array( 'back_to_rss_feeds' => '← Go back to your RSS feeds', 'disable' => 'Disable', 'enable' => 'Enable', 'manage' => 'Manage', 'remove' => 'Remove', ), 'auth' => array( 'login' => 'Login', 'logout' => 'Logout', ), 'date' => array( 'Apr' => '\\A\\p\\r\\i\\l', 'Aug' => '\\A\\u\\g\\u\\s\\t', 'Dec' => '\\D\\e\\c\\e\\m\\b\\e\\r', 'Feb' => '\\F\\e\\b\\r\\u\\a\\r\\y', 'Jan' => '\\J\\a\\n\\u\\a\\r\\y', 'Jul' => '\\J\\u\\l\\y', 'Jun' => '\\J\\u\\n\\e', 'Mar' => '\\M\\a\\r\\c\\h', 'May' => '\\M\\a\\y', 'Nov' => '\\N\\o\\v\\e\\m\\b\\e\\r', 'Oct' => '\\O\\c\\t\\o\\b\\e\\r', 'Sep' => '\\S\\e\\p\\t\\e\\m\\b\\e\\r', 'before_yesterday' => 'Before yesterday', 'format_date' => '%s j\\<\\s\\u\\p\\>S\\<\\/\\s\\u\\p\\> Y', 'format_date_hour' => '%s j\\<\\s\\u\\p\\>S\\<\\/\\s\\u\\p\\> Y \\a\\t H\\:i', 'today' => 'Today', 'yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'js' => array( 'category_empty' => 'Empty category', 'confirm_action' => 'Are you sure you want to perform this action? It cannot be cancelled!', 'confirm_action_feed_cat' => 'Are you sure you want to perform this action? You will lose related favorites and user queries. It cannot be cancelled!', 'new_article' => 'There are new available articles, click to refresh the page.', 'notif_body_new_articles' => 'There are \\d new articles to read on FreshRSS.', 'notif_title_new_articles' => 'FreshRSS: new articles!', ), 'menu' => array( 'about' => 'About', 'admin' => 'Administration', 'archiving' => 'Archiving', 'authentication' => 'Authentication', 'check_install' => 'Installation checking', 'configuration' => 'Configuration', 'display' => 'Display', 'logs' => 'Logs', 'queries' => 'User queries', 'reading' => 'Reading', 'search' => 'Search words or #tags', 'sharing' => 'Sharing', 'shortcuts' => 'Shortcuts', 'stats' => 'Statistics', 'update' => 'Update', 'user_management' => 'Manage users', 'user_profile' => 'Profile', ), 'pagination' => array( 'first' => 'First', 'last' => 'Last', 'load_more' => 'Load more articles', 'mark_all_read' => 'Mark all as read', 'next' => 'Next', 'nothing_to_load' => 'There are no more articles', 'previous' => 'Previous', ), 'title' => array( '_' => 'Title', 'authentication' => 'Authentication', 'check_install' => 'Installation checking', 'user_management' => 'Manage users', 'user_profile' => 'Profile', ), 'freshrss' => 'FreshRSS', 'access_denied' => 'You don’t have permission to access this page', 'access_protected_feeds' => 'Connection allows to access HTTP protected RSS feeds', 'activate_sharing' => 'Activate sharing', 'add_category' => 'Add a category', 'add_rss_feed' => 'Add a RSS feed', 'administration' => 'Manage', 'advanced' => 'Advanced', 'after_onread' => 'After “mark all as read”,', 'all_feeds' => 'All feeds', 'allow_anonymous' => 'Allow anonymous reading of the articles of the default user (%s)', 'allow_anonymous_refresh' => 'Allow anonymous refresh of the articles', 'already_subscribed' => 'You have already subscribed to %s', 'api_enabled' => 'Allow API access (required for mobile apps)', 'apr' => 'apr', 'april' => 'Apr', 'archiving_configuration_help' => 'More options are available in the individual stream settings', 'article' => 'Article', 'article_icons' => 'Article icons', 'article_open_on_website' => 'when article is opened on its original website', 'article_published_on' => 'This article originally appeared on %s', 'article_published_on_author' => 'This article originally appeared on %s by %s', 'article_viewed' => 'when article is viewed', 'articles' => 'articles', 'articles_per_page' => 'Number of articles per page', 'articles_to_display' => 'Articles to display', 'ask_empty' => 'Clear?', 'attention' => 'Attention!', 'aug' => 'aug', 'august' => 'Aug', 'auth_form' => 'Web form (traditional, requires JavaScript)', 'auth_form_not_set' => 'A problem occured during authentication system configuration. Please retry later.', 'auth_form_set' => 'Form is now your default