Do not require write access to check new version

Do not require write access to check if new ZIP version is available
Alexandre Alapetite 7 years ago
parent 21954d6d83
commit 20d1301b46
  1. 30
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@ -59,24 +59,26 @@ class FreshRSS_update_Controller extends Minz_ActionController {
public function indexAction() {
Minz_View::prependTitle(_t('admin.update.title') . ' · ');
if (!is_writable(FRESHRSS_PATH)) {
$this->view->message = array(
'status' => 'bad',
'title' => _t('gen.short.damn'),
'body' => _t('feedback.update.file_is_nok', FRESHRSS_PATH)
} elseif (file_exists(UPDATE_FILENAME)) {
if (file_exists(UPDATE_FILENAME)) {
// There is an update file to apply!
$version = @file_get_contents(join_path(DATA_PATH, 'last_update.txt'));
if (empty($version)) {
if ($version == '') {
$version = 'unknown';
$this->view->update_to_apply = true;
$this->view->message = array(
'status' => 'good',
'title' => _t('gen.short.ok'),
'body' => _t('feedback.update.can_apply', $version)
if (is_writable(FRESHRSS_PATH)) {
$this->view->update_to_apply = true;
$this->view->message = array(
'status' => 'good',
'title' => _t('gen.short.ok'),
'body' => _t('feedback.update.can_apply', $version),
} else {
$this->view->message = array(
'status' => 'bad',
'title' => _t('gen.short.damn'),
'body' => _t('feedback.update.file_is_nok', $version, FRESHRSS_PATH),

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS bude nyní upgradováno na <strong>verzi %s</strong>.',
'error' => 'Během upgrade došlo k chybě: %s',
'file_is_nok' => 'Zkontrolujte oprávnění adresáře <em>%s</em>. HTTP server musí mít do tohoto adresáře práva zápisu',
'file_is_nok' => '<strong>Verzi %s</strong>. Zkontrolujte oprávnění adresáře <em>%s</em>. HTTP server musí mít do tohoto adresáře práva zápisu',
'finished' => 'Upgrade hotov!',
'none' => 'Novější verze není k dispozici',
'server_not_found' => 'Nelze nalézt server s instalačním souborem. [%s]',

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS wird nun auf die <strong>Version %s</strong> aktualisiert.',
'error' => 'Der Aktualisierungsvorgang stieß auf einen Fehler: %s',
'file_is_nok' => 'Überprüfen Sie die Berechtigungen des Verzeichnisses <em>%s</em>. Der HTTP-Server muss Schreibrechte besitzen',
'file_is_nok' => '<strong>Version %s</strong>. Überprüfen Sie die Berechtigungen des Verzeichnisses <em>%s</em>. Der HTTP-Server muss Schreibrechte besitzen',
'finished' => 'Aktualisierung abgeschlossen!',
'none' => 'Keine Aktualisierung zum Anwenden',
'server_not_found' => 'Der Aktualisierungs-Server kann nicht gefunden werden. [%s]',

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS will now be updated to the <strong>version %s</strong>.',
'error' => 'The update process has encountered an error: %s',
'file_is_nok' => 'Check permissions on <em>%s</em> directory. HTTP server must have rights to write into',
'file_is_nok' => 'New <strong>version %s</strong> available, but check permissions on <em>%s</em> directory. HTTP server must have rights to write into',
'finished' => 'Update completed!',
'none' => 'No update to apply',
'server_not_found' => 'Update server cannot be found. [%s]',

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS va maintenant être mis à jour vers la <strong>version %s</strong>.',
'error' => 'La mise à jour a rencontré un problème : %s',
'file_is_nok' => 'Veuillez vérifier les droits sur le répertoire <em>%s</em>. Le serveur HTTP doit être capable d’écrire dedans',
'file_is_nok' => 'Nouvelle <strong>version %s</strong> disponible, mais veuillez vérifier les droits sur le répertoire <em>%s</em>. Le serveur HTTP doit être capable d’écrire dedans',
'finished' => 'La mise à jour est terminée !',
'none' => 'Aucune mise à jour à appliquer',
'server_not_found' => 'Le serveur de mise à jour n’a pas été trouvé. [%s]',

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS verrà aggiornato alla <strong>versione %s</strong>.',
'error' => 'Il processo di aggiornamento ha riscontrato il seguente errore: %s',
'file_is_nok' => 'Verifica i permessi della cartella <em>%s</em>. Il server HTTP deve avere i permessi per la scrittura ',
'file_is_nok' => 'Nuova <strong>versione %s</strong>, ma verifica i permessi della cartella <em>%s</em>. Il server HTTP deve avere i permessi per la scrittura ',
'finished' => 'Aggiornamento completato con successo!',
'none' => 'Nessun aggiornamento disponibile',
'server_not_found' => 'Server per aggiornamento non disponibile. [%s]',

