A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
6.8 KiB

# Do not modify this file, which defines default values,
# but instead edit `./data/config.php` after the install process is completed,
# or edit `./data/config.custom.php` before the install process.
return array(
# Set to `development` to get additional error messages,
# or to `production` to get only the most important messages.
'environment' => 'production',
# Used to make crypto more unique. Generated during install.
'salt' => '',
# Specify address of the FreshRSS instance,
# used when building absolute URLs, e.g. for WebSub.
# Examples:
# https://example.net/FreshRSS/p/
# https://freshrss.example.net/
'base_url' => '',
# Specify address of the FreshRSS auto-update server.
'auto_update_url' => 'https://update.freshrss.org',
# Natural language of the user interface, e.g. `en`, `fr`.
'language' => 'en',
# Title of this FreshRSS instance in the Web user interface.
'title' => 'FreshRSS',
# Meta description used when `allow_robots` is true.
'meta_description' => '',
# Override logo of this FreshRSS instance in the Web user interface.
# It is rendered inside an <a>...</a> element and must be valid HTML or text.
# Example: '<img class="logo" src="https://example.net/Hello.png" alt="Logo Example" /> Hello'
'logo_html' => '',
# Name of the user that has administration rights.
'default_user' => '_',
# Force users to validate their email address. If `true`, an email with a
# validation URL is sent during registration, and users cannot access their
# feed if they didn’t access this URL.
# Note: it is recommended to not enable it with PHP < 5.5 (emails cannot be
# sent).
'force_email_validation' => false,
# Allow or not visitors without login to see the articles
# of the default user.
'allow_anonymous' => false,
# Allow or not anonymous users to start the refresh process.
'allow_anonymous_refresh' => false,
# Login method:
# `none` is without password and shows only the default user;
# `form` is a conventional Web login form;
# `http_auth` is an access controlled by the HTTP Web server (e.g. `/FreshRSS/p/i/.htaccess` for Apache)
# if you use `http_auth`, remember to protect only `/FreshRSS/p/i/`,
# and in particular not protect `/FreshRSS/p/api/` if you would like to use the API (different login system).
'auth_type' => 'form',
# When using http_auth, automatically register any unknown user
'http_auth_auto_register' => true,
# Optionally, you can specify the $_SERVER key containing the email address used when registering
# the user (e.g. REMOTE_USER_EMAIL).
'http_auth_auto_register_email_field' => '',
# Allow or not the use of the API, used for mobile apps.
# End-point is https://freshrss.example.net/api/greader.php
# You need to set the user’s API password.
'api_enabled' => false,
# Allow or not the use of an unsafe login,
# by providing username and password in the login URL:
# https://example.net/FreshRSS/p/i/?c=auth&a=login&u=alice&p=1234
'unsafe_autologin_enabled' => false,
# Enable or not the use of syslog to log the activity of
# SimplePie, which is retrieving RSS feeds via HTTP requests.
'simplepie_syslog_enabled' => true,
# Enable or not support of PubSubHubbub.
# /!\ It should NOT be enabled if base_url is not reachable by an external server.
'pubsubhubbub_enabled' => false,
# Allow or not Web robots (e.g. search engines) in HTML headers.
'allow_robots' => false,
# If true does nothing, if false restricts HTTP Referer via: meta referrer origin
'allow_referrer' => false,
'limits' => array(
# Duration in seconds of the login cookie.
'cookie_duration' => FreshRSS_Auth::DEFAULT_COOKIE_DURATION,
# Duration in seconds of the SimplePie cache,
# during which a query to the RSS feed will return the local cached version.
# Especially important for multi-user setups.
'cache_duration' => 800,
# SimplePie HTTP request timeout in seconds.
'timeout' => 15,
# If a user has not used FreshRSS for more than x seconds,
# then its feeds are not refreshed anymore.
'max_inactivity' => PHP_INT_MAX,
# Max number of feeds for a user.
'max_feeds' => 131072,
# Max number of categories for a user.
'max_categories' => 16384,
# Max number of accounts that anonymous users can create (only for Web form login type)
# 0 for an unlimited number of accounts
# 1 is to not allow user registrations (1 is corresponding to the admin account)
'max_registrations' => 1,
# Options used by cURL when making HTTP requests, e.g. when the SimplePie library retrieves feeds.
# https://php.net/manual/function.curl-setopt
'curl_options' => array(
# Options to disable SSL/TLS certificate check (e.g. for self-signed HTTPS)
# Options to use a proxy for retrieving feeds.
//CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD => 'user:password',
'db' => [
# Type of database: `sqlite` or `mysql` or 'pgsql'
'type' => 'sqlite',
# Database server
'host' => 'localhost',
# Database user
'user' => '',
# Database password
'password' => '',
# Database name
'base' => '',
# Tables prefix (useful if you use the same database for multiple things)
'prefix' => 'freshrss_',
# Additional connection string parameters, such as PostgreSQL 'sslmode=??;sslrootcert=??'
# https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS
'connection_uri_params' => '',
# Additional PDO parameters, such as offered by MySQL https://php.net/ref.pdo-mysql
'pdo_options' => [
//PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY => '/path/to/client-key.pem',
//PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT => '/path/to/client-cert.pem',
//PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => '/path/to/ca-cert.pem',
# Configuration to send emails. Be aware that PHP < 5.5 are not supported.
# These options are basically a mapping of the PHPMailer class attributes
# from the PHPMailer library.
# See https://phpmailer.github.io/PHPMailer/classes/PHPMailer-PHPMailer-PHPMailer.html#properties
'mailer' => 'mail', // 'mail' or 'smtp'
'smtp' => array(
'hostname' => '', // the domain used in the Message-ID header
'host' => 'localhost', // the SMTP server address
'port' => 25,
'auth' => false,
'auth_type' => '', // 'CRAM-MD5', 'LOGIN', 'PLAIN', 'XOAUTH2' or ''
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'secure' => '', // '', 'ssl' or 'tls'
'from' => 'root@localhost',
# List of enabled FreshRSS extensions.
'extensions_enabled' => [
'Google-Groups' => true,
'Tumblr-GDPR' => true,
# Disable self-update,
'disable_update' => false,
# Trusted IPs that are allowed to send unsafe headers
# Please read the documentation, before configuring this
# https://freshrss.github.io/FreshRSS/en/admins/09_AccessControl.html
'trusted_sources' => [