authentication system.', 'auth_no_password_set' => 'Administrator password hasn’t been set. This feature isn’t available.', 'auth_none' => 'None (dangerous)', 'auth_not_persona' => 'Only Persona system can be reset.', 'auth_persona' => 'Mozilla Persona (modern, requires JavaScript)', 'auth_reset' => 'Authentication reset', 'auth_token' => 'Authentication token', 'auth_type' => 'Authentication method', 'auth_will_reset' => 'Authentication system will be reset: a form will be used instead of Persona.', 'author' => 'Author', 'auto_load_more' => 'Load next articles at the page bottom', 'auto_read_when' => 'Mark article as read…', 'auto_remove_article' => 'Hide articles after reading', 'auto_share' => 'Share', 'auto_share_help' => 'If there is only one sharing mode, it is used. Else modes are accessible by their number.', 'bad_opml_file' => 'Your OPML file is invalid', 'base_url' => 'Base URL', 'bdd' => 'Database', 'bdd_conf_is_ko' => 'Verify your database information.', 'bdd_conf_is_ok' => 'Database configuration has been saved.', 'bdd_configuration' => 'Database configuration', 'bdd_type' => 'Type of database', 'blank_to_disable' => 'Leave blank to disable', 'bottom_line' => 'Bottom line', 'by' => 'by', 'by_default' => 'By default', 'by_email' => 'By email', 'by_feed' => 'by feed', 'cache_is_ok' => 'Permissions on cache directory are good', 'can_not_be_deleted' => 'Cannot be deleted', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'categories_management' => 'Categories management', 'categories_updated' => 'Categories have been updated', 'categorize' => 'Store in a category', 'category' => 'Category', 'category_created' => 'Category %s has been created.', 'category_deleted' => 'Category has been deleted.', 'category_emptied' => 'Category has been emptied', 'category_name_exists' => 'Category name already exists.', 'category_no_id' => 'You must precise the id of the category.', 'category_no_name' => 'Category name cannot be empty.', 'category_not_delete_default' => 'You cannot delete the default category!', 'category_not_exist' => 'The category does not exist!', 'category_number' => 'Category n°%d', 'category_updated' => 'Category has been updated.', 'change_value' => 'You should change this value by any other', 'checks' => 'Checks', 'choose_language' => 'Choose a language for FreshRSS', 'collapse_article' => 'Collapse', 'configuration_updated' => 'Configuration has been updated', 'congratulations' => 'Congratulations!', 'content_width' => 'Content width', 'create' => 'Create', 'create_user' => 'Create new user', 'css_path_on_website' => 'Articles CSS path on original website', 'ctype_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library for character type checking (php-ctype)', 'ctype_is_ok' => 'You have the required library for character type checking (ctype)', 'curl_is_nok' => 'You lack cURL (php5-curl package)', 'curl_is_ok' => 'You have version %s of cURL', 'current_user' => 'Current user', 'damn' => 'Damn!', 'data_is_ok' => 'Permissions on data directory are good', 'dec' => 'dec', 'december' => 'Dec', 'default_category' => 'Uncategorized', 'default_user' => 'Username of the default user (maximum 16 alphanumeric characters)', 'default_view' => 'Default view', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'delete_articles_every' => 'Remove articles after', 'display_articles_unfolded' => 'Show articles unfolded by default', 'display_categories_unfolded' => 'Show categories folded by default', 'display_configuration' => 'Display', 'do_not_change_if_doubt' => 'Don’t change if you doubt about it', 'dom_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library to browse the DOM (php-xml package)', 'dom_is_ok' => 'You have the required library to browse the DOM', 'error_occurred' => 'An error occurred', 'error_occurred_update' => 'Nothing was changed', 'explain_token' => 'Allows to access RSS output of the default user without authentication.
