A free, self-hostable aggregator…
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

635 lines
15 KiB

* Fever API for FreshRSS
* Version 0.1
* Author: Kevin Papst / https://github.com/kevinpapst
* Inspired by:
* TinyTinyRSS Fever API plugin @dasmurphy
* See https://github.com/dasmurphy/tinytinyrss-fever-plugin
// ================================================================================================
require(__DIR__ . '/../../constants.php');
require(LIB_PATH . '/lib_rss.php'); //Includes class autoloader
Minz_Configuration::register('system', DATA_PATH . '/config.php', FRESHRSS_PATH . '/config.default.php');
// check if API is enabled globally
FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system');
if (!FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->api_enabled) {
Minz_Log::warning('serviceUnavailable() ' . debugInfo(), API_LOG);
header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
die('Service Unavailable!');
ini_set('session.use_cookies', '0');
// ================================================================================================
class FeverAPI_EntryDAO extends FreshRSS_EntryDAO
* @return array
public function countFever()
$values = array(
'total' => 0,
'min' => 0,
'max' => 0,
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as `total`, MIN(id) as `min`, MAX(id) as `max` FROM `' . $this->prefix . 'entry`';
$stm = $this->bd->prepare($sql);
$result = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!empty($result[0])) {
$values = $result[0];
return $values;
* @param string $prefix
* @param array $values
* @param array $bindArray
* @return string
protected function bindParamArray($prefix, $values, &$bindArray)
$str = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) {
$str .= ':' . $prefix . $i . ',';
$bindArray[$prefix . $i] = $values[$i];
return rtrim($str, ',');
* @param array $feed_ids
* @param array $entry_ids
* @param int|null $max_id
* @param int|null $since_id
* @return FreshRSS_Entry[]
public function findEntries(array $feed_ids, array $entry_ids, $max_id, $since_id)
$values = array();
$order = '';
$sql = 'SELECT id, guid, title, author, '
. ($this->isCompressed() ? 'UNCOMPRESS(content_bin) AS content' : 'content')
. ', link, date, is_read, is_favorite, id_feed, tags '
. 'FROM `' . $this->prefix . 'entry` WHERE';
if (!empty($entry_ids)) {
$bindEntryIds = $this->bindParamArray("id", $entry_ids, $values);
$sql .= " id IN($bindEntryIds)";
} else if (!empty($max_id)) {
$sql .= ' id < :id';
$values[':id'] = $max_id;
$order = ' ORDER BY id DESC';
} else {
$sql .= ' id > :id';
$values[':id'] = $since_id;
$order = ' ORDER BY id ASC';
if (!empty($feed_ids)) {
$bindFeedIds = $this->bindParamArray("feed", $feed_ids, $values);
$sql .= " AND id_feed IN($bindFeedIds)";
$sql .= $order;
$sql .= ' LIMIT 50';
$stm = $this->bd->prepare($sql);
$result = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$entries = array();
foreach ($result as $dao) {
$entries[] = self::daoToEntry($dao);
return $entries;
* Class FeverAPI
class FeverAPI
const API_LEVEL = 3;
const STATUS_OK = 1;
const STATUS_ERR = 0;
* Authenticate the user
* API Password sent from client is the result of the md5 sum of
* your FreshRSS "username:your-api-password" combination
private function authenticate()
FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf = null;
$feverKey = empty($_POST['api_key']) ? '' : substr(trim($_POST['api_key']), 0, 128);
if (ctype_xdigit($feverKey)) {
$feverKey = strtolower($feverKey);
$username = @file_get_contents(DATA_PATH . '/fever/.key-' . sha1(FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->salt) . '-' . $feverKey . '.txt', false);
if ($username != false) {
$username = trim($username);
$user_conf = get_user_configuration($username);
if ($user_conf != null && $feverKey === $user_conf->feverKey) {
FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf = $user_conf;
Minz_Session::_param('currentUser', $username);
* @return bool
public function isAuthenticatedApiUser()
if (FreshRSS_Context::$user_conf !== null) {
return true;
return false;
* @return FreshRSS_FeedDAO
protected function getDaoForFeeds()
return new FreshRSS_FeedDAO();
* @return FreshRSS_CategoryDAO
protected function getDaoForCategories()
return new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
* @return FeverAPI_EntryDAO
protected function getDaoForEntries()
return new FeverAPI_EntryDAO();
* This does all the processing, since the fever api does not have a specific variable that specifies the operation
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function process()
$response_arr = array();
