'a' => 'index' )); } private function guessFileType($filename) { // A *very* basic guess file type function. Only based on filename // That's could be improved but should be enough, at least for a first // implementation. // TODO: improve this function? if (substr_compare($filename, '.zip', -4) === 0) { return 'zip'; } elseif (substr_compare($filename, '.opml', -5) === 0 || substr_compare($filename, '.xml', -4) === 0) { return 'opml'; } elseif (strcmp($filename, 'starred.json') === 0) { return 'json_starred'; } elseif (substr_compare($filename, '.json', -5) === 0 && strpos($filename, 'feed_') === 0) { return 'json_feed'; } else { return 'unknown'; } } private function importOpml($opml_file) { $opml_array = array(); try { $opml_array = libopml_parse_string($opml_file); } catch (LibOPML_Exception $e) { Minz_Log::warning($e->getMessage()); return true; } $this->catDAO->checkDefault(); return $this->addOpmlElements($opml_array['body']); } private function addOpmlElements($opml_elements, $parent_cat = null) { $error = false; foreach ($opml_elements as $elt) { $res = false; if (isset($elt['xmlUrl'])) { $res = $this->addFeedOpml($elt, $parent_cat); } else { $res = $this->addCategoryOpml($elt, $parent_cat); } if (!$error && $res) { // oops: there is at least one error! $error = $res; } } return $error; } private function addFeedOpml($feed_elt, $parent_cat) { if (is_null($parent_cat)) { // This feed has no parent category so we get the default one $parent_cat = $this->catDAO->getDefault()->name(); } $cat = $this->catDAO->searchByName($parent_cat); if (!$cat) { return true; } // We get different useful information $url = html_chars_utf8($feed_elt['xmlUrl']); $name = html_chars_utf8($feed_elt['text']); $website = ''; if (isset($feed_elt['htmlUrl'])) { $website = html_chars_utf8($feed_elt['htmlUrl']); } $description = ''; if (isset($feed_elt['description'])) { $description = html_chars_utf8($feed_elt['description']); } $error = false; try { // Create a Feed object and add it in DB $feed = new FreshRSS_Feed($url); $feed->_category($cat->id()); $feed->_name($name); $feed->_website($website); $feed->_description($description); // addFeedObject checks if feed is already in DB so nothing else to // check here $id = $this->feedDAO->addFeedObject($feed); $error = ($id === false); } catch (FreshRSS_Feed_Exception $e) { Minz_Log::warning($e->getMessage()); $error = true; } return $error; } private function addCategoryOpml($cat_elt, $parent_cat) { // Create a new Category object $cat = new FreshRSS_Category(html_chars_utf8($cat_elt['text'])); $id = $this->catDAO->addCategoryObject($cat); $error = ($id === false); if (isset($cat_elt['@outlines'])) { // Our cat_elt contains more categories or more feeds, so we // add them recursively. // Note: FreshRSS does not support yet category arborescence $res = $this->addOpmlElements($cat_elt['@outlines'], $cat->name()); if (!$error && $res) { $error = true; } } return $error; } private function importArticles($article_file, $starred = false) { $article_object = json_decode($article_file, true); if (is_null($article_object)) { Minz_Log::warning('Try to import a non-JSON file'); return true; } $is_read = $this->view->conf->mark_when['reception'] ? 1 : 0; $google_compliant = ( strpos($article_object['id'], '') !== false ); $error = false; foreach ($article_object['items'] as $item) { $feed = $this->addFeedArticles($item['origin'], $google_compliant); if (is_null($feed)) { $error = true; continue; } $author = isset($item['author']) ? $item['author'] : ''; $key_content = ($google_compliant && !isset($item['content'])) ? 'summary' : 'content'; $tags = $item['categories']; if ($google_compliant) { $tags = array_filter($tags, function($var) { return strpos($var, '/state/') === false; }); } $entry = new FreshRSS_Entry( $feed->id(), $item['id'], $item['title'], $author, $item[$key_content]['content'], $item['alternate'][0]['href'], $item['published'], $is_read, $starred ); $entry->_tags($tags); //FIME: Use entryDAO->addEntryPrepare(). Do not call entryDAO->listLastGuidsByFeed() for each entry. Consider using a transaction. $id = $this->entryDAO->addEntryObject( $entry, $this->view->conf, $feed->keepHistory() ); if (!$error && ($id === false)) { $error = true; } } return $error; } private function addFeedArticles($origin, $google_compliant) { $default_cat = $this->catDAO->getDefault(); $return = null; $key = $google_compliant ? 'htmlUrl' : 'feedUrl'; $url = $origin[$key]; $name = $origin['title']; $website = $origin['htmlUrl']; $error = false; try { // Create a Feed object and add it in DB $feed = new FreshRSS_Feed($url); $feed->_category($default_cat->id()); $feed->_name($name); $feed->_website($website); // addFeedObject checks if feed is already in DB so nothing else to // check here $id = $this->feedDAO->addFeedObject($feed); if ($id !== false) { $feed->_id($id); $return = $feed; } } catch (FreshRSS_Feed_Exception $e) { Minz_Log::warning($e->getMessage()); } return $return; } public function exportAction() { if (Minz_Request::isPost()) { $this->view->_useLayout(false); $export_opml = Minz_Request::param('export_opml', false); $export_starred = Minz_Request::param('export_starred', false); $export_feeds = Minz_Request::param('export_feeds', false); // From $file = tempnam('tmp', 'zip'); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($file, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); // Stuff with content if ($export_opml) { $zip->addFromString( 'feeds.opml', $this->generateOpml() ); } if ($export_starred) { $zip->addFromString( 'starred.json', $this->generateArticles('starred') ); } foreach ($export_feeds as $feed_id) { $feed = $this->feedDAO->searchById($feed_id); $zip->addFromString( 'feed_' . $feed->category() . '_' . $feed->id() . '.json', $this->generateArticles('feed', $feed) ); } // Close and send to user $zip->close(); header('Content-Type: application/zip'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""'); readfile($file); unlink($file); } } private function generateOpml() { $list = array(); foreach ($this->catDAO->listCategories() as $key => $cat) { $list[$key]['name'] = $cat->name(); $list[$key]['feeds'] = $this->feedDAO->listByCategory($cat->id()); } $this->view->categories = $list; return $this->view->helperToString('export/opml'); } private function generateArticles($type, $feed = NULL) { $this->view->categories = $this->catDAO->listCategories(); if ($type == 'starred') { $this->view->list_title = Minz_Translate::t('starred_list'); $this->view->type = 'starred'; $unread_fav = $this->entryDAO->countUnreadReadFavorites(); $this->view->entries = $this->entryDAO->listWhere( 's', '', FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL, 'ASC', $unread_fav['all'] ); } elseif ($type == 'feed' && !is_null($feed)) { $this->view->list_title = Minz_Translate::t( 'feed_list', $feed->name() ); $this->view->type = 'feed/' . $feed->id(); $this->view->entries = $this->entryDAO->listWhere( 'f', $feed->id(), FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL, 'ASC', $this->view->conf->posts_per_page ); $this->view->feed = $feed; } return $this->view->helperToString('export/articles'); } }