token; $token_param = Minz_Request::param('token', ''); $token_is_ok = ($token != '' && $token == $token_param); $action = Minz_Request::actionName(); if ($action !== 'actualize' || !(Minz_Configuration::allowAnonymousRefresh() || $token_is_ok)) { Minz_Error::error( 403, array('error' => array(_t('access_denied'))) ); } } } /** * This action subscribes to a feed. * * It can be reached by both GET and POST requests. * * GET request displays a form to add and configure a feed. * Request parameter is: * - url_rss (default: false) * * POST request adds a feed in database. * Parameters are: * - url_rss (default: false) * - category (default: false) * - new_category (required if category == 'nc') * - http_user (default: false) * - http_pass (default: false) * It tries to get website information from RSS feed. * If no category is given, feed is added to the default one. * * If url_rss is false, nothing happened. */ public function addAction() { $url = Minz_Request::param('url_rss'); if ($url === false) { // No url, do nothing Minz_Request::forward(array( 'c' => 'subscription', 'a' => 'index' ), true); } $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); $this->catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); $url_redirect = array( 'c' => 'subscription', 'a' => 'index', 'params' => array(), ); $limits = Minz_Configuration::limits(); $this->view->feeds = $feedDAO->listFeeds(); if (count($this->view->feeds) >= $limits['max_feeds']) { Minz_Request::bad(_t('over_max_feeds', $limits['max_feeds']), $url_redirect); return; } if (Minz_Request::isPost()) { @set_time_limit(300); $cat = Minz_Request::param('category'); if ($cat === 'nc') { // User want to create a new category, new_category parameter // must exist $new_cat = Minz_Request::param('new_category'); if (empty($new_cat['name'])) { $cat = false; } else { $cat = $this->catDAO->addCategory($new_cat); } } if ($cat === false) { // If category was not given or if creating new category failed, // get the default category $this->catDAO->checkDefault(); $def_cat = $this->catDAO->getDefault(); $cat = $def_cat->id(); } // HTTP information are useful if feed is protected behind a // HTTP authentication $user = Minz_Request::param('http_user'); $pass = Minz_Request::param('http_pass'); $http_auth = ''; if ($user != '' || $pass != '') { $http_auth = $user . ':' . $pass; } $transaction_started = false; try { $feed = new FreshRSS_Feed($url); } catch (FreshRSS_BadUrl_Exception $e) { // Given url was not a valid url! Minz_Log::warning($e->getMessage()); Minz_Request::bad(_t('invalid_url', $url), $url_redirect); } try { $feed->load(true); } catch (FreshRSS_Feed_Exception $e) { // Something went bad (timeout, server not found, etc.) Minz_Log::warning($e->getMessage()); Minz_Request::bad( _t('internal_problem_feed', _url('index', 'logs')), $url_redirect ); } catch (Minz_FileNotExistException $e) { // Cache directory doesn't exist! Minz_Log::error($e->getMessage()); Minz_Request::bad( _t('internal_problem_feed', _url('index', 'logs')), $url_redirect ); } if ($feedDAO->searchByUrl($feed->url())) { Minz_Request::bad(_t('already_subscribed', $feed->name()), $url_redirect); } $feed->_category($cat); $feed->_httpAuth($http_auth); $values = array( 'url' => $feed->url(), 'category' => $feed->category(), 'name' => $feed->name(), 'website' => $feed->website(), 'description' => $feed->description(), 'lastUpdate' => time(), 'httpAuth' => $feed->httpAuth(), ); $id = $feedDAO->addFeed($values); if (!$id) { // There was an error in database... we cannot say what here. Minz_Request::bad(_t('feed_not_added', $feed->name()), $url_redirect); } // Ok, feed has been added in database. Now we have to refresh entries. $feed->_id($id); $feed->faviconPrepare(); $is_read = FreshRSS_Context::$conf->mark_when['reception'] ? 