if (!$this->isAuthenticatedApiUser()) {
throw new Exception('No user given or user is not allowed to access API');
if (isset($_REQUEST["groups"])) {
$response_arr["groups"] = $this->getGroups();
$response_arr["feeds_groups"] = $this->getFeedsGroup();
if (isset($_REQUEST["feeds"])) {
$response_arr["feeds"] = $this->getFeeds();
$response_arr["feeds_groups"] = $this->getFeedsGroup();
if (isset($_REQUEST["favicons"])) {
$response_arr["favicons"] = $this->getFavicons();
if (isset($_REQUEST["items"])) {
$response_arr["total_items"] = $this->getTotalItems();
$response_arr["items"] = $this->getItems();
if (isset($_REQUEST["links"])) {
$response_arr["links"] = $this->getLinks();
if (isset($_REQUEST["unread_item_ids"])) {
$response_arr["unread_item_ids"] = $this->getUnreadItemIds();
if (isset($_REQUEST["saved_item_ids"])) {
$response_arr["saved_item_ids"] = $this->getSavedItemIds();
if (isset($_REQUEST["mark"], $_REQUEST["as"], $_REQUEST["id"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["id"])) {
$method_name = "set" . ucfirst($_REQUEST["mark"]) . "As" . ucfirst($_REQUEST["as"]);
$allowedMethods = array(
'setFeedAsRead', 'setGroupAsRead', 'setItemAsRead',
'setItemAsSaved', 'setItemAsUnread', 'setItemAsUnsaved'
if (in_array($method_name, $allowedMethods)) {
$id = intval($_REQUEST["id"]);
switch (strtolower($_REQUEST["mark"])) {
case 'item':
case 'feed':
case 'group':
$before = (isset($_REQUEST["before"])) ? $_REQUEST["before"] : null;
$this->{$method_name}($id, $before);
switch ($_REQUEST["as"]) {
case "read":
case "unread":
$response_arr["unread_item_ids"] = $this->getUnreadItemIds();
case 'saved':
case 'unsaved':
$response_arr["saved_item_ids"] = $this->getSavedItemIds();
return $response_arr;
* Returns the complete JSON, with 'api_version' and status as 'auth'.
* @param int $status
* @param array $reply
* @return string
public function wrap($status, array $reply = array())
$arr = array('api_version' => self::API_LEVEL, 'auth' => $status);
if ($status === self::STATUS_OK) {
$arr['last_refreshed_on_time'] = (string) $this->lastRefreshedOnTime();
$arr = array_merge($arr, $reply);
return json_encode($arr);
* every authenticated method includes last_refreshed_on_time
* @return int
protected function lastRefreshedOnTime()
$lastUpdate = 0;
$dao = $this->getDaoForFeeds();
$entries = $dao->listFeedsOrderUpdate(-1, 1);
$feed = current($entries);
if (!empty($feed)) {
$lastUpdate = $feed->lastUpdate();
return $lastUpdate;
* @return array
protected function getFeeds()
$feeds = array();
$dao = $this->getDaoForFeeds();
$myFeeds = $dao->listFeeds();
/** @var FreshRSS_Feed $feed */
foreach ($myFeeds as $feed) {
$feeds[] = array(
"id" => $feed->id(),
"favicon_id" => $feed->id(),
"title" => $feed->name(),
"url" => $feed->url(),
"site_url" => $feed->website(),
"is_spark" => 0, // unsupported
"last_updated_on_time" => $feed->lastUpdate()
return $feeds;
* @return array
protected function getGroups()
$groups = array();
$dao = $this->getDaoForCategories();
$categories = $dao->listCategories(false, false);
/** @var FreshRSS_Category $category */
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$groups[] = array(
'id' => $category->id(),
'title' => $category->name()
return $groups;
* @return array
protected function getFavicons()
$favicons = array();
$dao = $this->getDaoForFeeds();
$myFeeds = $dao->listFeeds();
$salt = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->salt;
/** @var FreshRSS_Feed $feed */
foreach ($myFeeds as $feed) {
$id = hash('crc32b', $salt . $feed->url());
$filename = DATA_PATH . '/favicons/' . $id . '.ico';
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
$favicons[] = array(
"id" => $feed->id(),
"data" => image_type_to_mime_type(exif_imagetype($filename)) . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename))
return $favicons;
* @return int
protected function getTotalItems()
$total_items = 0;
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$result = $dao->countFever();
if (!empty($result)) {
$total_items = $result['total'];
return $total_items;
* @return array
protected function getFeedsGroup()
$groups = array();
$ids = array();
$dao = $this->getDaoForFeeds();
$myFeeds = $dao->listFeeds();
/** @var FreshRSS_Feed $feed */
foreach ($myFeeds as $feed) {
$ids[$feed->category()][] = $feed->id();
foreach($ids as $category => $feedIds) {
$groups[] = array(
'group_id' => $category,
'feed_ids' => implode(',', $feedIds)
return $groups;
* AFAIK there is no 'hot links' alternative in FreshRSS
* @return array
protected function getLinks()
return array();
* @param array $ids
* @return string