%s?output=rss&token=%s', 'export' => 'Export', 'export_no_zip_extension' => 'Zip extension is not present on your server. Please try to export files one by one.', 'export_opml' => 'Export list of feeds (OPML)', 'export_starred' => 'Export your favourites', 'favicons_is_ok' => 'Permissions on favicons directory are good', 'feb' => 'feb', 'february' => 'Feb', 'feed' => 'Feed', 'feed_actualized' => '%s has been updated', 'feed_added' => 'RSS feed %s has been added', 'feed_deleted' => 'Feed has been deleted', 'feed_description' => 'Description', 'feed_empty' => 'This feed is empty. Please verify that it is still maintained.', 'feed_in_error' => 'This feed has encountered a problem. Please verify that it is always reachable then actualize it.', 'feed_list' => 'List of %s articles', 'feed_not_added' => '%s could not be added', 'feed_updated' => 'Feed has been updated', 'feed_url' => 'Feed URL', 'feed_validator' => 'Check the validity of the feed', 'feeds' => 'Feeds', 'feeds_actualized' => 'RSS feeds have been updated', 'feeds_imported' => 'Your feeds have been imported and will now be updated', 'feeds_imported_with_errors' => 'Your feeds have been imported but some errors occurred', 'feeds_marked_read' => 'Feeds have been marked as read', 'feeds_moved_category_deleted' => 'When you delete a category, their feeds are automatically classified under %s.', 'file_cannot_be_uploaded' => 'File cannot be uploaded!', 'file_is_nok' => 'Check permissions on %s directory. HTTP server must have rights to write into', 'file_to_import' => 'File to import
(OPML, Json or Zip)', 'file_to_import_no_zip' => 'File to import
(OPML or Json)', 'finish_installation' => 'Complete installation', 'first_article' => 'Skip to the first article', 'fix_errors_before' => 'Fix errors before skip to the next step.', 'focus_search' => 'Access search box', 'freshrss_installation' => 'Installation · FreshRSS', 'fri' => 'Fri', 'general_conf_is_ok' => 'General configuration has been saved.', 'general_configuration' => 'General configuration', 'help' => 'Display documentation', 'hide_read_feeds' => 'Hide categories & feeds with no unread article (does not work with “Show all articles” configuration)', 'host' => 'Host', 'html5_notif_timeout' => 'HTML5 notification timeout', 'http_auth' => 'HTTP (for advanced users with HTTPS)', 'http_authentication' => 'HTTP Authentication', 'http_password' => 'HTTP password', 'http_referer_is_nok' => 'Please check that you are not altering your HTTP REFERER.', 'http_referer_is_ok' => 'Your HTTP REFERER is known and corresponds to your server.', 'http_username' => 'HTTP username', 'img_with_lazyload' => 'Use "lazy load" mode to load pictures', 'import' => 'Import', 'informations' => 'Information', 'install_not_deleted' => 'Something went wrong; you must delete the file %s manually.', 'installation_is_ok' => 'The installation process was successful.
The final step will now attempt to delete any file and database backup created during the update process.
You may choose to skip this step by deleting ./data/do-install.txt manually.', 'installation_step' => 'Installation — step %d · FreshRSS', 'internal_problem_feed' => 'The RSS feed could not be added. Check FressRSS logs for details.', 'invalid_login' => 'Login is invalid', 'invalid_url' => 'URL %s is invalid', 'is_admin' => 'is administrator', 'jan' => 'jan', 'january' => 'Jan', 'javascript_for_shortcuts' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order to use shortcuts', 'javascript_is_better' => 'FreshRSS is more pleasant with JavaScript enabled', 'javascript_should_be_activated' => 'JavaScript must be enabled', 'jul' => 'jul', 'july' => 'Jul', 'jump_next' => 'jump to next unread sibling (feed or category)', 'jun' => 'jun', 'june' => 'Jun', 'keep_history' => 'Minimum number of articles to keep', 'keep_logged_in' => 'Keep me logged in (1 month)', 'language' => 'Language', 'language_defined' => 'Language has been defined.', 'last_3_month' => 'Last three months', 'last_6_month' => 'Last six months', 'last_article' => 'Skip to the last article', 'last_month' => 'Last month', 'last_week' => 'Last week', 'last_year' => 'Last year', 'log_is_ok' => 'Permissions on logs directory are good', 'login_configuration' => 'Login', 'login_persona_problem' => 'Connection problem with Persona?', 'login_required' => 'Login required:', 'login_with_persona' => 'Login with Persona', 'mar' => 'mar', 'march' => 'Mar', 'mark_cat_read' => 'Mark category as read', 'mark_favorite' => 'Mark as favourite', 'mark_feed_read' => 'Mark feed as read', 'may' => 'May', 'minz_is_nok' => 'You lack the Minz framework. You should execute script or download it on Github and install in %s directory the content of its /lib directory.', 'minz_is_ok' => 'You have the Minz framework', 