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS word nu vernieud naar <strong>versie %s</strong>.',
'error' => 'Het vernieuwingsproces kwam een fout tegen: %s',
'file_is_nok' => 'Controleer permissies op <em>%s</em> map. HTTP server moet rechten hebben om er in te schrijven',
'file_is_nok' => '<strong>Versie %s</strong>. Controleer permissies op <em>%s</em> map. HTTP server moet rechten hebben om er in te schrijven',
'finished' => 'Vernieuwing compleet!',
'none' => 'Geen vernieuwing om toe te passen',
'server_not_found' => 'Vernieuwings server kan niet worden gevonden. [%s]',

@ -2,108 +2,108 @@
return array(
'admin' => array(
'optimization_complete' => 'Optimisation complete',
'optimization_complete' => 'Optimisation complete', //TODO
'access' => array(
'denied' => 'You don’t have permission to access this page',
'not_found' => 'You are looking for a page which doesn’t exist',
'denied' => 'You don’t have permission to access this page', //TODO
'not_found' => 'You are looking for a page which doesn’t exist', //TODO
'auth' => array(
'form' => array(
'not_set' => 'A problem occured during authentication system configuration. Please retry later.',
'set' => 'Form is now your default authentication system.',
'not_set' => 'A problem occured during authentication system configuration. Please retry later.', //TODO
'set' => 'Form is now your default authentication system.', //TODO
'login' => array(
'invalid' => 'Login is invalid',
'success' => 'You are connected',
'invalid' => 'Login is invalid', //TODO
'success' => 'You are connected', //TODO
'logout' => array(
'success' => 'You are disconnected',
'success' => 'You are disconnected', //TODO
'no_password_set' => 'Administrator password hasn’t been set. This feature isn’t available.',
'no_password_set' => 'Administrator password hasn’t been set. This feature isn’t available.', //TODO
'conf' => array(
'error' => 'An error occurred during configuration saving',
'query_created' => 'Query "%s" has been created.',
'shortcuts_updated' => 'Shortcuts have been updated',
'updated' => 'Configuration has been updated',
'error' => 'An error occurred during configuration saving', //TODO
'query_created' => 'Query "%s" has been created.', //TODO
'shortcuts_updated' => 'Shortcuts have been updated', //TODO
'updated' => 'Configuration has been updated', //TODO
'extensions' => array(
'already_enabled' => '%s is already enabled',
'already_enabled' => '%s is already enabled', //TODO
'disable' => array(
'ko' => '%s cannot be disabled. <a href="%s">Check FressRSS logs</a> for details.',
'ok' => '%s is now disabled',
'ko' => '%s cannot be disabled. <a href="%s">Check FressRSS logs</a> for details.', //TODO
'ok' => '%s is now disabled', //TODO
'enable' => array(
'ko' => '%s cannot be enabled. <a href="%s">Check FressRSS logs</a> for details.',
'ok' => '%s is now enabled',
'ko' => '%s cannot be enabled. <a href="%s">Check FressRSS logs</a> for details.', //TODO
'ok' => '%s is now enabled', //TODO
'no_access' => 'You have no access on %s',
'not_enabled' => '%s is not enabled yet',
'not_found' => '%s does not exist',
'no_access' => 'You have no access on %s', //TODO
'not_enabled' => '%s is not enabled yet', //TODO
'not_found' => '%s does not exist', //TODO
'import_export' => array(
'export_no_zip_extension' => 'ZIP extension is not present on your server. Please try to export files one by one.',
'feeds_imported' => 'Your feeds have been imported and will now be updated',
'feeds_imported_with_errors' => 'Your feeds have been imported but some errors occurred',
'file_cannot_be_uploaded' => 'File cannot be uploaded!',
'no_zip_extension' => 'ZIP extension is not present on your server.',
'zip_error' => 'An error occured during ZIP import.',
'export_no_zip_extension' => 'ZIP extension is not present on your server. Please try to export files one by one.', //TODO
'feeds_imported' => 'Your feeds have been imported and will now be updated', //TODO
'feeds_imported_with_errors' => 'Your feeds have been imported but some errors occurred', //TODO
'file_cannot_be_uploaded' => 'File cannot be uploaded!', //TODO
'no_zip_extension' => 'ZIP extension is not present on your server.', //TODO
'zip_error' => 'An error occured during ZIP import.', //TODO
'sub' => array(
'actualize' => 'Actualise',
'actualize' => 'Actualise', //TODO
'category' => array(
'created' => 'Category %s has been created.',
'deleted' => 'Category has been deleted.',
'emptied' => 'Category has been emptied',
'error' => 'Category cannot be updated',
'name_exists' => 'Category name already exists.',
'no_id' => 'You must precise the id of the category.',
'no_name' => 'Category name cannot be empty.',
'not_delete_default' => 'You cannot delete the default category!',
'not_exist' => 'The category does not exist!',
'over_max' => 'You have reached your limit of categories (%d)',
'updated' => 'Category has been updated.',
