A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

327 lines
8.5 KiB

class FreshRSS_Feed extends Minz_Model {
private $id = 0;
private $url;
private $category = 1;
private $nbEntries = -1;
private $nbNotRead = -1;
private $entries = null;
private $name = '';
private $website = '';
private $description = '';
private $lastUpdate = 0;
private $priority = 10;
private $pathEntries = '';
private $httpAuth = '';
private $error = false;
private $keep_history = -2;
private $hash = null;
public function __construct ($url, $validate=true) {
if ($validate) {
$this->_url ($url);
} else {
$this->url = $url;
public function id () {
return $this->id;
public function hash() {
if ($this->hash === null) {
$this->hash = hash('crc32b', Minz_Configuration::salt() . $this->url);
return $this->hash;
public function url () {
return $this->url;
public function category () {
return $this->category;
public function entries () {
if (!is_null ($this->entries)) {
return $this->entries;
} else {
return array ();
public function name () {
return $this->name;
public function website () {
return $this->website;
public function description () {
return $this->description;
public function lastUpdate () {
return $this->lastUpdate;
public function priority () {
return $this->priority;
public function pathEntries () {
return $this->pathEntries;
public function httpAuth ($raw = true) {
if ($raw) {
return $this->httpAuth;
} else {
$pos_colon = strpos ($this->httpAuth, ':');
$user = substr ($this->httpAuth, 0, $pos_colon);
$pass = substr ($this->httpAuth, $pos_colon + 1);
return array (
'username' => $user,
'password' => $pass
public function inError () {
return $this->error;
public function keepHistory () {
return $this->keep_history;
public function nbEntries () {
if ($this->nbEntries < 0) {
$feedDAO = new FreshRSS_FeedDAO ();
$this->nbEntries = $feedDAO->countEntries ($this->id ());
return $this->nbEntries;
public function nbNotRead () {
if ($this->nbNotRead < 0) {
$feedDAO = new FreshRSS_FeedDAO ();
$this->nbNotRead = $feedDAO->countNotRead ($this->id ());
return $this->nbNotRead;
public function faviconPrepare() {
$file = DATA_PATH . '/favicons/' . $this->hash() . '.txt';
if (!file_exists ($file)) {
$t = $this->website;
if (empty($t)) {
$t = $this->url;
file_put_contents($file, $t);
public static function faviconDelete($hash) {
$path = DATA_PATH . '/favicons/' . $hash;
@unlink($path . '.ico');
@unlink($path . '.txt');
public function favicon () {
return Minz_Url::display ('/f.php/' . $this->hash());
public function _id ($value) {
$this->id = $value;
public function _url ($value, $validate=true) {
if ($validate) {
$value = checkUrl($value);
if (empty ($value)) {
throw new FreshRSS_BadUrl_Exception ($value);
$this->url = $value;
public function _category ($value) {
$value = intval($value);
$this->category = $value >= 0 ? $value : 0;
public function _name ($value) {
if (is_null ($value)) {
$value = '';
$this->name = $value;
public function _website ($value, $validate=true) {
if ($validate) {
$value = checkUrl($value);
if (empty ($value)) {
$value = '';
$this->website = $value;
public function _description ($value) {
if (is_null ($value)) {
$value = '';
$this->description = $value;
public function _lastUpdate ($value) {
$this->lastUpdate = $value;
public function _priority ($value) {
$value = intval($value);
$this->priority = $value >= 0 ? $value : 10;
public function _pathEntries ($value) {
$this->pathEntries = $value;
public function _httpAuth ($value) {
$this->httpAuth = $value;
public function _error ($value) {
$this->error = (bool)$value;
public function _keepHistory ($value) {
$value = intval($value);
$value = min($value, 1000000);
$value = max($value, -2);
$this->keep_history = $value;
public function _nbNotRead ($value) {
$this->nbNotRead = intval($value);