protected function entriesToIdList($ids = array())
return implode(',', array_values($ids));
* @return string
protected function getUnreadItemIds()
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$entries = $dao->listIdsWhere('a', '', FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_NOT_READ, 'ASC', 0);
return $this->entriesToIdList($entries);
* @return string
protected function getSavedItemIds()
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$entries = $dao->listIdsWhere('a', '', FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_FAVORITE, 'ASC', 0);
return $this->entriesToIdList($entries);
protected function setItemAsRead($id)
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$dao->markRead($id, true);
protected function setItemAsUnread($id)
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$dao->markRead($id, false);
protected function setItemAsSaved($id)
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$dao->markFavorite($id, true);
protected function setItemAsUnsaved($id)
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$dao->markFavorite($id, false);
* @return array
protected function getItems()
$feed_ids = array();
$entry_ids = array();
$max_id = null;
$since_id = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST["feed_ids"]) || isset($_REQUEST["group_ids"])) {
if (isset($_REQUEST["feed_ids"])) {
$feed_ids = explode(",", $_REQUEST["feed_ids"]);
$dao = $this->getDaoForCategories();
if (isset($_REQUEST["group_ids"])) {
$group_ids = explode(",", $_REQUEST["group_ids"]);
foreach ($group_ids as $id) {
/** @var FreshRSS_Category $category */
$category = $dao->searchById($id);
/** @var FreshRSS_Feed $feed */
foreach ($category->feeds() as $feed) {
$feeds[] = $feed->id();
$feed_ids = array_unique($feeds);
if (isset($_REQUEST["max_id"])) {
// use the max_id argument to request the previous $item_limit items
if (is_numeric($_REQUEST["max_id"])) {
$max = ($_REQUEST["max_id"] > 0) ? intval($_REQUEST["max_id"]) : 0;
if ($max) {
$max_id = $max;
} else if (isset($_REQUEST["with_ids"])) {
$entry_ids = explode(",", $_REQUEST["with_ids"]);
} else {
// use the since_id argument to request the next $item_limit items
$since_id = isset($_REQUEST["since_id"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["since_id"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["since_id"]) : 0;
$items = array();
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
$entries = $dao->findEntries($feed_ids, $entry_ids, $max_id, $since_id);
// Load list of extensions and enable the "system" ones.
foreach($entries as $item) {
/** @var FreshRSS_Entry $entry */
$entry = Minz_ExtensionManager::callHook('entry_before_display', $item);
if (is_null($entry)) {
$items[] = array(
"id" => $entry->id(),
"feed_id" => $entry->feed(false),
"title" => $entry->title(),
"author" => $entry->author(),
"html" => $entry->content(),
"url" => $entry->link(),
"is_saved" => $entry->isFavorite() ? 1 : 0,
"is_read" => $entry->isRead() ? 1 : 0,
"created_on_time" => $entry->date(true)
return $items;
* TODO replace by a dynamic fetch for id <= $before timestamp
* @param int $beforeTimestamp
* @return int
protected function convertBeforeToId($beforeTimestamp)
// if before is zero, set it to now so feeds all items are read from before this point in time
if ($beforeTimestamp == 0) {
$before = time();
$before = PHP_INT_MAX;
return $before;
protected function setFeedAsRead($id, $before)
$before = $this->convertBeforeToId($before);
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
return $dao->markReadFeed($id, $before);
protected function setGroupAsRead($id, $before)
$dao = $this->getDaoForEntries();
// special case to mark all items as read
if ($id === 0) {
$result = $dao->countFever();
if (!empty($result)) {
return $dao->markReadEntries($result['max']);
$before = $this->convertBeforeToId($before);
return $dao->markReadCat($id, $before);
// ================================================================================================
// refresh is not allowed yet, probably we find a way to support it later
if (isset($_REQUEST["refresh"])) {
Minz_Log::warning('Refresh items for fever API - notImplemented()', API_LOG);
header('HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented');
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
die('Not Implemented!');
// Start the Fever API handling
$handler = new FeverAPI();
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
if (!$handler->isAuthenticatedApiUser()) {
echo $handler->wrap(FeverAPI::STATUS_ERR, array());
} else {
echo $handler->wrap(FeverAPI::STATUS_OK, $handler->process());