'mon' => 'Mon', 'month' => 'months', 'more_information' => 'More information', 'n_entries_deleted' => '%d articles have been deleted', 'n_feeds_actualized' => '%d feeds have been updated', 'new_category' => 'New category', 'next_article' => 'Skip to the next article', 'next_page' => 'Skip to the next page', 'next_step' => 'Go to the next step', 'no' => 'No', 'no_feed_actualized' => 'No RSS feed has been updated', 'no_feed_to_refresh' => 'There is no feed to refresh…', 'no_query' => 'You haven’t created any user query yet.', 'no_query_filter' => 'No filter', 'no_rss_feed' => 'No RSS feed', 'no_selected_feed' => 'No feed selected.', 'no_update' => 'No update to apply', 'no_zip_extension' => 'Zip extension is not present on your server.', 'not_read' => '%d unread', 'not_reads' => '%d unread', 'not_yet_implemented' => 'Not yet implemented', 'nov' => 'nov', 'november' => 'Nov', 'number_articles' => '%d articles', 'number_divided_when_reader' => 'Divided by 2 in the reading view.', 'number_feeds' => '%d feeds', 'oct' => 'oct', 'october' => 'Oct', 'ok' => 'Ok!', 'oops' => 'Oops!', 'optimization_complete' => 'Optimization complete', 'optimize_bdd' => 'Optimize database', 'optimize_todo_sometimes' => 'To do occasionally to reduce the size of the database', 'or' => 'or', 'page_not_found' => 'You are looking for a page which doesn’t exist', 'password' => 'Password', 'password_api' => 'Password API
(e.g., for mobile apps)', 'password_form' => 'Password
(for the Web-form login method)', 'pcre_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library for regular expressions (php-pcre)', 'pcre_is_ok' => 'You have the required library for regular expressions (PCRE)', 'pdo_is_nok' => 'You lack PDO or one of the supported drivers (pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite)', 'pdo_is_ok' => 'You have PDO and at least one of the supported drivers (pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite)', 'persona_connection_email' => 'Login mail address
(for Mozilla Persona)', 'persona_is_ok' => 'Permissions on Mozilla Persona directory are good', 'php_is_nok' => 'Your PHP version is %s but FreshRSS requires at least version %s', 'php_is_ok' => 'Your PHP version is %s, which is compatible with FreshRSS', 'prefix' => 'Table prefix', 'previous_article' => 'Skip to the previous article', 'previous_page' => 'Skip to the previous page', 'public' => 'Public', 'publication_date' => 'Date of publication', 'purge_completed' => 'Purge completed (%d articles deleted)', 'purge_now' => 'Purge now', 'query_created' => 'Query "%s" has been created.', 'query_deprecated' => 'This query is no longer valid. The referenced category or feed has been deleted.', 'query_filter' => 'Filter applied:', 'query_get_all' => 'Display all articles', 'query_get_category' => 'Display "%s" category', 'query_get_favorite' => 'Display favorite articles', 'query_get_feed' => 'Display "%s" feed', 'query_number' => 'Query n°%d', 'query_order_asc' => 'Display oldest articles first', 'query_order_desc' => 'Display newest articles first', 'query_search' => 'Search for "%s"', 'query_state_0' => 'Display all articles', 'query_state_1' => 'Display read articles', 'query_state_2' => 'Display unread articles', 'query_state_3' => 'Display all articles', 'query_state_4' => 'Display favorite articles', 'query_state_5' => 'Display read favorite articles', 'query_state_6' => 'Display unread favorite articles', 'query_state_7' => 'Display favorite articles', 'query_state_8' => 'Display not favorite articles', 'query_state_9' => 'Display read not favorite articles', 'query_state_10' => 'Display unread not favorite articles', 'query_state_11' => 'Display not favorite articles', 'query_state_12' => 'Display all articles', 'query_state_13' => 'Display read articles', 'query_state_14' => 'Display unread articles', 'query_state_15' => 'Display all articles', 'random_string' => 'Random string', 'reading_confirm' => 'Display a confirmation dialog on “mark all as read” actions', 'refresh' => 'Refresh', 'retrieve_truncated_feeds' => 'Retrieves truncated RSS feeds (attention, requires more time!)', 'rss_feed_management' => 'RSS feeds management', 'sat' => 'Sat', 'save' => 'Save', 'scroll' => 'while scrolling', 'seconds_(0_means_no_timeout)' => 'seconds (0 means no timeout)', 'see_on_website' => 'See on original website', 'sep' => 'sep', 'september' => 'Sep', 'share_name' => 'Share name to display', 'share_url' => 'Share URL to use', 'sharing_management' => 'Sharing options management', 'shift_for_all_read' => '+ shift to mark all articles as read', 'shortcuts_article_action' => 'Article actions', 'shortcuts_navigation' => 'Navigation', 'shortcuts_navigation_help' => 'With the "Shift" modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on feeds.