1 : 0; $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); // We want chronological order and SimplePie uses reverse order. $entries = array_reverse($feed->entries()); // Calculate date of oldest entries we accept in DB. $nb_month_old = FreshRSS_Context::$conf->old_entries; $date_min = time() - (3600 * 24 * 30 * $nb_month_old); // Use a shared statement and a transaction to improve a LOT the // performances. $prepared_statement = $entryDAO->addEntryPrepare(); $feedDAO->beginTransaction(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { // Entries are added without any verification. $values = $entry->toArray(); $values['id_feed'] = $feed->id(); $values['id'] = min(time(), $entry->date(true)) . uSecString(); $values['is_read'] = $is_read; $entryDAO->addEntry($values, $prepared_statement); } $feedDAO->updateLastUpdate($feed->id()); $feedDAO->commit(); // Entries are in DB, we redirect to feed configuration page. $url_redirect['params']['id'] = $feed->id(); Minz_Request::good(_t('feed_added', $feed->name()), $url_redirect); } else { // GET request: we must ask confirmation to user before adding feed. Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('add_rss_feed') . ' ยท '); $this->view->categories = $this->catDAO->listCategories(false); $this->view->feed = new FreshRSS_Feed($url); try { // We try to get more information about the feed. $this->view->feed->load(true); $this->view->load_ok = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->view->load_ok = false; } $feed = $feedDAO->searchByUrl($this->view->feed->url()); if ($feed) { // Already subscribe so we redirect to the feed configuration page. $url_redirect['params']['id'] = $feed->id(); Minz_Request::good(_t('already_subscribed', $feed->name()), $url_redirect); } } } /** * This action remove entries from a given feed. * * It should be reached by a POST action. * * Parameter is: * - id (default: false) */ public function truncateAction() { $id = Minz_Request::param('id'); $url_redirect = array( 'c' => 'subscription', 'a' => 'index', 'params' => array('id' => $id) ); if (!Minz_Request::isPost()) { Minz_Request::forward($url_redirect, true); } $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); $n = $feedDAO->truncate($id); invalidateHttpCache(); if ($n === false) { Minz_Request::bad(_t('error_occurred'), $url_redirect); } else { Minz_Request::good(_t('n_entries_deleted', $n), $url_redirect); } } /** * This action actualizes entries from one or several feeds. * * Parameters are: * - id (default: false) * - force (default: false) * If id is not specified, all the feeds are actualized. But if force is * false, process stops at 10 feeds to avoid time execution problem. */ public function actualizeAction() { @set_time_limit(300); $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); Minz_Session::_param('actualize_feeds', false); $id = Minz_Request::param('id'); $force = Minz_Request::param('force'); // Create a list of feeds to actualize. // If id is set and valid, corresponding feed is added to the list but // alone in order to automatize further process. $feeds = array(); if ($id) { $feed = $feedDAO->searchById($id); if ($feed) { $feeds[] = $feed; } } else { $feeds = $feedDAO->listFeedsOrderUpdate(FreshRSS_Context::$conf->ttl_default); } // Calculate date of oldest entries we accept in DB. $nb_month_old = max(FreshRSS_Context::$conf->old_entries, 1); $date_min = time() - (3600 * 24 * 30 * $nb_month_old); $updated_feeds = 0; $is_read = FreshRSS_Context::$conf->mark_when['reception'] ? 1 : 0; foreach ($feeds as $feed) { if (!$feed->lock()) { Minz_Log::notice('Feed already being actualized: ' . $feed->url()); continue; } try { // Load entries $feed->load(false); } catch (FreshRSS_Feed_Exception $e) { Minz_Log::notice($e->getMessage()); $feedDAO->updateLastUpdate($feed->id(), 1); $feed->unlock(); continue; } $url = $feed->url(); $feed_history = $feed->keepHistory(); if ($feed_history == -2) { // TODO: -2 must be a constant! // -2 means we take the default value from configuration $feed_history = FreshRSS_Context::$conf->keep_history_default; } // We want chronological order and SimplePie uses reverse order. $entries = array_reverse($feed->entries()); if (count($entries) > 0) { // For this feed, check last n entry GUIDs already in database. $existing_guids = array_fill_keys($entryDAO->listLastGuidsByFeed( $feed->id(), count($entries) + 10 ), 1); $use_declared_date = empty($existing_guids); // Add entries in database if possible. $prepared_statement = $entryDAO->addEntryPrepare(); $feedDAO->beginTransaction(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entry_date = $entry->date(true); if (isset($existing_guids[$entry->guid()]) || ($feed_history == 0 && $entry_date < $date_min)) { // This entry already exists in DB or should not be added // considering configuration and date. continue; } $id = uTimeString(); if ($use_declared_date || $entry_date < $date_min) { // Use declared date at first import. $id = min(time(), $entry_date) . uSecString(); } $values = $entry->toArray(); $values['id'] = $id; $values['is_read'] = $is_read; $entryDAO->addEntry($values, $prepared_statement); } } if ($feed_history >= 0 && rand(0, 30) === 1) { // TODO: move this function in web cron when available (see entry::purge) // Remove old entries once in 30. if (!