public function _nbEntries ($value) {
$this->nbEntries = intval($value);
public function load ($loadDetails = false) {
if (!is_null ($this->url)) {
if (CACHE_PATH === false) {
throw new Minz_FileNotExistException (
} else {
$feed = new SimplePie ();
$feed->set_useragent(Minz_Translate::t ('freshrss') . '/' . FRESHRSS_VERSION . ' (' . PHP_OS . '; ' . FRESHRSS_WEBSITE . ') ' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . '/' . SIMPLEPIE_VERSION);
$url = htmlspecialchars_decode ($this->url, ENT_QUOTES);
if ($this->httpAuth != '') {
$url = preg_replace ('#((.+)://)(.+)#', '${1}' . $this->httpAuth . '@${3}', $url);
$feed->set_feed_url ($url);
$feed->set_cache_location (CACHE_PATH);
$feed->strip_htmltags (array (
'base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed',
'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html',
'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript',
'object', 'param', 'plaintext', 'script', 'style',
$feed->strip_attributes(array_merge($feed->strip_attributes, array(
'autoplay', 'onload', 'onunload', 'onclick', 'ondblclick', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseup',
'onmouseover', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onfocus', 'onblur',
'onkeypress', 'onkeydown', 'onkeyup', 'onselect', 'onchange', 'seamless')));
'img' => array('lazyload' => ''), //http://www.w3.org/TR/resource-priorities/
'audio' => array('preload' => 'none'),
'iframe' => array('postpone' => '', 'sandbox' => 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'),
'video' => array('postpone' => '', 'preload' => 'none'),
'a' => 'href',
'area' => 'href',
'audio' => 'src',
'blockquote' => 'cite',
'del' => 'cite',
'form' => 'action',
'iframe' => 'src',
'img' => array(
'input' => 'src',
'ins' => 'cite',
'q' => 'cite',
'source' => 'src',
'track' => 'src',
'video' => array(
$feed->init ();
if ($feed->error ()) {
throw new FreshRSS_Feed_Exception ($feed->error . ' [' . $url . ']');
// si on a utilisé l'auto-discover, notre url va avoir changé
$subscribe_url = $feed->subscribe_url ();
if (!is_null ($subscribe_url) && $subscribe_url != $this->url) {
if ($this->httpAuth != '') {
// on enlève les id si authentification HTTP
$subscribe_url = preg_replace ('#((.+)://)((.+)@)(.+)#', '${1}${5}', $subscribe_url);
$this->_url ($subscribe_url);
if ($loadDetails) {
$title = htmlspecialchars(html_only_entity_decode($feed->get_title()), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$this->_name (!is_null ($title) ? $title : $this->url);
// et on charge les articles du flux
$this->loadEntries ($feed);
private function loadEntries ($feed) {
$entries = array ();
foreach ($feed->get_items () as $item) {
$title = html_only_entity_decode (strip_tags ($item->get_title ()));
$author = $item->get_author ();
$link = $item->get_permalink ();
$date = @strtotime ($item->get_date ());
// gestion des tags (catégorie == tag)
$tags_tmp = $item->get_categories ();
$tags = array ();
if (!is_null ($tags_tmp)) {
foreach ($tags_tmp as $tag) {
$tags[] = html_only_entity_decode ($tag->get_label ());
$content = html_only_entity_decode ($item->get_content ());
$elinks = array();
foreach ($item->get_enclosures() as $enclosure) {
$elink = $enclosure->get_link();
if (array_key_exists($elink, $elinks)) continue;
$elinks[$elink] = '1';
$mime = strtolower($enclosure->get_type());
if (strpos($mime, 'image/') === 0) {
$content .= '<br /><img src="' . $elink . '" alt="" />';
$entry = new FreshRSS_Entry (
$this->id (),
$item->get_id (),
!is_null ($title) ? $title : '',
!is_null ($author) ? html_only_entity_decode ($author->name) : '',
!is_null ($content) ? $content : '',
!is_null ($link) ? $link : '',
$date ? $date : time ()
$entry->_tags ($tags);
// permet de récupérer le contenu des flux tronqués
$entries[] = $entry;
$this->entries = $entries;