With the "Alt" modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on categories.', 'shortcuts_other_action' => 'Other actions', 'shortcuts_updated' => 'Shortcuts have been updated', 'show_adaptive' => 'Adjust showing', 'show_all_articles' => 'Show all articles', 'show_in_all_flux' => 'Show in main stream', 'sort_order' => 'Sort order', 'starred_list' => 'List of favourite articles', 'stats_entry_count' => 'Entry count', 'stats_entry_per_category' => 'Entries per category', 'stats_entry_per_day' => 'Entries per day (last 30 days)', 'stats_entry_per_day_of_week' => 'Per day of week (average: %.2f messages)', 'stats_entry_per_hour' => 'Per hour (average: %.2f messages)', 'stats_entry_per_month' => 'Per month (average: %.2f messages)', 'stats_entry_repartition' => 'Entries repartition', 'stats_feed_per_category' => 'Feeds per category', 'stats_no_idle' => 'There is no idle feed!', 'stats_percent_of_total' => '%% of total', 'stats_top_feed' => 'Top ten feeds', 'status_favorites' => 'Favourites', 'status_read' => 'Read', 'status_total' => 'Total', 'status_unread' => 'Unread', 'steps' => 'Steps', 'sticky_post' => 'Stick the article to the top when opened', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'sun' => 'Sun', 'theme' => 'Theme', 'this_is_the_end' => 'This is the end', 'thu' => 'Thu', 'top_line' => 'Top line', 'truncate' => 'Delete all articles', 'ttl' => 'Do not automatically refresh more often than', 'tue' => 'Tue', 'unsafe_autologin' => 'Allow unsafe automatic login using the format: ', 'update_apply' => 'Apply', 'update_can_apply' => 'An update is available.', 'update_check' => 'Check for new updates', 'update_end' => 'Update process is completed, now you can go to the final step.', 'update_finished' => 'Update completed!', 'update_last' => 'Last verification: %s', 'update_long' => 'This can take a long time, depending on the size of your database. You may have to wait for this page to time out (~5 minutes) and then refresh this page.', 'update_problem' => 'The update process has encountered an error: %s', 'update_server_not_found' => 'Update server cannot be found. [%s]', 'update_start' => 'Start update process', 'update_system' => 'Update system', 'updated' => 'Modifications have been updated', 'upon_reception' => 'upon reception of the article', 'user_created' => 'User %s has been created', 'user_deleted' => 'User %s has been deleted', 'user_filter' => 'Access user filters', 'user_filter_help' => 'If there is only one user filter, it is used. Else filters are accessible by their number.', 'username' => 'Username', 'username_admin' => 'Administrator username', 'users' => 'Users', 'users_list' => 'List of users', 'version_update' => 'Update', 'website_url' => 'Website URL', 'wed' => 'Wed', 'width_large' => 'Large', 'width_medium' => 'Medium', 'width_no_limit' => 'No limit', 'width_thin' => 'Thin', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'your_diaspora_pod' => 'Your Diaspora* pod', 'your_shaarli' => 'Your Shaarli', 'your_wallabag' => 'Your wallabag', 'zip_error' => 'An error occured during Zip import.', );