A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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12 years ago
class entryController extends ActionController {
public function firstAction () {
if (login_is_conf ($this->view->conf) && !is_logged ()) {
Error::error (
array ('error' => array (Translate::t ('access_denied')))
$this->params = array ();
$this->redirect = false;
$ajax = Request::param ('ajax');
if ($ajax) {
$this->view->_useLayout (false);
public function lastAction () {
$ajax = Request::param ('ajax');
if (!$ajax && $this->redirect) {
Request::forward (array (
'c' => 'index',
'a' => 'index',
'params' => $this->params
), true);
} else {
Request::_param ('ajax');
12 years ago
public function readAction () {
$this->redirect = true;
12 years ago
$id = Request::param ('id');
$is_read = Request::param ('is_read');
$get = Request::param ('get');
$dateMax = Request::param ('dateMax', time ());
12 years ago
if ($is_read) {
$is_read = true;
} else {
$is_read = false;
12 years ago
$entryDAO = new EntryDAO ();
if ($id == false) {
if (!$get) {
$entryDAO->markReadEntries ($is_read, $dateMax);
} else {
$typeGet = $get[0];
$get = substr ($get, 2);
if ($typeGet == 'c') {
$entryDAO->markReadCat ($get, $is_read, $dateMax);
$this->params = array ('get' => 'c_' . $get);
} elseif ($typeGet == 'f') {
$entryDAO->markReadFeed ($get, $is_read, $dateMax);
$this->params = array ('get' => 'f_' . $get);
// notif
$notif = array (
'type' => 'good',
'content' => Translate::t ('feeds_marked_read')
Session::_param ('notification', $notif);
12 years ago
} else {
$entryDAO->updateEntry ($id, array ('is_read' => $is_read));
12 years ago
12 years ago
public function bookmarkAction () {
$this->redirect = true;
12 years ago
$id = Request::param ('id');
$is_fav = Request::param ('is_favorite');
12 years ago
if ($is_fav) {
$is_fav = true;
} else {
$is_fav = false;
12 years ago
$entryDAO = new EntryDAO ();
if ($id != false) {
$entry = $entryDAO->searchById ($id);
12 years ago
if ($entry != false) {
$values = array (
'is_favorite' => $is_fav,
'lastUpdate' => time ()
12 years ago
12 years ago
$entryDAO->updateEntry ($entry->id (), $values);
public function optimizeAction() {
// La table des entrées a tendance à grossir énormément
// Cette action permet d'optimiser cette table permettant de grapiller un peu de place
// Cette fonctionnalité n'est à appeler qu'occasionnellement
$entryDAO = new EntryDAO();
$notif = array (
'type' => 'good',
'content' => Translate::t ('optimization_complete')
Session::_param ('notification', $notif);
'c' => 'configure',
'a' => 'display'
), true);
12 years ago