'created' => 'Category %s has been created.', //TODO
'deleted' => 'Category has been deleted.', //TODO
'emptied' => 'Category has been emptied', //TODO
'error' => 'Category cannot be updated', //TODO
'name_exists' => 'Category name already exists.', //TODO
'no_id' => 'You must precise the id of the category.', //TODO
'no_name' => 'Category name cannot be empty.', //TODO
'not_delete_default' => 'You cannot delete the default category!', //TODO
'not_exist' => 'The category does not exist!', //TODO
'over_max' => 'You have reached your limit of categories (%d)', //TODO
'updated' => 'Category has been updated.', //TODO
'feed' => array(
'actualized' => '<em>%s</em> has been updated',
'actualizeds' => 'RSS feeds have been updated',
'added' => 'RSS feed <em>%s</em> has been added',
'already_subscribed' => 'You have already subscribed to <em>%s</em>',
'deleted' => 'Feed has been deleted',
'error' => 'Feed cannot be updated',
'internal_problem' => 'The RSS feed could not be added. <a href="%s">Check FressRSS logs</a> for details.',
'invalid_url' => 'URL <em>%s</em> is invalid',
'marked_read' => 'Feeds have been marked as read',
'n_actualized' => '%d feeds have been updated',
'n_entries_deleted' => '%d articles have been deleted',
'no_refresh' => 'There is no feed to refresh…',
'not_added' => '<em>%s</em> could not be added',
'over_max' => 'You have reached your limit of feeds (%d)',
'updated' => 'Feed has been updated',
'actualized' => '<em>%s</em> has been updated', //TODO
'actualizeds' => 'RSS feeds have been updated', //TODO
'added' => 'RSS feed <em>%s</em> has been added', //TODO
'already_subscribed' => 'You have already subscribed to <em>%s</em>', //TODO
'deleted' => 'Feed has been deleted', //TODO
'error' => 'Feed cannot be updated', //TODO
'internal_problem' => 'The RSS feed could not be added. <a href="%s">Check FressRSS logs</a> for details.', //TODO
'invalid_url' => 'URL <em>%s</em> is invalid', //TODO
'marked_read' => 'Feeds have been marked as read', //TODO
'n_actualized' => '%d feeds have been updated', //TODO
'n_entries_deleted' => '%d articles have been deleted', //TODO
'no_refresh' => 'There is no feed to refresh…', //TODO
'not_added' => '<em>%s</em> could not be added', //TODO
'over_max' => 'You have reached your limit of feeds (%d)', //TODO
'updated' => 'Feed has been updated', //TODO
'purge_completed' => 'Purge completed (%d articles deleted)',
'purge_completed' => 'Purge completed (%d articles deleted)', //TODO
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS will now be updated to the <strong>version %s</strong>.',
'error' => 'The update process has encountered an error: %s',
'file_is_nok' => 'Check permissions on <em>%s</em> directory. HTTP server must have rights to write into',
'finished' => 'Update completed!',
'none' => 'No update to apply',
'server_not_found' => 'Update server cannot be found. [%s]',
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS will now be updated to the <strong>version %s</strong>.', //TODO
'error' => 'The update process has encountered an error: %s', //TODO
'file_is_nok' => 'New <strong>version %s</strong> available, but check permissions on <em>%s</em> directory. HTTP server must have rights to write into', //TODO
'finished' => 'Update completed!', //TODO
'none' => 'No update to apply', //TODO
'server_not_found' => 'Update server cannot be found. [%s]', //TODO
'user' => array(
'created' => array(
'_' => 'User %s has been created',
'error' => 'User %s cannot be created',
'_' => 'User %s has been created', //TODO
'error' => 'User %s cannot be created', //TODO
'deleted' => array(
'_' => 'User %s has been deleted',
'error' => 'User %s cannot be deleted',
'_' => 'User %s has been deleted', //TODO
'error' => 'User %s cannot be deleted', //TODO
'profile' => array(
'error' => 'Your profile cannot be modified',
'updated' => 'Your profile has been modified',
'error' => 'Your profile cannot be modified', //TODO
'updated' => 'Your profile has been modified', //TODO

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'can_apply' => 'FreshRSS <strong>%s versiyonuna</strong> güncellenecek.',
'error' => 'Güncelleme işlemi sırasında hata: %s',
'file_is_nok' => '<em>%s</em> klasör yetkisini kontrol edin. HTTP yazma yetkisi olmalı',
'file_is_nok' => '<strong>%s versiyonuna</strong>. <em>%s</em> klasör yetkisini kontrol edin. HTTP yazma yetkisi olmalı',
'finished' => 'Güncelleme tamamlandı!',
'none' => 'Güncelleme yok',
'server_not_found' => 'Güncelleme sunucusu bulunamadı. [%s]',

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ sudo git checkout -b dev origin/dev
# Check out a specific version of FreshRSS
# See release names on
# You will then need to manually change version
# or checkout master or dev to get new versions
# or checkout master or dev branch to get new versions
cd /usr/share/FreshRSS
sudo git checkout 1.7.0