$feedDAO->hasTransaction()) { $feedDAO->beginTransaction(); } $nb = $feedDAO->cleanOldEntries($feed->id(), $date_min, max($feed_history, count($entries) + 10)); if ($nb > 0) { Minz_Log::debug($nb . ' old entries cleaned in feed [' . $feed->url() . ']'); } } $feedDAO->updateLastUpdate($feed->id(), 0, $feedDAO->hasTransaction()); if ($feedDAO->hasTransaction()) { $feedDAO->commit(); } if ($feed->url() !== $url) { // HTTP 301 Moved Permanently Minz_Log::notice('Feed ' . $url . ' moved permanently to ' . $feed->url()); $feedDAO->updateFeed($feed->id(), array('url' => $feed->url())); } $feed->faviconPrepare(); $feed->unlock(); $updated_feeds++; unset($feed); // No more than 10 feeds unless $force is true to avoid overloading // the server. if ($updated_feeds >= 10 && !$force) { break; } } if (Minz_Request::param('ajax')) { // Most of the time, ajax request is for only one feed. But since // there are several parallel requests, we should return that there // are several updated feeds. $notif = array( 'type' => 'good', 'content' => _t('feeds_actualized') ); Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif); // No layout in ajax request. $this->view->_useLayout(false); return; } // Redirect to the main page with correct notification. if ($updated_feeds === 1) { $feed = reset($feeds); Minz_Request::good(_t('feed_actualized', $feed->name()), array('get' => 'f_' . $feed->id())); } elseif ($updated_feeds > 1) { Minz_Request::good(_t('n_feeds_actualized', $updated_feeds), array()); } else { Minz_Request::good(_t('no_feed_to_refresh'), array()); } } /** * This action changes the category of a feed. * * This page must be reached by a POST request. * * Parameters are: * - f_id (default: false) * - c_id (default: false) * If c_id is false, default category is used. * * @todo should handle order of the feed inside the category. */ public function moveAction() { if (!Minz_Request::isPost()) { Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'subscription'), true); } $feed_id = Minz_Request::param('f_id'); $cat_id = Minz_Request::param('c_id'); if ($cat_id === false) { // If category was not given get the default one. $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); $catDAO->checkDefault(); $def_cat = $catDAO->getDefault(); $cat_id = $def_cat->id(); } $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); $values = array('category' => $cat_id); $feed = $feedDAO->searchById($feed_id); if ($feed && ($feed->category() == $cat_id || $feedDAO->updateFeed($feed_id, $values))) { // TODO: return something useful } else { Minz_Log::warning('Cannot move feed `' . $feed_id . '` ' . 'in the category `' . $cat_id . '`'); Minz_Error::error( 404, array('error' => array(_t('error_occurred'))) ); } } /** * This action deletes a feed. * * This page must be reached by a POST request. * If there are related queries, they are deleted too. * * Parameters are: * - id (default: false) * - r (default: false) * r permits to redirect to a given page at the end of this action. * * @todo handle "r" redirection in Minz_Request::forward()? */ public function deleteAction() { $redirect_url = Minz_Request::param('r', false, true); if (!$redirect_url) { $redirect_url = array('c' => 'subscription', 'a' => 'index'); } if (!Minz_Request::isPost()) { Minz_Request::forward($redirect_url, true); } $id = Minz_Request::param('id'); $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); if ($feedDAO->deleteFeed($id)) { // TODO: Delete old favicon // Remove related queries FreshRSS_Context::$conf->remove_query_by_get('f_' . $id); FreshRSS_Context::$conf->save(); Minz_Request::good(_t('feed_deleted'), $redirect_url); } else { Minz_Request::bad(_t('error_occurred'), $redirect_url); } } }