#!/usr/bin/env php auth_type = 'none'; // avoid necessity to be logged in (not saved!) define('SIMPLEPIE_SYSLOG_ENABLED', $system_conf->simplepie_syslog_enabled); notice('FreshRSS starting feeds actualization at ' . $begin_date->format('c')); // make sure the PHP setup of the CLI environment is compatible with FreshRSS as well performRequirementCheck($system_conf->db['type']); // Create the list of users to actualize. // Users are processed in a random order but always start with default user $users = listUsers(); shuffle($users); if ($system_conf->default_user !== '') { array_unshift($users, $system_conf->default_user); $users = array_unique($users); } $limits = $system_conf->limits; $min_last_activity = time() - $limits['max_inactivity']; foreach ($users as $user) { if (!get_user_configuration($user)->enabled) { notice('FreshRSS skip disabled user ' . $user); continue; } if (($user !== $system_conf->default_user) && (FreshRSS_UserDAO::mtime($user) < $min_last_activity)) { notice('FreshRSS skip inactive user ' . $user); continue; } Minz_Session::_param('currentUser', $user); new Minz_ModelPdo($user); //TODO: FIXME: Quick-fix while waiting for a better FreshRSS() constructor/init FreshRSS_Auth::giveAccess(); $app->init(); notice('FreshRSS actualize ' . $user . '...'); echo $user, ' '; //Buffered $app->run(); if (!invalidateHttpCache()) { Minz_Log::warning('FreshRSS write access problem in ' . join_path(USERS_PATH, $user, 'log.txt'), ADMIN_LOG); if (defined('STDERR')) { fwrite(STDERR, 'FreshRSS write access problem in ' . join_path(USERS_PATH, $user, 'log.txt') . "\n"); } } Minz_Session::_params([ 'currentUser' => '_', 'loginOk' => false, ]); gc_collect_cycles(); } $end_date = date_create('now'); $duration = date_diff($end_date, $begin_date); notice('FreshRSS actualization done for ' . count($users) . ' users, using ' . format_bytes(memory_get_peak_usage(true)) . ' of memory, in ' . $duration->format('%a day(s), %h hour(s), %i minute(s) and %s seconds.')); echo 'End.', "\n"; ob_end_flush();