A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

334 lines
14 KiB

return array(
'action' => array(
'actualize' => 'Actualize',
'back_to_rss_feeds' => '← Go back to your RSS feeds',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'disable' => 'Disable',
'empty' => 'Empty',
'enable' => 'Enable',
'export' => 'Export',
'filter' => 'Filtrer',
'import' => 'Import',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'mark_read' => 'Mark as read',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'see_website' => 'See website',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'truncate' => 'Delete all articles',
'auth' => array(
'keep_logged_in' => 'Keep me logged in <small>(1 month)</small>',
'login' => 'Login',
'login_persona' => 'Login with Persona',
'login_persona_problem' => 'Connection problem with Persona?',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'password' => 'Password',
'reset' => 'Authentication reset',
'username' => 'Username',
'username_admin' => 'Administrator username',
'will_reset' => 'Authentication system will be reset: a form will be used instead of Persona.',
'date' => array(
'Apr' => '\\A\\p\\r\\i\\l',
'Aug' => '\\A\\u\\g\\u\\s\\t',
'Dec' => '\\D\\e\\c\\e\\m\\b\\e\\r',
'Feb' => '\\F\\e\\b\\r\\u\\a\\r\\y',
'Jan' => '\\J\\a\\n\\u\\a\\r\\y',
'Jul' => '\\J\\u\\l\\y',
'Jun' => '\\J\\u\\n\\e',
'Mar' => '\\M\\a\\r\\c\\h',
'May' => '\\M\\a\\y',
'Nov' => '\\N\\o\\v\\e\\m\\b\\e\\r',
'Oct' => '\\O\\c\\t\\o\\b\\e\\r',
'Sep' => '\\S\\e\\p\\t\\e\\m\\b\\e\\r',
'apr' => 'apr',
'april' => 'Apr',
'aug' => 'aug',
'august' => 'Aug',
'before_yesterday' => 'Before yesterday',
'dec' => 'dec',
'december' => 'Dec',
'feb' => 'feb',
'february' => 'Feb',
'format_date' => '%s j\\<\\s\\u\\p\\>S\\<\\/\\s\\u\\p\\> Y',
'format_date_hour' => '%s j\\<\\s\\u\\p\\>S\\<\\/\\s\\u\\p\\> Y \\a\\t H\\:i',
'fri' => 'Fri',
'jan' => 'jan',
'january' => 'Jan',
'jul' => 'jul',
'july' => 'Jul',
'jun' => 'jun',
'june' => 'Jun',
'last_3_month' => 'Last three months',
'last_6_month' => 'Last six months',
'last_month' => 'Last month',
'last_week' => 'Last week',
'last_year' => 'Last year',
'mar' => 'mar',
'march' => 'Mar',
'may' => 'May',
'mon' => 'Mon',
'nov' => 'nov',
'november' => 'Nov',
'oct' => 'oct',
'october' => 'Oct',
'sat' => 'Sat',
'sep' => 'sep',
'september' => 'Sep',
'sun' => 'Sun',
'thu' => 'Thu',
'today' => 'Today',
'tue' => 'Tue',
'wed' => 'Wed',
'yesterday' => 'Yesterday',
'freshrss' => array(
'_' => 'FreshRSS',
'about' => 'About FreshRSS',
'js' => array(
'category_empty' => 'Empty category',
'confirm_action' => 'Are you sure you want to perform this action? It cannot be cancelled!',
'confirm_action_feed_cat' => 'Are you sure you want to perform this action? You will lose related favorites and user queries. It cannot be cancelled!',
'new_article' => 'There are new available articles, click to refresh the page.',
'notif_body_new_articles' => 'There are \\d new articles to read on FreshRSS.',
'notif_title_new_articles' => 'FreshRSS: new articles!',
'should_be_activated' => 'JavaScript must be enabled',
'menu' => array(
'about' => 'About',
'admin' => 'Administration',
'archiving' => 'Archiving',
'authentication' => 'Authentication',
'check_install' => 'Installation checking',
'configuration' => 'Configuration',
'display' => 'Display',
'logs' => 'Logs',
'queries' => 'User queries',
'reading' => 'Reading',
'search' => 'Search words or #tags',
'sharing' => 'Sharing',
'shortcuts' => 'Shortcuts',
'stats' => 'Statistics',
'update' => 'Update',
'user_management' => 'Manage users',
'user_profile' => 'Profile',
'pagination' => array(
'first' => 'First',
'last' => 'Last',
'load_more' => 'Load more articles',
'mark_all_read' => 'Mark all as read',
'next' => 'Next',
'nothing_to_load' => 'There are no more articles',
'previous' => 'Previous',
'short' => array(
'attention' => 'Attention!',
'blank_to_disable' => 'Leave blank to disable',
'by_default' => 'By default',
'damn' => 'Damn!',
'no' => 'No',
'ok' => 'Ok!',
'oops' => 'Oops!',
'or' => 'or',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'activate_sharing' => 'Activate sharing',
'after_onread' => 'After “mark all as read”,',
'archiving_configuration_help' => 'More options are available in the individual stream settings',
'article' => 'Article',
'article_icons' => 'Article icons',
'article_open_on_website' => 'when article is opened on its original website',
'article_published_on' => 'This article originally appeared on <a href="%s">%s</a>',
'article_published_on_author' => 'This article originally appeared on <a href="%s">%s</a> by %s',
'article_viewed' => 'when article is viewed',
'articles' => 'articles',
'articles_per_page' => 'Number of articles per page',
'articles_to_display' => 'Articles to display',
'author' => 'Author',
'auto_load_more' => 'Load next articles at the page bottom',
'auto_read_when' => 'Mark article as read…',
10 years ago
