array( 'delete_after' => 'Remove articles after', 'exception' => 'Purge exception', 'help' => 'More options are available in the individual feed settings', 'keep_favourites' => 'Never delete favourites', 'keep_labels' => 'Never delete labels', 'keep_max' => 'Maximum number of articles to keep', 'keep_min_by_feed' => 'Minimum number of articles to keep by feed', 'keep_period' => 'Maximum age of articles to keep', 'keep_unreads' => 'Never delete unreads', 'maintenance' => 'Maintenance', 'optimize' => 'Optimise database', 'optimize_help' => 'Do occasionally to reduce the size of the database', 'policy' => 'Purge policy', 'policy_warning' => 'If no purge policy is selected, every article will be kept.', 'purge_now' => 'Purge now', 'title' => 'Archiving', 'ttl' => 'Do not automatically refresh more often than', '_' => 'Archiving', ), 'display' => array( 'icon' => array( 'bottom_line' => 'Bottom line', 'display_authors' => 'Authors', 'entry' => 'Article icons', 'publication_date' => 'Date of publication', 'related_tags' => 'Article tags', 'sharing' => 'Sharing', 'top_line' => 'Top line', ), 'language' => 'Language', 'notif_html5' => array( 'seconds' => 'seconds (0 means no timeout)', 'timeout' => 'HTML5 notification timeout', ), 'show_nav_buttons' => 'Show the navigation buttons', 'theme' => 'Theme', 'title' => 'Display', 'width' => array( 'content' => 'Content width', 'large' => 'Large', 'medium' => 'Medium', 'no_limit' => 'No limit', 'thin' => 'Thin', ), '_' => 'Display', ), 'profile' => array( 'api' => 'API management', 'delete' => array( 'warn' => 'Your account and all related data will be deleted.', '_' => 'Account deletion', ), 'email' => 'Email address', 'password_api' => 'API password
(e.g., for mobile apps)', 'password_form' => 'Password
(for the Web-form login method)', 'password_format' => 'At least 7 characters', 'title' => 'Profile', '_' => 'Profile management', ), 'query' => array( 'deprecated' => 'This query is no longer valid. The referenced category or feed has been deleted.', 'display' => 'Display user query results', 'filter' => 'Filter applied:', 'get_all' => 'Display all articles', 'get_category' => 'Display "%s" category', 'get_favorite' => 'Display favourite articles', 'get_feed' => 'Display "%s" feed', 'none' => 'You haven’t created any user queries yet.', 'no_filter' => 'No filter', 'number' => 'Query n°%d', 'order_asc' => 'Display oldest articles first', 'order_desc' => 'Display newest articles first', 'remove' => 'Remove user query', 'search' => 'Search for "%s"', 'state_0' => 'Display all articles', 'state_1' => 'Display read articles', 'state_2' => 'Display unread articles', 'state_3' => 'Display all articles', 'state_4' => 'Display favourite articles', 'state_5' => 'Display read favourite articles', 'state_6' => 'Display unread favourite articles', 'state_7' => 'Display favourite articles', 'state_8' => 'Display not favourite articles', 'state_9' => 'Display read not favourite articles', 'state_10' => 'Display unread not favourite articles', 'state_11' => 'Display not favourite articles', 'state_12' => 'Display all articles', 'state_13' => 'Display read articles', 'state_14' => 'Display unread articles', 'state_15' => 'Display all articles', 'title' => 'User queries', '_' => 'User queries', ), 'reading' => array( 'after_onread' => 'After “mark all as read”,', 'always_show_favorites' => 'Show all articles in favorites by default', 'articles_per_page' => 'Number of articles per page', 'auto_load_more' => 'Load more articles at the page bottom', 'auto_remove_article' => 'Hide articles after reading', 'confirm_enabled' => 'Display a confirmation dialog on “mark all as read” actions', 'display_articles_unfolded' => 'Show articles unfolded by default', 'display_categories_unfolded' => 'Show categories unfolded by default', 'hide_read_feeds' => 'Hide categories & feeds with no unread articles (does not work with “Show all articles” configuration)', 'img_with_lazyload' => 'Use "lazy load" mode to load pictures', 'jump_next' => 'jump to next unread sibling (feed or category)', 'mark_updated_article_unread' => 'Mark updated articles as unread', 'number_divided_when_reader' => 'Divided by 2 in the reading view.', 'read' => array( 'article_open_on_website' => 'when article is opened on its original website', 'article_viewed' => 'when article is viewed', 'scroll' => 'while scrolling', 'upon_reception' => 'upon receiving the article', 'when' => 'Mark article as read…', ), 'show' => array( 'adaptive' => 'Adjust showing', 'all_articles' => 'Show all articles', 'unread' => 'Show only unread', '_' => 'Articles to display', ), 'sides_close_article' => 'Clicking outside of article text area closes the article', 'sort' => array( 'newer_first' => 'Newest first', 'older_first' => 'Oldest first', '_' => 'Sort order', ), 'sticky_post' => 'Stick the article to the top when opened', 'title' => 'Reading', 'view' => array( 'default' => 'Default view', 'global' => 'Global view', 'normal' => 'Normal view', 'reader' => 'Reading view', ), '_' => 'Reading', ), 'sharing' => array( 'add' => 'Add a sharing method', 'blogotext' => 'Blogotext', 'diaspora' => 'Diaspora*', 'email' => 'Email', 'facebook' => 'Facebook', 'more_information' => 'More information', 'print' => 'Print', 'remove' => 'Remove sharing method', 'shaarli' => 'Shaarli', 'share_name' => 'Share name to display', 'share_url' => 'Share URL to use', 'title' => 'Sharing', 'twitter' => 'Twitter', 'wallabag' => 'wallabag', '_' => 'Sharing', ), 'shortcut' => array( 'article_action' => 'Article actions', 'auto_share' => 'Share', 'auto_share_help' => 'If there is only one sharing mode, it is used. Otherwise, modes are accessible by their number.', 'close_dropdown' => 'Close menus', 'collapse_article' => 'Collapse', 'first_article' => 'Open the first article', 'focus_search' => 'Access search box', 'global_view' => 'Switch to global view', 'help' => 'Display documentation', 'javascript' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order to use shortcuts', 'last_article' => 'Open the last article', 'load_more' => 'Load more articles', 'mark_favorite' => 'Toggle favourite', 'mark_read' => 'Toggle read', 'navigation' => 'Navigation', 'navigation_help' => 'With the ⇧ Shift modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on feeds.
With the Alt ⎇ modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on categories.', 'navigation_no_mod_help' => 'The following navigation shortcuts do not support modifiers.', 'next_article' => 'Open the next article', 'normal_view' => 'Switch to normal view', 'other_action' => 'Other actions', 'previous_article' => 'Open the previous article', 'reading_view' => 'Switch to reading view', 'rss_view' => 'Open RSS view in a new tab', 'see_on_website' => 'See on original website', 'shift_for_all_read' => '+ Alt ⎇ to mark previous articles as read
+ ⇧ Shift to mark all articles as read', 'skip_next_article' => 'Focus next without opening', 'skip_previous_article' => 'Focus previous without opening', 'title' => 'Shortcuts', 'user_filter' => 'Access user queries', 'user_filter_help' => 'If there is only one user query, it is used. Otherwise, queries are accessible by their number.', 'views' => 'Views', '_' => 'Shortcuts', ), 'user' => array( 'articles_and_size' => '%s articles (%s)', 'current' => 'Current user', 'is_admin' => 'is administrator', 'users' => 'Users', ), );