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* MINZ - Copyright 2011 Marien Fressinaud
* Sous licence AGPL3 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* La classe View représente la vue de l'application
class Minz_View {
const VIEWS_PATH_NAME = '/views';
const LAYOUT_PATH_NAME = '/layout';
const LAYOUT_FILENAME = '/layout.phtml';
private $view_filename = '';
private $use_layout = true;
private static $base_pathnames = array(APP_PATH);
private static $title = '';
private static $styles = array ();
private static $scripts = array ();
private static $params = array ();
* Constructeur
* Détermine si on utilise un layout ou non
public function __construct () {
$conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system');
self::$title = $conf->title;
* Change le fichier de vue en fonction d'un controller / action
public function change_view($controller_name, $action_name) {
$this->view_filename = self::VIEWS_PATH_NAME . '/'
. $controller_name . '/'
. $action_name . '.phtml';
* Add a base pathname to search views.
* New pathnames will be added at the beginning of the list.
* @param $base_pathname the new base pathname.
public static function addBasePathname($base_pathname) {
array_unshift(self::$base_pathnames, $base_pathname);
* Construit la vue
public function build () {
if ($this->use_layout) {
$this->buildLayout ();
} else {
$this->render ();
* Include a view file.
* The file is searched inside list of $base_pathnames.
* @param $filename the name of the file to include.
* @return true if the file has been included, false else.
private function includeFile($filename) {
// We search the filename in the list of base pathnames. Only the first view
// found is considered.
foreach (self::$base_pathnames as $base) {
$absolute_filename = $base . $filename;
if (file_exists($absolute_filename)) {
include $absolute_filename;
return true;
return false;
* Construit le layout
public function buildLayout () {
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
$this->includeFile(self::LAYOUT_PATH_NAME . self::LAYOUT_FILENAME);
* Affiche la Vue en elle-même
public function render () {
if (!$this->includeFile($this->view_filename)) {
Minz_Log::notice('File not found: `' . $this->view_filename . '`');
* Ajoute un élément du layout
* @param $part l'élément partial à ajouter
public function partial ($part) {
$fic_partial = self::LAYOUT_PATH_NAME . '/' . $part . '.phtml';
if (!$this->includeFile($fic_partial)) {
Minz_Log::warning('File not found: `' . $fic_partial . '`');
* Affiche un élément graphique situé dans APP./views/helpers/
* @param $helper l'élément à afficher
public function renderHelper ($helper) {
$fic_helper = '/views/helpers/' . $helper . '.phtml';
if (!$this->includeFile($fic_helper)) {
Minz_Log::warning('File not found: `' . $fic_helper . '`');
* Retourne renderHelper() dans une chaîne
* @param $helper l'élément à traîter
public function helperToString($helper) {
return ob_get_clean();
* Permet de choisir si on souhaite utiliser le layout
* @param $use true si on souhaite utiliser le layout, false sinon
public function _useLayout ($use) {
$this->use_layout = $use;
* Gestion du titre
public static function title () {
return self::$title;
public static function headTitle () {
return '<title>' . self::$title . '</title>' . "\n";
public static function _title ($title) {
self::$title = $title;
public static function prependTitle ($title) {
self::$title = $title . self::$title;
public static function appendTitle ($title) {
self::$title = self::$title . $title;
* Gestion des feuilles de style
public static function headStyle () {
$styles = '';
foreach(self::$styles as $style) {
$cond = $style['cond'];
if ($cond) {
$styles .= '<!--[if ' . $cond . ']>';
$styles .= '<link rel="stylesheet" ' .
($style['media'] === 'all' ? '' : 'media="' . $style['media'] . '" ') .
'href="' . $style['url'] . '" />';
if ($cond) {
$styles .= '<![endif]-->';
$styles .= "\n";
return $styles;
public static function prependStyle ($url, $media = 'all', $cond = false) {
array_unshift (self::$styles, array (
'url' => $url,
'media' => $media,
'cond' => $cond
public static function appendStyle ($url, $media = 'all', $cond = false) {
self::$styles[] = array (
'url' => $url,
'media' => $media,
'cond' => $cond
* Gestion des scripts JS
public static function headScript () {
$scripts = '';
foreach (self::$scripts as $script) {
$cond = $script['cond'];
if ($cond) {
$scripts .= '<!--[if ' . $cond . ']>';
$scripts .= '<script src="' . $script['url'] . '"';
if ($script['defer']) {
$scripts .= ' defer="defer"';
if ($script['async']) {
$scripts .= ' async="async"';
$scripts .= '></script>';
if ($cond) {
$scripts .= '<![endif]-->';
$scripts .= "\n";
return $scripts;
public static function prependScript ($url, $cond = false, $defer = true, $async = true) {
array_unshift(self::$scripts, array (
'url' => $url,
'cond' => $cond,
'defer' => $defer,
'async' => $async,
public static function appendScript ($url, $cond = false, $defer = true, $async = true) {
self::$scripts[] = array (
'url' => $url,
'cond' => $cond,
'defer' => $defer,
'async' => $async,
* Gestion des paramètres ajoutés à la vue
public static function _param ($key, $value) {
self::$params[$key] = $value;
public function attributeParams () {
foreach (Minz_View::$params as $key => $value) {
$this->$key = $value;