'auto_remove_article' => 'Hide articles after reading',
'auto_share' => 'Share',
'auto_share_help' => 'If there is only one sharing mode, it is used. Else modes are accessible by their number.',
'bad_opml_file' => 'Your OPML file is invalid',
'base_url' => 'Base URL',
'bdd' => 'Database',
'bdd_conf_is_ko' => 'Verify your database information.',
'bdd_conf_is_ok' => 'Database configuration has been saved.',
'bdd_configuration' => 'Database configuration',
'bdd_type' => 'Type of database',
'bottom_line' => 'Bottom line',
'by' => 'by',
'by_email' => 'By email',
'by_feed' => 'by feed',
'cache_is_ok' => 'Permissions on cache directory are good',
'can_not_be_deleted' => 'Cannot be deleted',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'categories_management' => 'Categories management',
'categories_updated' => 'Categories have been updated',
'categorize' => 'Store in a category',
'category_number' => 'Category n°%d',
'change_value' => 'You should change this value by any other',
'checks' => 'Checks',
'choose_language' => 'Choose a language for FreshRSS',
'collapse_article' => 'Collapse',
'congratulations' => 'Congratulations!',
'content_width' => 'Content width',
'create' => 'Create',
'create_user' => 'Create new user',
'ctype_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library for character type checking (php-ctype)',
'ctype_is_ok' => 'You have the required library for character type checking (ctype)',
'curl_is_nok' => 'You lack cURL (php5-curl package)',
'curl_is_ok' => 'You have version %s of cURL',
'current_user' => 'Current user',
'data_is_ok' => 'Permissions on data directory are good',
'default_category' => 'Uncategorized',
'default_user' => 'Username of the default user <small>(maximum 16 alphanumeric characters)</small>',
'default_view' => 'Default view',
'delete_articles_every' => 'Remove articles after',
'display_articles_unfolded' => 'Show articles unfolded by default',
'display_categories_unfolded' => 'Show categories folded by default',
'display_configuration' => 'Display',
'do_not_change_if_doubt' => 'Don’t change if you doubt about it',
'dom_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library to browse the DOM (php-xml package)',
'dom_is_ok' => 'You have the required library to browse the DOM',
'favicons_is_ok' => 'Permissions on favicons directory are good',
'feed' => 'Feed',
'feeds' => 'Feeds',
'finish_installation' => 'Complete installation',
'first_article' => 'Skip to the first article',
'fix_errors_before' => 'Fix errors before skip to the next step.',
'focus_search' => 'Access search box',
'freshrss_installation' => 'Installation · FreshRSS',
'general_conf_is_ok' => 'General configuration has been saved.',
'general_configuration' => 'General configuration',
'help' => 'Display documentation',
'hide_read_feeds' => 'Hide categories & feeds with no unread article (does not work with “Show all articles” configuration)',
'host' => 'Host',
'html5_notif_timeout' => 'HTML5 notification timeout',
'http_referer_is_nok' => 'Please check that you are not altering your HTTP REFERER.',
'http_referer_is_ok' => 'Your HTTP REFERER is known and corresponds to your server.',
'img_with_lazyload' => 'Use "lazy load" mode to load pictures',
'install_not_deleted' => 'Something went wrong; you must delete the file <em>%s</em> manually.',
'installation_is_ok' => 'The installation process was successful.<br />The final step will now attempt to delete any file and database backup created during the update process.<br />You may choose to skip this step by deleting <kbd>./data/do-install.txt</kbd> manually.',
'installation_step' => 'Installation — step %d · FreshRSS',
'is_admin' => 'is administrator',
'javascript_for_shortcuts' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order to use shortcuts',
'javascript_is_better' => 'FreshRSS is more pleasant with JavaScript enabled',
'jump_next' => 'jump to next unread sibling (feed or category)',
'language' => 'Language',
'language_defined' => 'Language has been defined.',
'last_article' => 'Skip to the last article',
'log_is_ok' => 'Permissions on logs directory are good',
'login_required' => 'Login required:',
'mark_cat_read' => 'Mark category as read',
'mark_favorite' => 'Mark as favourite',
'mark_feed_read' => 'Mark feed as read',
'minz_is_nok' => 'You lack the Minz framework. You should execute <em>build.sh</em> script or <a href="https://github.com/marienfressinaud/MINZ">download it on Github</a> and install in <em>%s</em> directory the content of its <em>/lib</em> directory.',
'minz_is_ok' => 'You have the Minz framework',
'month' => 'months',
'more_information' => 'More information',
'next_article' => 'Skip to the next article',
'next_page' => 'Skip to the next page',
'next_step' => 'Go to the next step',
'no_feed_actualized' => 'No RSS feed has been updated',
'no_query' => 'You haven’t created any user query yet.',
'no_query_filter' => 'No filter',
'no_rss_feed' => 'No RSS feed',
'no_selected_feed' => 'No feed selected.',
'not_read' => '%d unread',
'not_reads' => '%d unread',
'not_yet_implemented' => 'Not yet implemented',
'number_divided_when_reader' => 'Divided by 2 in the reading view.',
'number_feeds' => '%d feeds',
'optimize_bdd' => 'Optimize database',
'optimize_todo_sometimes' => 'To do occasionally to reduce the size of the database',
'password_api' => 'Password API<br /><small>(e.g., for mobile apps)</small>',
'password_form' => 'Password<br /><small>(for the Web-form login method)</small>',
'pcre_is_nok' => 'You lack a required library for regular expressions (php-pcre)',
'pcre_is_ok' => 'You have the required library for regular expressions (PCRE)',
'pdo_is_nok' => 'You lack PDO or one of the supported drivers (pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite)',
'pdo_is_ok' => 'You have PDO and at least one of the supported drivers (pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite)',
'persona_connection_email' => 'Login mail address<br /><small>(for <a href="https://persona.org/" rel="external">Mozilla Persona</a>)</small>',
'persona_is_ok' => 'Permissions on Mozilla Persona directory are good',
'php_is_nok' => 'Your PHP version is %s but FreshRSS requires at least version %s',
'php_is_ok' => 'Your PHP version is %s, which is compatible with FreshRSS',
'prefix' => 'Table prefix',
'previous_article' => 'Skip to the previous article',
'previous_page' => 'Skip to the previous page',
'public' => 'Public',
'publication_date' => 'Date of publication',
'purge_now' => 'Purge now',
'query_deprecated' => 'This query is no longer valid. The referenced category or feed has been deleted.',
'query_filter' => 'Filter applied:',
'query_get_all' => 'Display all articles',
'query_get_category' => 'Display "%s" category',
'query_get_favorite' => 'Display favorite articles',
'query_get_feed' => 'Display "%s" feed',
'query_order_asc' => 'Display oldest articles first',
'query_order_desc' => 'Display newest articles first',
'query_search' => 'Search for "%s"',
'query_state_0' => 'Display all articles',
'query_state_1' => 'Display read articles',
'query_state_2' => 'Display unread articles',
'query_state_3' => 'Display all articles',
'query_state_4' => 'Display favorite articles',
'query_state_5' => 'Display read favorite articles',
'query_state_6' => 'Display unread favorite articles',
'query_state_7' => 'Display favorite articles',
'query_state_8' => 'Display not favorite articles',
'query_state_9' => 'Display read not favorite articles',
'query_state_10' => 'Display unread not favorite articles',
'query_state_11' => 'Display not favorite articles',
'query_state_12' => 'Display all articles',
'query_state_13' => 'Display read articles',
'query_state_14' => 'Display unread articles',
'query_state_15' => 'Display all articles',
'random_string' => 'Random string',
'reading_confirm' => 'Display a confirmation dialog on “mark all as read” actions',
'scroll' => 'while scrolling',
'seconds_(0_means_no_timeout)' => 'seconds (0 means no timeout)',
'see_on_website' => 'See on original website',
'share_name' => 'Share name to display',
'share_url' => 'Share URL to use',
'sharing_management' => 'Sharing options management',
'shift_for_all_read' => '+ <code>shift</code> to mark all articles as read',
'shortcuts_article_action' => 'Article actions',
'shortcuts_navigation' => 'Navigation',
'shortcuts_navigation_help' => 'With the "Shift" modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on feeds.<br/>With the "Alt" modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on categories.',
'shortcuts_other_action' => 'Other actions',
'show_adaptive' => 'Adjust showing',
'show_all_articles' => 'Show all articles',
'sort_order' => 'Sort order',
'steps' => 'Steps',
'sticky_post' => 'Stick the article to the top when opened',
'theme' => 'Theme',
'this_is_the_end' => 'This is the end',
'top_line' => 'Top line',
'update_apply' => 'Apply',
'update_check' => 'Check for new updates',
'update_end' => 'Update process is completed, now you can go to the final step.',
'update_last' => 'Last verification: %s',
'update_long' => 'This can take a long time, depending on the size of your database. You may have to wait for this page to time out (~5 minutes) and then refresh this page.',
'update_start' => 'Start update process',
'updated' => 'Modifications have been updated',
'upon_reception' => 'upon reception of the article',
'user_filter' => 'Access user filters',
'user_filter_help' => 'If there is only one user filter, it is used. Else filters are accessible by their number.',
'users' => 'Users',
'users_list' => 'List of users',
'version_update' => 'Update',
'width_large' => 'Large',
'width_medium' => 'Medium',
'width_no_limit' => 'No limit',
'width_thin' => 'Thin',
'your_diaspora_pod' => 'Your Diaspora* pod',
'your_shaarli' => 'Your Shaarli',
'your_wallabag' => 'Your wallabag',